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The rapid development of Information and Communication Technologies has provided a well sophisticated environment to develop the digital libraries. A digital library is a large-scale, organized collection of complex and dynamic multimedia information and knowledge, and tools and methods to enable search, manipulation and presentation of this information and knowledge via Internet. User-Centered approach for the digital libraries would increase its usage [1]. Web 2.0 technologies provide better user-centered services with rich user experience for Web applications. Hence this paper deals with the significance of Web 2.0 in building of digital libraries and presents the architecture of Web 2.0 enabled user interface system for DSpace digital repository.
Web 2.0 technologies encourage new means of sharing information, cooperation and communication among people. By applying Web 2.0 technologies in libraries the whole scenario of libraries has changed, they provide information accessible to the users whenever they want, and to ensure that all the obstacles in getting information are removed. Web 2.0 is a variety of technologies which present a different stage of interaction among the users and played an important role in to keep update with changing requirements of library patrons.
Handbook of Research on Digital Devices for Inclusivity and Engagement in Libraries, 2020
This chapter is on relevance of Web 2.0 for library services in digital era. Web 2.0 tools play crucial role in effective service delivery of librarians. The study covers awareness, utilization, benefits, and challenges that affect the use of Web 2.0 by librarians for effective service delivery. The concepts generally implied that Web 2.0 can be used by librarians as information acquisition tools to gather information from sources outside libraries (e.g., blogs and wikis), information dissemination tools (such as RSS feeds), information organization tools that facilitate storage and subsequent retrieval of information (social bookmarking and tagging), and information sharing tools that facilitate the bilateral flow of information between libraries and patrons (social networking and media sharing sites). This chapter examines the concept of digital libraries and highlights the major features of a digital library and how it can be used. The potentials of digital library are very crucial as means of access to knowledge and information that will facilitate development.
The objective and scope of this paper is to assess and highlight the potential of Web 2.0 in the context of libraries. The concept of Web 2.0 such as social networks, RSS feeds, blogs, streaming media, podcasts, Wikis, tags, mashups, etc. is defined and the possible applications in various library functions and activities are mentioned. In addition, the difference between the Web 2.0 and Web 1.0 is given and how during the past several years, new advances in web technologies have enabled libraries to create new interactive services, such as virtual reference services, personalised interfaces of online catalogues, and audio-visual media that can be downloaded by the user community irrespective of their physical locations. Thus, these emerging webbased features (Web 2.0) are opening new avenues and giving libraries the ability to offer the improved, customer-driven services to the user communities.
This article suggests that recent thinking describing the changing Web as "Web 2.0" will have substantial implications for libraries, and recognizes that while these implications keep very close to the history and mission of libraries; they still necessitate a new paradigm for librarianship. The paper applies the theory and definition to the practice of librarianship, specifically addressing how Web 2.0 technologies at level 1 such as Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML), API (Application Programming Interface), Mashup, P2P (Peer-to-peer), RSS (Really Simple Syndication), XML (Extended Markup Language) and at level 2 such as Social Networks, Blogs, Wiki, Social Book Marks, Podcast, technological resources are used to create a final product: languages, systems and other tools that allow the professional to develop or adapt these applications. The services and ways of implementing current Web 2.0 trends into libraries like OPAC 2.0, Social networks, Blogs, WIKIS, RSS and Social Bookmarks have been explained. With this article we would like to incite reflection on the changes that the Web 2.0 has brought to the information retrieval on the web, and therefore on libraries. The Web 2.0 movement is laying the groundwork for exponential business growth and another major shift in the way our users live, work, and play. We have the ability, insight, and knowledge to influence the creation of this new dynamic – and guarantee the future of our profession. Librarian 2.0. To conclude, we discuss some of the weak points libraries face when using 2.0 technologies.
International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 2019
The implication of Web 2.0 technologies to libraries and information centres resulted in the coining of the term Library 2.0. This paper aims at seeking the use of Web 2.0 applications by the library and information professionals. Library 2.0 is a concept for different library and information services. This article suggests that recent thinking describing the changing ?Web? as ?Web 2.0? will have substantial implications for libraries. The paper discusses the theory and definition to the practice of librarianship, specifically addressing how the technology Web 2.0 such as synchronous messaging and streaming media, blogs, wikis, social networks, tagging, RSS feeds library thing, podcasts, YouTube, Second Life and mash-ups might intimate changes in how libraries provide access to their collections and user support for that access. Conclusion stated that the implementation of Web 2.0 technologies in libraries is very much fruitful to cope with the changing paradigm.
Research and Advanced …, 2008
In this paper, a prototype of an Online Public Access Catalog (OPAC) is presented. This new OPAC features new functionalities and utilizes web 2.0 technologies in order to deliver improved search and retrieval services. Some of these new services include social tag annotations, user opinions and ranks and tag-based similarity searches. The prototype is evaluated by a user group through questionnaires, interviews and with the system's integrated logging mechanism. The results are encouraging enough and show that Library 2.0 technologies seem to be acceptable by the majority of the users.
This article introduces Web 1.0 and its transformation into Web 2.0. It describes impact of Web 2.0 on Library 2.0. It compares Library 1.0 with Library 2.0. It suggests that recent thinking describing the changing Web as "Web 2.0" will have substantial implications for libraries, and recognizes that while these implications are kept very close to the history and mission of libraries, they still necessitate a new paradigm for librarianship. The paper points out different characteristics of Library 2.0. It states related technologies towards implementation of Library 2.0 services.
International Journal of Library and Information Studies, 2017
The present study is paying attention on the application of Web 2.0 technologies for providing information services in the Libraries of Premier Institute of Gujarat. The study explored what types of Web 2.0 tools were applied in such Libraries as well as their features and purposes. During the study, it was noticed that all Libraries deployed web 2.0 technology to provide information services. 66.7 percent of the Libraries applied RSS, vodcast, OPAC 2.0, Instant Messaging, Mashup, Social Bookmarking & Tagging where as 33.33 percent Libraries are using Blog, podcast, Social Networking Services, Google Docs and YouTube. In this survey none of the Libraries adopted wikis. According to the present and future needs of the users, the library personnel are to be proactive, skilled and passionate to provide the web based information services. At the same time the users are also required to be well versed with this kind of technology.
Changes in the Web environment have influenced all aspects of human professional and leisure behaviour. As libraries main purpose has always been to respond to its users' information needs the transition currently affecting information environment has posed new challenges on them. Paper presents overview of the definitions and insights into the Library 2.0 concept looking at its both positive and negative aspects.
Journal of Advanced Research in Library and Information Science
Objectives of the Study: 1). To know the application of Web 2.0 in the libraries. 2). To know services of Web 2.0. 3). To know the changes in the working of libraries with the application of Web 2.0 Methodology: Literature survey and web survey has been conducted for studying the research problem in hand. For the survey, interview, Web sites and personal observation have been used. It is said that survey research methods are the most suitable techniques for such studies. For carrying out this research librarians as well as library staff of different libraries has been interviewed personally. Major Findings: It is found that with the application of Web 2.0, the services of traditional libraries have not changed but it has enhanced the services of the library and changed the library trend from Library 1.0 to Library 2.0. Many paradigm shifts have come like libraries have changed from static to dynamic, publishing to participating, one-way communication to two-way communication, local availability to worldwide availability, etc. Key Conclusions: Web 2.0 has changed the way of service of libraries. There is certain need for implementation of Web 2.0 technology in libraries.
Pearl : A Journal of Library and Information Science, 2019
In today's fast-growing advancement in information communication technology, it is very important for a library that it must be resourceful and user-friendly. The library is expected to provide its services in the best and fastest ways to its clients. It is likely that most of the users are able to operate a computer and are aware of internet use. Today most of the information is available online mode through different websites. The library is the place to acquire all the information and manage it in such a way that the users get the information quickly and in no time. But in the background, there is so much hard work and effort put in by the library people. Web 2.0 application tools are an effective and interactive platform involving users in library services development. Blog, wiki, really simple syndication, bookmarks, podcast and so on are some of the Web 2.0 tools, which make the library more resourceful and user-friendly. The paper presents the implications of Web 2.0 applications in the library to make library services user-friendly and interactive.
National Conference on 21st Century Librarianship, 2015
Web 2.0 technologies are really mash-up of traditional library services and innovative. It has engrossed the attention of libraries around the world as a means for endorsing and extending their services. Web 2.0 technologies such as synchronous messaging and streaming media, blogs, wikis, social networks, tagging and RSS feeds might intimate changes in library services. This study has made an attempt to know the various features of Web 2.0 technologies and also deals with how Web 2.0 technologies could be used in the academic library context. It also provides solid evidence of the application of Web 2.0 in academic libraries websites.
Web is intrinsically a global medium. Web has grown from a group work tool for scientists at CERN into a global information space more than billion users. Currently it is both as a read, write tool as well as a more social and participatory platform. The continuously changing trends have led to enter a new, improved web version 2.0.It is actually just an extension of the original ideas of the web. The web 2.0 has gained substantial momentum in the last decade. The influence of web 2.0 principles and technologies has fuelled an explosion of information and media content on the web and individual and corporate adoption of the technologies continues to rise. The present study has been carried out to identify, usage and application of different web 2.0 tools of the top 100 universities according to the "Ranking web of universities" 2020.
International Journal of Information Management
a b s t r a c t Web 2.0 has had an impact on library web sites making them more interactive with users, giving rise to the term Library 2.0. What is meant by Web 2.0 tools is generally understood but the degree of implementation of these tools in libraries is largely unknown. This study reports on the implementation of these tools in national libraries all over the world in order to give an objective measure of the impact of Web 2.0 on library web sites.
Abstract Purpose – This paper seeks to provide an insight into the implementation of some of the innovative Web 2.0 applications at Asmita College library to initiate use of Web 2.0 applications to the optimum level to provide quality services with the use of advance ICT to satisfy changing needs of library users. Design/methodology/approach – All the services based on Web 2.0 in library were studied with the utility aspect of those services. The prevalence of seven Web 2.0 applications in descending order was: multimedia sharing services, blogs, forums, social tagging services, social networking services, social book marking services and wikis. Findings –The Asmita College library has made a number of provisions to adopt some Web 2.0 applications in its library services to create information literacy. The presence of Web 2.0 applications was found to have a correlation with the overall web site quality, and in particular, service quality. Research limitations/implications – This paper covers in-depth case study of Asmita College library only. Emerging genres of Web 2.0 applications such as mashups and virtual worlds have not been included. Practical implications – This study may guide other library professionals in application of Web 2.0 in their libraries to initiate Web 2.0 to the optimum level to provide quality services Decision makers and web developers may benchmark their own efforts in deploying Web 2.0 applications against this study. The numerous exemplars cited here serve as a springboard to generate more ideas on how Web 2.0 applications could be used and harnessed to improve the overall quality of academic library web sites and blogs. Originality/value – This paper unites two research interests: Web 2.0 and quality library services. Keywords - Web 2.0, Academic Libraries Paper type - Research paper
9th International Library Information Professional Summit (l-LIPS) Conference on “Academic Libraries: Latest Trends, Challenges and Opportunities” February 14-16, 2020, Jiwaji University, 2020
Today, In the modern innovative technological environment or world, the enormous development of web technologies plays an important role as use of the web of information, interactive & collaborative Portals or platform, semantic web, artificial intelligence, Internet of things, etc. The first stage (web 1.0) of the web was considered as a one-way communication or read-only web. The second stage (web 2.0) was started as a web emerging tool in the context of social media. And third stage (web 3.0) of the web is regarded as semantic or intelligent web. This paper focuses especially on Web 3.0(semantic or metadata web) tool with its some definitions and concepts in the internet world that provide various web technologies to empower the communication between Machines and human being by creating or constructing flexible intelligent information system or semantic web structure with define various web components, characteristics, advantages & emerging challenges.
Managing Knowledge and Scholarly Assets in Academic Libraries
Web 2.0 or can say the social media is the buzzword for LIS professionals. Recently the trend of web 2.0 is increasing its importance not in the field of knowledge sharing but also in knowledge managing. The main aim of this research paper is to highlight the features of web 2.0 tools which are useful for knowledge sharing and as well as in knowledge managing. This paper also highlights how web 2.0 has brought drastic change in library services or library operation, how the research community can get information in fraction of seconds, how library professional can adopt and maintain their prompt approach to answer the user's queries by using web 2.0 tools. This paper provides a contrast between the knowledge management, sharing and web 2.0 tools.
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