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Science literacy is an important knowledge comprehended by a person living in a society. Afterward, he actively elucidates several problems in wise ways. Science literacies also viewed as knowledge domains and competence domains are currently used by people to solve problems and to make decisions. In an ideal science learning perspective, the activity should facilitate students to exercise science literacies. However, science learnings implemented at some schools in Bandung have not facilitated science literacies yet. For example, the experiment activity adopted in these schools commonly uses a cookbook type. Consequently, teachers usually fell hard in developing questions focusing on a science literacy topic. In addition, the students' working papers still implement a cookbook type verifying science evidences. The first year result of descriptive research using a cross-sectional descriptive survey method for 628 samples at five schools in Bandung shows two profiles of science literacies. At the knowledge domains, students have comprehended 61.4% content knowledge, 52.8% procedural knowledge, and 46.2% epistemic knowledge. At the competence domains, 54.6% students can describe science phenomena clearly, 53.2% students can plan and evaluate the research, and 49% students can interpret data and scientific evidences. By analyzing their science literacy profiles, examining teachers' lesson plans, and interviewing teachers and students, the science learning designs have been reconstructed through making lesson plans. This design is developed in order to focus on locally and globally contextual knowledge recognitions. The training of actual science concept descriptions explaining science phenomena, the inquiry science experiment guidance training a procedural knowledge, a questioning competence, and an experiment design have been included in a teacher's lesson plan. This research implied that the student's competences in making a decision, evaluating an investigation process of science evidences and science literacies in a global context should be prepared.
Journal of Primary Education, 2017
This study aims to describe the implementation of learning, to analyze the effectiveness of learning, students' competency science profile, and teacher and student responses toward science literacy learning with scientific inquiry approach. The research method used is Mix Method with concurrent embedded model of quantitative method become primary with research subjects are science teachers and students of class VII SMPN 1 Lilirilau and MTs DDI Pattojo Soppeng Regency, South Celebes Province. The results shows that (1) the implementation of learning is very good with 86% the average percentage of implementation. (2) The effectiveness of learning is shown on student's learning completeness classically that is 90% of students reach KKM value. These results have reached the established criteria of 75%. The average increase in students' science competence is 0.69 in the medium category. The students' competency profile based on PISA criteria appears dominant in the explan...
Jurnal Pendidikan IPA Indonesia, 2017
The fundamental issue is the growing use of scientific information possessed by students to solve problems in daily life and produce useful scientific source from scientific literacy. The purpose of the research was to analyze and describe the ability of a student science concepts from the aspect of scientific literacy that includes aspects of scientific knowledge, scientific competence, scientific context as well as the factors that influence the students' science literacy skills. This research was quantitative descriptive analysis. The instrument used was a matter of objective 40 along with the reasons of the physics concept and biology concepts that are used to measure aspects of scientific knowledge, scientific competence, and scientific context, while the students' attitudes towards science and science teaching and learning strategies measured by questionnaire instrument. Instruments used included multiple-choice test questions reasoned and questionnaires (the attitude of science and science teaching and learning strategies). Based on data analysis it was known that the ability of science literacy PGSD UMK students varied, 66.2% of students were at the level of nominal and 33.8% of the students were at the functional level. It showed that 66.2% of students already had a concept for connecting science with other disciplines, could write a scientific term, but students still had misconceptions, while 33.8% of students considered the theory and explained concepts correctly, but they had a limited understanding and were difficult to connect to the concept of his own opinion.
importance to students' learning opportunities. The results of the study's interviews are analyzed using Basil Bernstein's concept of the horizontal and vertical discourse as a framework, which demonstrates the opportunities for pupils to approach scientific content based on a contextual understanding. How science is taught is an important question in the aspect of students coming from different socioeconomic conditions and with different conceptions of the outside world and the science school discourse. In the present study professional teachers stress the importance of a holistic understanding of the content in science, the methodical aspects in science education and the consequences of science and technology development in particular. To be science literate in a classroom context means that the students will get the capacity to use scientific knowledge, to identify questions and to draw evidence based conclusions in order to understand and help make decisions about the natural world and the changes made to it through human activity.
Lanie M. Pacadaljen, Ph.D., 2021
The impact of science and technology on modern society has been so deep that the print and electronic media often announce the latest advancements in science and technology. The need to promote a society of scientifically literate citizens is regarded as urgent in many countries and is accepted as one of the main goals of science education. In this sense, educating for scientific literacy entails not only teaching science concepts and theories but also learning about the nature of these concepts. However, numerous studies have shown that many students and even teachers, possess an inadequate understanding of science and its nature. The study employed descriptive method to determine the level of understanding on the nature of science of 279 Grade 10 junior high school students of Samar National School. It covered the following: characteristics of scientific knowledge, observations and inferences, change of scientific theories, scientific laws versus theories, social and cultural influences on science, and imagination and creativity in scientific investigations. The study revealed that Grade 10 students have moderate understanding on the nature of science. Therefore, in-service science teachers should employ varied teaching strategies that will enhance and maximize students' understanding of science concepts like the use of different laboratory activities which require students' application of the integrated science process skills for them to internalize and apply science concepts.
Advances in Social Science, Education and Humanities Research, 2021
Indonesia's PISA results are relatively low when compared to other countries. Student learning experience is thought to be an important factor that influences students' lack of scientific inquiry skills. This study aims to describe the profile of students' learning experiences and scientific inquiry skills in science subjects. This descriptive study involved 1305 respondents from public and private high schools in West Java. The instrument used was a questionnaire consisting of 40 items to reveal student learning experiences in learning science and scientific inquiry skills tests in the form of 55 multiple choice and essay items developed based on the PISA framework with the adjustment of the junior high school science curriculum. Research data were analyzed descriptively using graphs. The results showed that some students (51.0%) stated that learning science in elementary and junior high schools was not fun, more than half (56.6%) rarely did practicum at school, and some to most students (42-75%) rarely plan and carry out experiments or scientific inquiry independently. The results of the research that have been presented indicate that the learning experience of students in learning science has not been maximal and students' scientific inquiry skills need to be improved. The implications and recommendations of the research findings are presented at the end of this article., 2017
The research aimed to find out the impact of guided inquiry instruction on scientific literacy in Basic Concept of Biology for Elementary School Course. Participants of the research were 59 students of Primary School Teacher Education program in Pakuan University, Indonesia. The research was conducted for one semester. Type of research was quasi-experiment with randomize factor. Indicator used for scientific literacy referred to PSIA, are identifying scientific issues, explaining scientific phenomenon, and using scientific evidences. Data used was the result of pre-and post-tests of scientific literacy. Ancova was used continued with LSD (Least Significance Different) test. Research result indicated that guided inquiry instruction gave better impact on scientific literacy of students than conventional learning.
Jurnal Penelitian dan Pembelajaran IPA, 2019
The result of science literacy in Indonesian students has been satisfactorily yet. The government has introduced some new learning strategies. The research is aimed to finding some learning strategies can improved literacy science. The research was conducted in Indonesian school involving 213 participants who are divided into study groups using several learning strategies. Research involved all student on 10 th grade in that school. Improvement of science literacy was analyzed by N-gain and comparing some strategies of learning was analyzed by Anova followed Turkey. The results shows the impovement of science literacy in the learning by using scientific approach was not as good as inquiry approach, Argument Driven Inquiry (ADI), and Science Technology Education Matematics (STEM). The results of science literacy finding the improvement in science literacy of students who learn by using scientific approach comparing using scientific approach is similar to the one using Science Technology Scociety (STS) strategy.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2019
Education through learning science, especially biology, is expected to be a literate of science. This is one of the objectives of the current curriculum in Indonesia. The scientific literacy in question is the ability to use scientific knowledge, such as identifying problems and concluding based on evidence in order to understand and make decisions about nature and its changes through human activities. The purpose of this study was to see how the role of scientific literacy in learning to improve students’ reasoning and abilities in science learning. The method used is a meta-analysis, using 18 significant data and applying statistical methods to complement other objectives. This article shows that the important role of scientific literacy in science (biology) learning is the process of reasoning and understanding in making decisions about nature and is able to optimize the opportunities of learning models to be used optimally and able to organize the load of students’ cognitive the...
This paper discusses the difficulties in transforming the knowledge of science into school knowledge, which is based on the interconnection of scientists/researchers, teachers, and students. Some factors should be taken into consideration during the transformation of scientific knowledge into school knowledge, including the complexity of science tools, limits of human senses, and students' mental capacities. (Contains 21 references.) (YDS) Reproductions supplied by EDRS are the best that can be made from the original document.
Al Ibtida: Jurnal Pendidikan Guru MI, 2021
Science literacy skills of elementary school students in the era of 21st-century learning are indispensable, scientific literacy skills can be improved through the application of a scientific approach. This study aims to analyze the scientific literacy ability of elementary school students through the application of a scientific approach. The experimental method with a pretest-posttest group design was used in this study. Simple Random Sampling, consisting of an experimental class and a control class, was applied to elementary schools in Cirebon, Indonesia. The scientific literacy skills test (TOSLS) measures students' literacy skills, while the observational assessment measures students' responses to the scientific approach. The data analysis technique used independent sample T-Test and Mann-Whitney U. The results showed that students' learning activities in the application of scientific learning experienced an increase in scientific literacy skills with very strong criteria. Student learning activities in the experimental class have a higher percentage over the control class. The research hypothesis shows that there is a difference in the improvement of students' scientific literacy skills between the experimental class and the control class of elementary school students. Thus, the application of a scientific approach contributes to students' scientific literacy skills.
Journal of Physics: Conference Series, 2018
The purpose of this research is to obtain the characteristic map of science material content in Junior School which can be optimized using inquiry learning model to tone the science process skill. The research method used in the form of qualitative research on SMP science curriculum document in Indonesia. Documents are reviewed on the basis of the basic competencies of each level as well as their potential to trace the skills of the science process using inquiry learning models. The review was conducted by the research team. The results obtained, science process skills in grade 7 have the potential to be trained using the model of inquiry learning by 74%, 8th grade by 83%, and grade 9 by 75%. For the dominant process skills in each chapter and each level is the observing skill. Follow-up research is used to develop instructional inquiry tools to trace the skills of the science process.
Proceedings of the Mathematics, Informatics, Science, and Education International Conference (MISEIC 2019), 2019
The main objective of this study was to describe the effectiveness of guided inquiry-based learning to improve high school students' science literacy skills. The science literacy skills was the ability to engage with science-related issues, scientific ideas, and reflective thinking. Evaluation criteria of science literacy skills consisted of four interrelated aspects, which were context, knowledge, competence, and attitude. The guided inquiry-based learning was implemented on two class, XI IPA 2 and XI IPA 3 using one group pretest-posttest design, especially on solubility and solubility product concept. The data collection techniques used were observation, test, and questionnaire. The results of this study showed that (1) each learning phase of guided inquiry in lesson plan had been implemented well and very well. The average percentage of learning implementation was 100%, meaning that all the learning steps in lesson plan I, II, and III could be performed well by teacher, (2) learning process acquired positive response from students, and (3) student's science literacy skills increased, indicated by N-gain score at medium and high category. It could be concluded that guided inquiry-based learning was effective to improve students' scientific literacy skills.
IJORER : International Journal of Recent Educational Research
Humans are faced with industrial advances based on science and technology to meet the needs of human life and solve problems from related issues based on scientific literacy skills. This study aims to describe students' scientific literacy skills which include aspects of knowledge, aspects of competence, aspects of cognitive, and aspects of the context of junior high school students aged 15 years. This research is a quantitative descriptive analysis research. The instrument used to determine scientific literacy skills was a scientific literacy test consisting of 20 multiple choice questions. The science literacy test was validated by two expert lecturers at the State University of Surabaya and one science teacher at State Junior High School of 32 Surabaya. The research also aims to describe the correlation of scientific attitudes to scientific literacy skills. The instrument used was a response questionnaire with 20 yes and no questions. The results showed that the value of the ...
annual meeting of the American Educational …, 2006
Jurnal Penelitian Pendidikan IPA, 2021
Survey of questionnaire-based research was conducted to assess the perspective of junior high school (JHS) science teachers on scientific literacy in science learning. Four perspectives for teachers in JHS on scientific literacy were obtained from the research results of the experiments, namely the reading of scientific texts, scientific knowledge, the use of science in everyday life and the use of science-based learning tools. The majority of participants chose the response choice to train all students to apply science learning results in decision-making on daily life challenges. Thus, JHS Science Teachers in Purwakata Regency have a variety of scientific literacy perspectives, but there is no perspective that is considered outside the context of scientific literacy
Research in Science Education - Past, Present, and Future, 2002
IJORER : International Journal of Recent Educational Research
Objective: This study's preliminary goal is to describe junior high school students' proficiency in scientific literacy. It is based on exams that use questions that measure a student's proficiency in scientific literacy, adhering to the guidelines established by the Programme for International Student Assessment (PISA). Method: The research was a quantitative descriptive analysis. It used a list of 20 questions created to evaluate students' proficiency with scientific literacy using a set of predetermined indicators. Purposive sampling was used to gather the data, and 102 students were chosen as a sample from Junior High School 2 Sukorejo. Results: Based on research findings, 19 of the 102 students meet the criteria for scientific literacy skill level 4, the highest level. Additionally, 38 students meet the criteria for level 3 of scientific literacy, which needs to be improved. Furthermore, 45 students continue to meet the low criteria for level 2 scientific litera...
International Journal of Science Education, 2007
For Peer Review Only The Nature of Science Education for enhancing Scientific Literacy Journal: International Journal of Science Education ... The Nature of Science Education for enhancingScientific Literacy Jack Holbrook and Miia Rannikmae, University of Tartu, Estonia ...
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