Significance of Web 2.0 in Digital Libraries



The rapid development of Information and Communication Technologies has provided a well sophisticated environment to develop the digital libraries. A digital library is a large-scale, organized collection of complex and dynamic multimedia information and knowledge, and tools and methods to enable search, manipulation and presentation of this information and knowledge via Internet. User-Centered approach for the digital libraries would increase its usage [1]. Web 2.0 technologies provide better user-centered services with rich user experience for Web applications. Hence this paper deals with the significance of Web 2.0 in building of digital libraries and presents the architecture of Web 2.0 enabled user interface system for DSpace digital repository.

Key takeaways

  • Section 2 describes Web 2.0 framework and characteristics section 3 provides significance of Web 2.0 in digital libraries Section 4 presents architecture of Web 2.0 enabled user interface system for DSpace digital repository.
  • Applying the Web 2.0 concepts to digital libraries often results in a conflict between cooperation and control [11].
  • By enabling this in digital libraries will build a network among the interested group in discussing the common interest and users can add the information to the digital library like books reviews and comments etc.
  • By enabling this feature in digital libraries, users can create and share a set of resources with other users.
  • This UI system is platform independent and easily accessible with rich user interactions on the user V. CONCLUSION Enabling Web 2.0 functionality for digital libraries would certainly evolve as more user centric with improved interactions and services.