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2013, Forum Historiae
13 pages
1 file
Pokud se chceme zabývat životem společnosti v období státního socialismu, jedním z vhodných, ač příliš nevyužívaných pramenů je populární kultura. Ta v pojetí původně anglosaských kulturních studií (cultural studies) představuje podstatnou oblast, ve které dochází k vyjednávání či ustanovování hegemonie, tedy jistého společenského konsenzu mezi vládnoucí skupinou a podřízenými vrstvami obyvatelstva. Koncepty popisující roli populární kultury ve společnosti byly ovšem vytvořeny původně pro západní, pluralitně organizované společnosti, a proto se ve svém příspěvku zabývám otázkou, zda a jakým způsobem je lze využít pro země, jimž dominoval státní socialismus. Jako modelovým příklad jsem zvolil československou normalizační společnost a tehdejší televizní seriály.
The author of this article analyses local referendums in the Czech Republic from the perspective of Jeffrey C. Alexander’s cultural sociology. Local referendums are usually seen as part of decision-making processes within the political sphere and investigated using the tools of political sociology. The concept of Alexander’s relatively autonomous civil sphere and his theoretical project of cultural sociology offer an explanatory framework relating this type of decision-making practice with the symbolic code of civil society. The cultural structure of civil society is manifested in two levels of discourse – in negotiations on specific issues within local referendum campaigns and in public debate about the legitimacy of referendums as instruments of direct democracy. The author briefly summarizes key findings on past local referendums and shows the relevance of cultural sociology at both of levels of discourse. The author uses Alexander’s original codes based on his analysis of discou...
Svět literatury, 2020
The article deals with the current state of narrative and narrativity in the situation of new media. After a short reflection on the transmediality of contemporary narrative (through the concept of media object of Axel Bruns) we comment on the changes of viewership in the "Netflix Era", and the situation of participatory media. The core of the article describes a wiki website TVTropes and its concept of "trope". In the TVTropes environment, unaffected by academic literary theory (as far as it seems from the stated sources), a "trope" stands for a frequently recognized part of a story, and not a figure of speech, and thus is much closer to the object of E. R. Curtius "topology". In the end, we reflect on the possible consequences or benefits of the conceptual shift described. KLÍČOVÁ SLOVA: Narativ-narativita-tropus-topologie-popkultura-participativní média-Ernst Robert Curtius-Axel Bruns Narrative-narrativity-trope-topology-popculture-participative media-Ernst Robert Curtius-Axel Bruns
Tento přispěvek je připadovou studii vývoje politicke reprezentace v prvnich desetiletich komunistickeho režimu v severomoravske obci Bludov. Necini si generalizujici ambice – chce na konkretnim připadu analyzovat personalni aspekt nejnižsi urovně vladnuti. Hlavni otazkou přitom je, do jake miry stala mistni politicka reprezentace po roce 1948 na nových lidech, do jake miry vychazela z prvorepublikových kadrových zakladů Komunisticke strany Ceskoslovenska ci zda cerpala z politiků, kteři měli předkomunistickou politickou zkusenost. Zajimat nas bude i socialni profil vladnoucich.
Studia Territorialia, 2014
In this introductory contribution, the authors explain the central questions and themes which are raised in the papers contained in this special issue. The papers were presented at a conference of the German-Czech and German-Slovak Commission of Historians. Their starting point is the observation that modern mass media, while trans-national in effect, always remain linked to a national context due to language and traditions. With this as a backdrop, individual case histories exemplify the development of the mass media since the beginning of the nineteenth century. The focus is on the political potential of the media on one hand, with their importance for the fundamental politicization of European societies during the nineteenth century being assessed as well as their being exploited by the dictatorships of the twentieth century. On the other hand, aspects characterizing the development of intersocietal relations are examined, such as how the media shaped perceptions which Czechs, Germans, and Slovaks harbored of each other. Finally, the authors highlight the deficit of the research situation with a special view to the particularities applying to East Central Europe where, during the last two decades, not only a rapid development of the mass media themselves has taken place, but media sciences have been recreated to a considerable degree.
The manifestations of the public social conformity have caught the interest of authors, especially in recent decades. In past events they are searching for the answer to the question, why does the public, in its majority, adjust to changing political measures, why is it conformal. To get an answer it is required to analyze events, which lead to the adaptation of new conditions, not neccesarily only political ones. The conformity can be characterised both in its narrower and broader concept. In the narrower sense, it is the adjustment of thoughts and opinions, and in the broader sense it´s the adaptation of values and attitudes. Social mechanisms, institutions, community and the social group to which an individual belongs, support the conformity. It is shaped by circumstances of individual’s livelihood, by the conflict of social roles and the influence of the communication. The fundamentals and principles upheld by the prevailing social mechanisms, are aided by the “pressure” of the ...
This study is concerned with dominant political discourse in the Czech Republic. This discourse is structured by the circulation of theories/discourses of multiculturalism, nationalism and social exclusion (or “social non-adaptability”). The political parties analyzed are the ODS, ČSSD, KDU-ČSL, KSČM, SZ, TOP 09, VV, Severočeš, and DSSS. The author constructs equations (in the manner of G. Baumann) of particular party discourses based on a qualitative analysis of the parties’ election programmes, stenographic records of the Parliament of the Czech Republic and Dělnické listy (the main journal of the DSSS). The aims of this study are: (1) a brief introduction to the relevant theories/discourses (i.e. parts of dominant discourse), (2) a description of the social constructions of “the Others” (by means of equations) from the point of view of Czech political parties, (3) intercomparison of these constructions, and (4) a construction of the overall equation of the dominant discourse
Geografie. Sborník České geografické společnosti, 1975
Prlspevek vychazi z ukolii geografie, ze stavu vyucovani zemeplSU na skoIach a z ukolii komunisticke vychovy a vzdelavani mladeze. Soucasne ukazuje moznosti _modernizace vyucovani zemepisu se zamerenim na komunistickou vYchovu v souvislosti s problemy ochrany a tvorby socialistickeho zivotniho prostredi, predevslm _na gymnasiich, na prikladu studia mistniho skolniho regionu.
© Katedra antropologických a historických věd FF ZCU v Plzni, Sedlackova 15, 301 25 Plzeň 59 Po knihach norskeho antropologa T. H. Eriksena Antropologie multikulturnich spolecnosti (2007) a Tyranie okamžiku (2006) se ceskemu ctenaři naskýta možnost prostudovat v překladu dalsi dilo, tentokrate ucebnici, Socialni a kulturni antropologie, ktera budi pozornost již svou obalkou – zda v dobrem ci spatnem, ponecham na ctenaři. Skutecně uznale smekam před autorovým umem co do navaznosti a obsahu jednotlivých kapitol. Prvni, nikterak vsak krucialni, zadrhel ovsem spatřuji v přetlumoceni nazvu, neboť převod z anglickeho Small Places, Large Issues. An Introduction to Social and Cultural Anthropology považuji (mirně řeceno) za nepřilis sťastný. Prozatim vsak dosti kritiky, neb te si ctenař recenze užije přehrsel. Co ovsem zaznit nepochybně musi, je konstatace, že obsah knihy by měl být (nejen) studenty socio/kulturni antropologie internalizovan – a to zcela, jelikož sestava z elementarnich poz...
Pedagogická Orientace, 2018
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Soudobé dějiny (Contemporary History), 2017
Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 2009
Czech Sociological Review, 2010
Sborník ČGS, 1991
Pedagogická Orientace, 2018
Acta Oeconomica Pragensia, 2005
Slavica litteraria, 2019
Politicka Ekonomie, 2008
Sociální studia / Social Studies, 2013