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Abstract Along with the rapid development of social economy, advertising has penetrated every corner of society and advertising slogans have become increasingly popular. People are exposed to numerous adverting messages every day. To compete with many other similar advertising messages, advertisers use various linguistic and rhetorical devices to catch readers’ attention, arouse their desire, and induce their action. In order to secure a number of readers and to compete with many other similar advertising messages, advertisers try to make their advertisements as effective as possible. They use various linguistic devices to catch the reader/hearer’s attention. In this paper, the researcher tries to generalize the major rhetorical characteristics used in advertising slogans from 1990 to 2010 in the hope of helping language learners understand English ads and to highlight the beauty of advertising language.
The current article presents an attempt to provide the definition of advertising slogan as no uniform definition of the slogan exists in scientific literature. The article also gives the definition and analysis of language of advertising from linguistic point of view and specifies linguistic means used in advertising texts. The paper describes the use and purpose of linguistic devices in print advertising. The body of 100 English advertising slogans chosen for the analysis on the random basis were divided into three groups with the focus on the language and rhetorical devices used in them. The most and least often used figurative language, sound techniques and rhetorical devices were identified.
Imperial journal of interdisciplinary research, 2016
Art is an integral part of human existence and t he question about art which has always perplexed human minds is what can be included under the gamut of art? As times progressed, this question became all the more persuasive followed by the birth of certain activities, such as advertisements, often deemed creative but not always considered artistic. This debate over the artistic or the non-artistic nature of advertisements is based on the debate of banality of art and the conflict between high and low art. Certainly this debate regarding the artistic or non-artistic status of advertisements is divided between two schools, each taking a side either in favor of the artistic status of advertisement or the opposite. There have been many theories and techniques devised to determine the status of advertisements. One of the techniques or devices that can be used particularly for ads abundant with texts is language and its usages as it is a determining factor from various perspectives. This ...
This study intends to analyse the text meaning of the slogan. As we know, the usage of the word in slogan text is so meaningful. Sometimes the meaning of the word in slogan has a figurative meaning and commercial purposes. The writer uses 30 kinds of English slogan as the object of the research, 7 slogans come from the advertisements that serve a service and 23 slogans come from the advertisements that serve a product. In this research, the writer uses the qualitative method. The collected data of English slogans advertising from the English newspapers or English magazines are analyzed qualitatively based on related theory or approaches, such as Semantics and stylistics.From 30 kinds of slogan, the writer finds 7 slogans that not contain a figurative language. Usually the producer uses an ordinary word in making their slogan. So the meaning can be understood from its denotation. There are 8 slogans that use hyperbole as a figurative language in order to describe the product. Key Wor...
International Journal of English Language, Literature & Translation Studies , 2017
Although advertisements are ephemeral in that each one is short-lived, their effects are longstanding and cumulative: they leave traces of themselves behind, which combine to form a body of messages about the culture that produced them. These messages can then function both to reflect and to construct cultural values: they can reflect the values of the powerful groups in society who produced the texts. Almost all the ads use taglines to attract the customers. Everything matters in an advertisement. The kind of color, background, people who are appearing, the words used by the people are all matters in advertisements. Above all, the culture depicted in advertisements plays a crucial role in promoting the particular product of a company. It needs a lot of imagination and creativity. Those who work hard and smart can excel in this field. This paper critically analyses the language used in advertisements with reference to the products they shown in mass media, in papers, and in journals. Introduction The aim of the paper is to propose a simple approach to monitoring the language of the advertisement use it. The work provides the analysis of the language of advertising from a language point of view and specifies linguistic means used in advertising texts. The work brings knowledge about the use of linguistic devices in the advertisement. In this paper, the researchers' are concerned with the language of advertisement. The main reason to choose this topic was the interesting use of language in media culture, how the English language gets molded by the advertisers, to grab the attention of the audience towards their product. Language plays a great role in persuading and making others listen and pay attention. The language of advertisement is therefore used, to persuade the audience. English language and its use in different contexts is interesting to note and is been studied for ages. The language of advertisement is yet another interesting creation and use of the English language. Researchers of this paper worked on, to discover its anatomy of creative writing and grammatical structures. The objective of the work is to provide the analysis of the language of advertising from a linguistic point of view and specify linguistic means used in advertising texts.
Penelitian ini bertujuan untuk mengetahui komponen-komponen dan figur retorika dari wacana persuasif tertulis pada iklan cetak. Penelitian ini menggunakan desain evaluasi deskriptif yakni analisa isi yang menjelaskan tiga komponen iklan persuasi (etos, patos, logos) dan figur retorika iklan (skema dan kiasan). Hasil penelitian ini menunjukkan bahwa dari 20 iklan minum ringan, sebagian besar (90%) memiliki patos. Logos berada pada posisi kedua (80%). Sebagian iklan tidak memiliki etos, hanya 60% atau 12 iklan. Selanjutnya semua iklan minuman ringan (100%) memiliki skema, hanya 40% atau 8 iklan yang memiliki kiasan.nnn
In this article I set forth a conceptual distinction between two levels on which inventio takes place in advertising, one of which is critical for rhetoricians to examine: the diegetic content. I argue that current rhetorical studies have an inadequate construal of advertising content and I identify the source of this confusion in an older stream of research in consumer psychology. I perform a close analysis of several print advertisements and show that the diegetic content has important rhetorical effects on audience response which are not to be ascribed neither to product features nor to aspects concerning elocutio, as the current framework suggests. The results of my analysis are then used to explain why issues concerning relevance, credibility and persuasive power of an advertisement can only be accurately measured and explained if researchers pay close attention to the diegetic content itself.
Journal of Language and Literature, 2019
This research focuses on advertising language in advertisement slogans of various products written in English. The grand theory used is Stylistics, which is the study of the style of language or the study of the use of distinctive linguistic expressions and how they affect the target audience. To limit the discussion, this research more specifically covered the use of rhetorical figures and doublespeak in advertising language. These language features basically have the same functions, namely the aesthetic and persuasive functions, which aim to attract the audience's attention. This research, using an explanatory research method, was done to find out people's awareness and appreciation of the outstanding use of advertising language by distributing questionnaires with Likert scale to the students and alumni of the English Department of a private university in Indonesia. Considering that in an advertisement there is also the visual aspect besides the textual aspect, the research was also done to find out whether or not there is a strong correlation between people's awareness and appreciation of the visual and textual aspects.
The study examined the linguistic features of the persuasive language employed by advertisers to lure customers/clients to their products and services. The researchers examined the linguistic features, figurative devices and the connotative use of language employed in advertisements. Using the research theories of content analysis and cognitive response as models of analysis, the researchers analysed 50 on-line advertisements from Access and Stanbic IBTC Banks. It was discovered that the advertisers used linguistic features such as adjectives, imperatives, questions, colloquialisms, syntactic parallelism to attract the attention of customer/clients and appeal to their emotions. Also the findings showed that these strategies were very creative, artistic and innovative. The linguistic feature and the figurative language were used by advertisers to influence customers' decisions and to make them patronize their goods and services. The advertisers were able to manipulate their language positively to appeal to the desires of their clients. Therefore, the researchers concluded that language of advertisements is powerful, persuasive and manipulative.
Language and Language Teaching Journal, 2013
Permatasari, Sonia Niken. (2014). An Analysis on the Language Style of the Utterances in Magnum Advertisements. Yogyakarta: Sanata Dharma University. The role of broadcasted advertisements is undeniably important for the companies to market their products. To convince the audience, advertisers have to convey the persuasive message through the use of linguistic features. Those linguistic features will influence the persuasion techniques used in advertisements and the power relation which is built between the companies and the consumers. Considering Magnum"s successful marketing, the researcher had an interest and curiosity to analyze the language style beyond Magnum advertisements. This study attempted to solve three research problems related to the language style of the utterances in Magnum advertisements. They were (1) What are the linguistic features of Magnum advertisements? (2) What kind of persuasion technique does Magnum use to advertise the products? (3) What kind of power relation does Magnum have upon consumers through the advertisements? As an endeavor to solve those three research problems, the researcher employed document analysis in analyzing the transcript of the utterances in 10 Magnum advertisements. The first research problem was solved by categorizing the words or the sentences into some linguistic features of advertising language proposed by Grey (2008). The second research problem was solved by classifying Kleppner"s persuasion techniques (1986) used in Magnum advertisements. The third research problem was solved by interpreting the power relation in Magnum advertisements based on French"s and Raven"s theory (1959). From the obtained data, the researcher found that there were only a few linguistic features which appeared in Magnum advertisements. Although the advertisers created simplicity to those advertisements, the purposes of advertising were clearly understood based on the persuasion techniques which were used. The power relation between the companies and the consumers could be defined easily because the utterances are clear enough. Furthermore, the simplicity of Magnum advertisements presented Magnum"s special characteristics albeit the advertisers did not vary the language style. This research could be used as an authentic example of teaching and learning English advertisement materials and knowledge for the advertisers to vary the language in their advertisements.
SSRN Electronic Journal, 2015
This qualitative-descriptive study highlights the semantic property of the slogans of TV commercials. The study focuses on the analysis of linguistic tools used by the copywriters of TV commercials to influence the target audience. associative meaning with its sub-types provide a theoretical basis to the study. The research displays multiple strategies used by the copywriters. It underscores the associations attached to the keywords of the selected slogans according to the mentioned theory of meaning. The research helps the TV viewers to understand the guile used by the copywriters to entrap them as well as the researchers of the field of semantics.
Academic Journal of Interdisciplinary Studies, 2013
Throughout the decades, there have been changes in persuasive strategies used by advertisers. A study was carried out on 500 advertising slogans dating from the late 19 th century till the early 21 st century, spanning a period of over a hundred years. The slogans were selected from 13 multinational and established companies and arranged according to the year they were created. The companies selected were ones that existed from the late 1800s and which still exist today. A cross-section of the slogans were analysed qualitatively for the presence of rhetorical figures and various persuasive strategies in a pilot study. The trend of the use of rhetorical figures and communicative and stylistic strategies used throughout this period was also calculated using quantitative analysis. The findings reveal a rise and fall pattern throughout the decades of both rhetorical figures and communicative and stylistic strategies used in advertising slogans. The pattern is also present in the layering of the rhetorical figures throughout the decades. Therefore the study has discovered the presence of a cyclical continuum that involves the selection of certain rhetorical figures and persuasive strategies in a particular period but not in others.
Advertisements are unavoidable and ubiquitous. We encounter them on television and the radio, in newspapers and magazines, on billboards, in public transport vehicles and mailboxes, on mobile phones or on websites we visit on the Internet. The aim of this paper is to examine linguistic features and marketing strategies used by advertisers to attract and hold consumers’ attention, make them remember advertisements and encourage them to buy advertised products. This paper discusses the way advertisers, using the advertising discourse, manipulate consumers’ opinions, beliefs and behaviour. Starting from previous research of the advertising discourse, this paper shows the results of the analysis of the most important linguistic features as well as marketing strategies for addressing consumers used in TV commercials broadcast on four Serbian TV channels TV Prva, RTS 1, TV B92 / 02 and TV Pink, from March 2016 to September 2019. The analysis is based on the theoretical principles of Criti...
The current article discusses the use and purpose of rhetorical figures in advertising slogans. The choice of words and techniques used by copywriters may strengthen the conviction of prospective buyers that by buying an offered product they may get more than products or services i.e. they may get the features they are looking for, and they may fulfil their needs and achieve satisfaction. The body of 49 advertising slogans of cars and airplanes has been chosen for the analysis. The choice is not a random one since all the slogans concern very popular means of transportation, and focus on features which are very important, and therefore sought by both drivers and passengers. Finally, the features have been used to create a schema for the advertised products.
Science Publication Group, 2015
This qualitative-descriptive study highlights the semantic property of the slogans of TV commercials. The study focuses on the analysis of linguistic tools used by the copywriters of TV commercials to influence the target audience. Leech’s (1981) associative meaning with its sub-types provide a theoretical basis to the study. The research displays multiple strategies used by the copywriters. It underscores the associations attached to the keywords of the selected slogans according to the mentioned theory of meaning. The research helps the TV viewers to understand the guile used by the copywriters to entrap them as well as the researchers of the field of semantics.
International Journal of Social Science and Humanity, 2015
Rhetorical devices serve as a tool to lend beauty, variety, vividness, force, andpower to the language. Rhetoric plays a very important role in English advertisement, acting as a key element for the success of an advertisement. Advertising as we know is a form of communication intended to persuade an audience (viewers, readers or listeners) to purchase or take/ refrain from taking some action upon products, ideas, or services. It includes the name of a product or service and how that product or service could benefit the consumer and it aims to persuade a target market to purchase or to consume that particular brand or product. The present paper attempts a study of the rhetorical devices like simile, metaphor and personification found in English language advertisements in India.
This study aims at investigating the syntactic patterns of phrase used in advertisement slogans. The research design of this study is descriptive qualitative. The sources for this research are taken from 42 slogans from four different magazines and also the Internet as the media to download the magazines and find the selling data of all the products from the data. The results show that there are five kinds of phrases which used for advertisement slogans, they are: (1) verb phrases (47%), (2) noun phrases (39%), (3) prepositional phrases (39%), (4) adverb phrases (4%), and (5) adjective phrases (4%). The results also show that the most beneficial phrase for advertisement slogan is verb phrases because it is more effective to give orders or promise than just inform the benefits or the characters of the products to make the readers buy the products.
The article deals with the peculiarities of the advertising discourse based on various linguistic theories. It focuses on the different classification of discourse analysis, psychological aspects of advertisements, the mechanisms of influence on readers, the basic principles and types of advertisements, which are mainly used in the advertising industry. Specifically, it examines the basic characteristics of the advertising discourse. However, the study does not mean to exhaust all the aspects of this particular discourse, or to answer all the problems it poses. Rather, it aims at uncovering the basic elements of the most influential discourse of our time. Firstly, it investigates the types of advertisements and advertising discourse. Advertisements make use of a wide range of material of other discourses. Secondly, it explores the various strategies of the advertising discourse, investigates how advertisements influence readers’ decisions, what cultural variation they have and what genres the advertising discourse use. Advertising is omnipresent in every day life. It clarifies the importance of the advertising discourse for the society, its daily communication and detects the human’s inner world. This paper has tried to shed some light on the many interesting aspects that advertising discourse presents.
Highly developed in the last decades, the ,,science" of advertising is more perceived as decessive for the entire marketing system, due to its persuassive power and the strong psychological effect it has towards the mass consistiong in various costumers. It is a stated fact that the efficiency of the marketing process depends on that of the advertising.
Septiyani Munfiqoh, 2012: THE SEMANTIC ANALYSIS OF THE ADVERTISEMENT “ENGLISH SLOGAN” ON TELEVISION Language is characteristic of idea, mind, feeling people to express, communicate and interact with other. Language is the capacities human to produce sound in certain meaning to understand by others. And to avoid misunderstanding when the human communicated each other they should be known the meaning. Good communicators, though, try to keep the gap as small as possible by making sure their words have obvious referents. The referent is the thing words stand for. If the audience has a clear notion of a word’s referent, then communication should succeed. One of languages in the world is English. English is used in many parts, one of them for advertisement. We can see there are many advertisements on Television used the English Slogan. In advertisement there is message, and advertising message would be simple, interesting, informative, entertaining, enjoyable and helpful. It has aimed to ...
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