
A naturally fragile ecosystem amplified by the advancement of barkhane dunes characterizes the field of this study. This is an alarming situation because it accentuates the poor socio-economic and environmental and vulnerability of the South Tanandava area (27/30 Fokontany of dune advancement). There is a concern about the future of the lower Mandrare area because the advancement of the barkhane dunes continues to expand. This implies that an immensity of the area is almost sterile. For the next few decades, there will be no coastal areas of the South if there is no political will or awareness of all. These situations degrade the area resulting in rural exodus (30%) migration (15%) transhumance of livestock (50%) and insecurity (80-90%) due to drought. It is true that the use of projects in the South has saved the inhabitants of the area. But this does not make it possible to fully recover arable land. Even though the Antandroy people are laborious they have no attempt to fix the dunes because of the policy of dependency. They think that the work of fixing the dunes does not belong to them it is the duty of the State. This develops the rate of increase of current barkhane dunes in the Lower Mandrare.