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Participatory Rural Appraisal, PRA, had been widely used in the western tourism research studies as an useful qualitative research and engineering tool in gathering qualitative information. This research had been carried out in a rural, exotic Iban village (the indigenous people of Borneo) named Nanga Sumpa, whom involved in the longhouse tourism. The researcher applied several PRA research tools in gathering opinions from Iban communities regarding authenticity and preservation of their culture for tourism purpose. The PRA tools appeared to be a very functional, easy-to-understand and easy-to-use engineering research tool, for both the researcher as well as the rural community, in gathering descriptive feedback and information.
Personal, societal, and ecological values of …, 1998
Participatory Rural Appraisal was used to assess the Kamaracoto's perceptions of the impacts of tourism in the Valley of Kamarata located within Canaima National Park in Venezuela. Participatory Rural Appraisal proved to be effective in identifying social, cultural, and subsistence values attributed to environmental elements (shifting cultivation, tepuyes, animals, waterfalls, savannas, minerals) and economic activities (such as farming, tourism, and mining). Similarly, sources of important environmental changes that the community has experienced were determined (for example, decrease of animal species diversity and population, decrease in forest resources for building traditional houses and dugout boats, increase in tourist visitation, and increase in youngsters favoring work in tourism over shifting cultivation). The causes of such change and how they affect or will affect the community's sustainability were also determined. The process proved to be valuable for the community in terms of planning community action and proposing regulations seeking to mitigate impacts of nontraditional uses of the Park's resources, such as tourism. In addition, the process was effective in identifying community partnership needs with outside groups (such as, nongovernment organizations and universities) to solve local environmental problems and issues related to tourism and the park.
As tourism emerges as an alternative tool for rural development studies, research and investigation on related areas are given prominent attention. Although the quantitative approach is widely used in contemporary scientific research, a majority of rural tourism development studies have adopted a qualitative case study approach. Here, the question is; why these researchers adopt and recommend qualitative case study approach as the strategy to research on respective phenomenon? The prime objective of this paper is to elucidate the researchers' reasoning for emphasizing the qualitative case study approach rather than the quantitative one. This paper adopts the critical review method to study research done in tourism development in rural areas. Reliability and validity of data gathered are internally and externally tested. The empirical findings are collectively generalized. Analysis and synthesis of the methodological applications in reviewed research studies enabled this paper to derive a number of interpretations. First, remoteness, isolation, less population, poor political, economic and educational strengths, and cultural diversity of rural areas often infringe post-positivistic research or survey. Second, tourism development in rural areas embraces archaeological, historical, anthropological, ethnographical, socio-cultural and environmental values, which are not easily quantifiable. Third, qualitative approach necessitates an inductive and naturalistic ways of inquiry on such phenomenon, resulting in rich description on issues pertaining to tourism development in rural areas. Lastly, the findings attribute to these qualitative studies, are highly considered for policy making and development activities.
Akademika, 2012
Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) is an approach which encourage the community to share their opinions, ideas and experiences pertaining to the local problems, issues and needs. This approach emphasizes on local knowledge and help local community to make their own plans, analysis and appraisal. Thus, PRA is used to facilitate information sharing, analysis and action among stakeholders. The purpose of PRA is to enable the main stakeholders i.e. government, local communities, private sectors or NGOs to work together to plan appropriate and relevant programs for the community. In Indonesia, the Center for Social Empowerment, National University of Indonesia (UNAS) had been championing the use of PRA for development process. This article discusses on the use of PRA in a selected village in West Java, Indonesia. It will highlight the advantages and disadvantages of using this technique. Keywords: culture traits, ethnic studies, Likert scales, Malay values, value constructs ABSTRAK Part...
Participatory Rural Appraisal (PRA) is an approach which encourage the community to share their opinions, ideas and experiences pertaining to the local problems, issues and needs. This approach emphasizes on local knowledge and help local community to make their own plans, analysis and appraisal. Thus, PRA is used to facilitate information sharing, analysis and action among stakeholders. The purpose of PRA is to enable the main stakeholders i.e. government, local communities, private sectors or NGOs to work together to plan appropriate and relevant programs for the community. In Indonesia,
Asian journal of business research, 2023
Tourism development requires the support and involvement of stakeholders in the tourism sector. The community is one element of the stakeholders to work together with the Government and the business/private sector to synergize to implement and support tourism development. Tourism development in Tourism Villages is cross-sector for the purpose of achieving the development of tourist villages through the principles of sustainable tourism. The purpose of this research is to identify the Potential of Natural, Cultural and Craft Resources in Wanayasa Village, to know the role of assistants in Tourism Villages as well as the Implementation of Empowerment in Tourism Villages. The method used in this study uses a qualitative descriptive with field surveys on mentoring activities which are believed to be able to encourage optimal empowerment of the community, so that there is no gap of understanding between the parties providing assistance and the target beneficiaries. Empowerment is one of the strong indicators that exist in tourist villages because the concept of developing a tourist village is based on community empowerment (Community Base Tourism) where the community has an important role in developing a tourist village with a tagline from the community, by the community and for the community.
E3S Web of Conferences
Thekelan Village, Kopeng District has a special potency of ecotourism. Thekelan Village is located at an altitude of + 2000 masl with magnificent scenery and surrounded by protected forest areas. The social characteristics of the community are homogeneous, distinctive, and strong highland culture. Thekelan Village has annually received visits from universities and schools for both comparative study and live-in programs. However, the sustainability of the tourism needed to be evaluated since the community has not participated much in the tourism activity (just lodging and communication). Indicators were established to evaluate the sustainability of existing tourism in Thekelan Village. Moreover, a survey, in-depth interview, and focus group discussion have been conducted to the community to assess the readiness to develop sustainable ecotourism. The results showed that the existing tourism has failed to be sustainable. Nevertheless, the community are ready to implement a new program ...
Local Wisdom : Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Kearifan Lokal, 2021
Ranu Pane Village is an enclave village located in the Bromo Tengger Semeru National Park area. This village still maintains the traditional Tengger culture which has natural potential in the form of Lake Ranu Pane and Lake Ranu Regulo. Located in a national strategic area of 10 priority tourist destinations, Ranu Pane village is directed to become a tourist village. Tourism development in the perspective of local independence is the embodiment of a community order that is carried out independently. Community participation is very decisive in the development of tourist villages, so as not to be separated from the cultural values of the local community and the decline in environmental quality, so that tourism management will be able to create a prosperous society together with nature conservation. This research is a qualitative descriptive study with direct observation techniques and library data collection. The purpose of this study was to determine the participation of the Ranu Pan...
This study attempts to examine the way in which rural tourism is developed by using the Appreciative Inquiry (AI) approach as a research tool. AI is an increasingly important area as it was able to offer a positive and strength-based approach to the rural community development. It can be seen as an alternative tourism research tool for community development as far as rural tourism is concerned. The qualitative research approach was applied by conducting focus group discussions with the local communities and youth groups at Sungai Sedim Nature Forest (SSNF) in Kedah, Malaysia. SSNF was chosen as the research setting due to its characteristics and future contributions to a host of residents. From the discussion, natural resources, eco-tourism products, Tree Top Walk and historical assets have been identified as the significant strengths at SSNF. Also, the respondents believe that with the development of these products, it will enhance the image and branding of the SSNF as the best eco...
Fiona N'Drower developed an Indigenous research methodology for Papua New Guinea (PNG) and used it to analyse community based tourism developments in rural PNG. Fiona found that village communities are capable of developing their own successful tourism initiatives. The results will be used to support sustainable community based tourism development.
Asian Journal of Social and Humanities, 2024
This research aims to analyze the existing conditions of regenerative tourism development, the level of local community participation and propose an empowerment model in the development of regenerative tourism. Qualitative research with a verification approach is used to analyze research problems. Data is collected through observation, interviews, documentation and literature studies related to the subject being researched. The data analysis technique used is qualitative thematic. The informants involved in this research were local communities, regional government, non-governmental organizations, academics and tourists. The findings of this research are the existence of regenerative tourism practices by local communities and tourists. Local communities have positive attitudes and also tourists' perceptions of regenerative tourism practices. However, tourists want improvements in several other aspects. The level of local community participation in regenerative tourism entrepreneurship was found to be still minimal. This is due to human resources, economic capital and partnerships to manage a regenerative tourism business. The implication of this research is to create opportunities to optimize empowerment efforts to suit the needs and potential of local communities.
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South Asian Journal of Social Studies and Economics, 2020
Journal of local government issues, 2022
Jurnal Kawistara, 2021
Sustainibility, 2021
The importance of participatory tourism planning and management as a means to avoid negative socio-territorial impacts on indigenous peoples (Atena Editora), 2025
Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research, 2016
GeoJournal of Tourism and Geosites
Journal of Business on Hospitality and Tourism, 2017
Journal of physics, 2018
ASEAN Journal on Hospitality and Tourism
Journal of Business on Hospitality and Tourism