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Pedoman Penyusunan Dokumen 1 BAB I PENDAHULUAN A. LATAR BELAKANG Akreditasi FKTP Pedoman Penyusunan Dokumen 2 d. Tersedianya pedoman penyusunan dokumen untuk pelatihan akreditasi FKTP. C. SASARAN a. Pelatih akreditasi b. Pendamping dan surveior akreditasi FKTP c. Kepala FKTP, penanggungjawab, pelaksana dan Tim Mutu/Akreditasi FKTP d. Pemerhati akreditasi FKTP D. DASAR HUKUM 1.
Akreditasi Puskesmas ialah pengakuan yang diberikan oleh pemerintah terhadap standar pelayanan di Puskesmas. Akreditasi penting dilakukan untuk meningkatkan mutu pelayanan serta keselamatan pasien.
Standar, kriteria dan elemen penilaian dalam akredatasi puskesmas secara lengakap mulai dari manajemen, uapaya kesehatan masyarakat dan pelayanan klinis
Human Care Journal
Community Health Center (Puskesmas) must be periodically accredited at least once in three years. Accreditation status of Community Health Center (Puskesmas) can be affected by the availability and the completeness of health supply, facilities and infrastructure that support the health service itself. The purpose of this research to find out the correlation between the accreditation status of Community Health Center and the satisfaction of patients visiting Community Health Center in Banyumas Regency.The research method used this was a quantitative research that used analytical survey design with cross sectional method. implemented at 4 Community Health Centers with different accreditation The cluster sampling technique used purposive sampling while the data were collected using questionnaire, and analyzed using Chi square test. Research result There were 61 respondents at the age of 17-25, 135 respondents were female, 116 respondents were SMA/SMK/MAN graduates, and 99 respondents w...
ABSTRAKPeraturan Menteri Kesehatan No 75 Tahun 75 2015 tetang Puskesmas (pasal 39) menyebutkan bahwa puskesmas wajib diakreditasi dan dilaksanaka secara berkala paling sedikit tiga tahun sekali. Untuk itu penting memahami proses pelaksanaannya tidak hanya mengenai apa yang berhasil dan tidak berhasil, tetapi juga memahami bagaimana dan mengapa implementasi berjalan dengan benar atau salah. Penelitian ini menggunakan metode penelitian kualitatif. Informasi dikumpulkan dari 8 informan dari kedua puskesmas dengan menggunakan metode Triangulasi. Pengumpulan data dilakukan dengan mengumpulkan data sekunder yaitu dokumen-dokumen yang diperlukan dan data primer yang dilakukan dengan wawancara langsung dengan informan yaki wawancara mendalam. Hasil penelitian yang diperoleh yaitu pelaksanaan akreditasi puskesmas dikedua puskesmas dilakukan dengan beberapa tahap, dari faktor pendukung seperti persiapan dalam akreditasi puskesmas hingga peran puskesmas dalam menghadapi faktor penghambat yaitu...
Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia
Sejak diberlakukannya kebijakan Jaminan Kesehatan Nasional (JKN), seluruh puskesmas di Indonesia wajib mengikuti akreditasi. Melalui akreditasi, diharapkan kualitas pelayanan puskesmas semakin meningkat, salah satu diantaranya dapat dilihat dari peningkatan kepuasan pasien. Penelitian ini dilakukan untuk menganalisis pengaruh akreditasi terhadap kepuasan pasien. Penelitian ini merupakan penelitian observasional dengan rancang bangun cross-sectional, yang dilakukan kepada 90 pasien puskesmas yang pernah berkunjung ke puskesmas sebelum dan sesudah akreditasi. Sampel diambil secara accidental sampai memenuhi kuota yang ditetapkan untuk tiap puskesmas. Uji Paired-Sample T Test dilakukan untuk melihat signifikansi perbedaan skor kepuasan sebelum dengan sesudah akreditasi. Hasil penelitian menunjukkan terdapat perbedaan skor kepuasan yang signifkan antara sebelum dengan sesudah akreditasi untuk dimensi mutu responsiveness, credibility, competence, communication, security, access, courtesy...
Puskesmas is a health service facility that organizes public health efforts and first-level individual health efforts, with greater emphasis on promotive and preventive efforts, to achieve the highest level of public health in the working area. Puskesmas Accreditation is an acknowledgment given by an independent Accreditation provider established by the Minister after meeting Accreditation standards. The purpose of this study was to determine the relationship between Puskesmas Accreditation Status and Service Quality in Simalungun District. This type of research is analytic to determine the relationship between Puskesmas Accreditation Status and Service Quality in Simalungun District. This study uses a case control study approach (case and control), where independent variables are determined first, then the dependent variable is searched through a questionnaire that has been tested. A sample of 92 people, 46 were sampled for cases (Puskesmas Tiga Dolok) and 46 for controls (puskesma...
PREPOTIF : Jurnal Kesehatan Masyarakat
The Community Health Center is a functional organization that organizes health efforts that are comprehensive, integrated, equitable, acceptable and affordable to the community. These health efforts are carried out with an emphasis on shipping by prioritizing promotive and preventive efforts to achieve the highest public health status in the working area. To ensure the quality of health services, puskesmas are required to be accredited. In North Nias Regency, one of the UPT Puskesmas must be accredited to improve the quality of services in the community. To carry out this accreditation, puskesmas are required to make preparations before accreditation. The research carried out is a qualitative research with the aim of providing a comprehensive, broad and in-depth picture of the readiness of the Lotu Health Center UPT to Face Lotu Health Center Accreditation. The data were collected by means of in-depth interviews and also by making observations. Furthermore, the data will be analyzed...
Each every Puskesmas archipelago Sangihe need the assessment accredit as conducting public and quality institution. The reaching of accredit the A from Body Accredit the National is not easy matter in a short time. Limitation of human resource, time, fund and TIRE assessment making as consideration each every head on duty health for the repair of accreditation. System of Decision Supporter made to assist the head on duty health in menyususn of repair priority seven standard accredit pursuant to consideration of condition Puskesmas. Method of Analytic Process Represent one of method form capable to elaborate a problem to form hierarki by level. Software which is developing to use the Ianguage of pemograman QT CREATOR and its data bases use the MYSQL. Hence require to be develop builded a computerized system which can assist the team accredit from town regency and also from provinsi in determining elegibility accredit Puskesmas. By develop building system of supporter of elegibility decision accredit the Puskesmas with the method AHP can assist in decision determination in taking decision and determine precisely and competent accurate accredit and not accredit.
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Window of Public Health Journal, 2021
Media Kesehatan Masyarakat Indonesia, 2017
Jurnal Manajemen Informasi Kesehatan Indonesia, 2019
Journal of Public Health Innovation
Idea Nursing Journal, 2018