Exploring University Students Situational Interest in English


This presentation will discuss a research project conducted to further develop and validate questionnaire items designed to measure situational interest in an English language learning context. The research project initially focused on identifying students’ triggered situational interest/maintained situational interest and currently focuses on the broader situational interest of students. A self-report questionnaire was administered in a private Japanese university with first and second-year students (N=1285) of non-English majors from five faculties at the university. The questionnaires were administered to participants in the final weeks of the second (15 week) semester. Four items measured students’ affective reactions or triggered situational interest to the presentation of the course content as engaging and enjoyable and four items measured students’ maintained situational interest to the course content as being important, useful and meaningful. The results of this research project provide insights into the relationship between student language proficiency levels and student interest levels. Implications of these results for teachers, administrators and material developers will be discussed.