Ground zero. The transitional space of contemporary art


Humanity’s life on Earth is taking a concerning direction: the years to come will be shaped by issues such as the devastating effects of climate change or the chaotic consequences of mass migration. In order to be able to alter in any form the course of events that are currently forming a devastating future for the planet and humankind, there is a need for an individual recognition that the things-of-the-world matter to us, personally. This understanding can emerge in us if we go beyond the hegemony of the ego that is driven by the current, production, gain and profit centered mindset. In the book, Ground zero. The transitional space of contemporary art I argue that the space in which we, as individuals, can revisit and alter how we are in the world, are spaces of ‘ground zero’, empty spaces that are beyond the structured Symbolic reality that we take for granted and live as our life. In the research it is demonstrated that certain contemporary art practices are able to invite the beholder into this state of ‘ground zero’ in a very particular way. Some contemporary art does this so effectively, that the beholder is drawn into themselves not only cognitively, but also emotionally and even physically. There is an engagement with one’s entire being beyond the control of the ego. This book explores various aspects of this most important experience.