7. Science Learning, Literacy- ICMSE 2015-SU, DSZ, dkk.pdf


Science literacy is an important knowledge comprehended by a person living in a society. Afterward, he actively elucidates several problems in wise ways. Science literacies also viewed as knowledge domains and competence domains are currently used by people to solve problems and to make decisions. In an ideal science learning perspective, the activity should facilitate students to exercise science literacies. However, science learnings implemented at some schools in Bandung have not facilitated science literacies yet. For example, the experiment activity adopted in these schools commonly uses a cookbook type. Consequently, teachers usually fell hard in developing questions focusing on a science literacy topic. In addition, the students' working papers still implement a cookbook type verifying science evidences. The first year result of descriptive research using a cross-sectional descriptive survey method for 628 samples at five schools in Bandung shows two profiles of science literacies. At the knowledge domains, students have comprehended 61.4% content knowledge, 52.8% procedural knowledge, and 46.2% epistemic knowledge. At the competence domains, 54.6% students can describe science phenomena clearly, 53.2% students can plan and evaluate the research, and 49% students can interpret data and scientific evidences. By analyzing their science literacy profiles, examining teachers' lesson plans, and interviewing teachers and students, the science learning designs have been reconstructed through making lesson plans. This design is developed in order to focus on locally and globally contextual knowledge recognitions. The training of actual science concept descriptions explaining science phenomena, the inquiry science experiment guidance training a procedural knowledge, a questioning competence, and an experiment design have been included in a teacher's lesson plan. This research implied that the student's competences in making a decision, evaluating an investigation process of science evidences and science literacies in a global context should be prepared.