Metafísica prática em Schopenhauer

2017, Tese

This work approaches and defends the conception of "practical metaphysics", as a correlative of the "theoretical metaphysics" of Arthur Schopenhauer. This work develops and defends the conception of "practical metaphysics", as a correlative of the theoretical metaphysics of Arthur Schopenhauer. The thesis of practical metaphysics is only suggested by Schopenhauer in his thinking on magic as an empirical and experimental metaphysics of philosophy that is developed in The world as will and as representation. Given its quite distinct character, in the corpus of Schopenhauer's philosophy, practical metaphysics emerges as an important path for the factual understanding of philosophical knowledge, as a "real test" of philosophy. By presenting a connection in effectiveness that escapes the domain of the principle of reason, the phenomena of practical metaphysics are investigated from the concept of "sympathy." Sympathy, which functions as an empirical concept of metaphysics, brings together "compassion," "sexual love," and "magic," and is defined as the empirical irruption of metaphysical identity, that is, irruption of the will as a thing in itself, to the plurality of apparent manifestations. Thus, compassion is sympathy in justice and, to a greater degree, in charity; sexual love is in the sexual act and passionate love; and magic in sympathetic healing and animal magnetism.