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This work presents the functions of the Attitude Control System (ACS) to be used in the Second Data Collecting Satellite (SCD2) as well as the spin axis reorientation and the spin rate control of the SCD2.
Journal of the Brazilian Society of Mechanical Sciences
The Data Collecting Satellites (SCD) were developed and integrated at INPE, Brazil, with the aim of retransmitting meteorological data collected by automatic platforms spread over the country. The specified orbit for SCD1 and SCD2 are circular at 750 km altitude and 25 deg inclination. SCD1 was launched in February 1993 by the Pegasus launcher (OSC). Both are spin stabilized, with magnetic attitude control coils. The angular velocity of the SCD2 spacecraft will be controlled by a spin plane magnetic coil, commanded by an on-board magnetometer. Pages: 83-88
This paper deals with simulations of the attitude control system of the imaginary Artificial Satellite β by use of MATLAB/Simulink with possible extensions to satellite hardware testing. And also I was instructed to design a PID controller that will ensure that the Artificial Satellite achieves a particular desired angle, and meet the performance index that comprises system overshoot and settling time. This report gives an introduction of Attitude Control, and Simulation of an Artificial (test) Satellite. It gives an insight of the mathematical modelling for satellite attitude dynamics for 3 degrees of freedom. By the different limitations of how the Artificial Satellite operates, these models are adjusted accordingly. A set of strategies for controlling the attitude is presented. Through an explanation of PID controllers and their behaviors, the control codes and various laws are also adopted to work with the satellite. SIMULINK, a companion program to MATLAB, were used to Model, Simulate, and analyze the satellite’s dynamic systems. And thus the Simulink model was constructed. Combined, these findings are put to use in the form of a complete Simulink simulator for the satellite in orbit. Results with different control strategies to achieve the desired angle and meeting the performance index, are given. Keywords: Attitude Control, Simulation, Artificial Satellite, MATLAB, Simulink, PID Controller, Orbital Control, Transfer Function, Attitude Determination
Transactions of the Japan Society for Aeronautical and Space Sciences, Space Technology Japan
Planetary penetrator missions offer excellent opportunities for examining the planetary structure in great detail. The success of such missions largely depends on navigating the penetrator to impact the target with the right orientation so that the scientific instruments onboard are safe. This in turn requires a sophisticated autonomous attitude determination and control subsystem (ADCS) onboard the penetrator. The aim of this paper is to propose a suitable mission sequence for such hard landers along with identification of appropriate sensors and actuators, and to examine the attitude determination and control strategies, desired for the right impact. A detailed investigation on using horizon detectors and Sun sensors for attitude determination along with the use of gas jets for attitude control will be discussed. The penetrator is a spin-stabilized platform, and hence a forced precession of the spin axis using the Sun sensor as the reference for firing the thrust pulses results in the penetrator following a rhumb-line attitude trajectory relative to the Sun direction. Results of simulations for the penetrator attitude control targeting the Lunar and Martian surfaces are presented.
Jurnal Mekanikal, 2004
Different attitude control strategies of a small satellite are presented in this paper as well as their simulation with the MATLAB® software. Firstly, the linear mathematical model of the satellite is derived for the gravity gradient (GG) control method, which represents a passive control design. Simulation results show that the response of the satellite to initial conditions is marginally stable. The second phase of the study focuses on the design of a control algorithm used to damp the satellite oscillations around its equilibrium position with a simple hardware setting added to the satellite. The mathematical model of the new system is developed and simulation about the roll and yaw axis are realized. A consequent amelioration in the satellite response can be observed.
This paper describes a path toward the development of theory for using a low noise high frame rate camera as a star tracker for spacecraft attitude estimation. The benefit of using a low noise high frame rate camera is that s ar data can be sampled at a faster rate while allowing one to measure very di m stars, increasing the number of stars available for attitude estimation. The d evelopment of a noise model is discussed and an algorithm to process raw data is sho wn. An attitude estimation method is discussed and simulated data is shown. A simulated star tracker for attitude estimation is shown and attitude estim ation results are shown.
Computational & Applied Mathematics, 2018
In this paper, analytical attitude propagators for spin-stabilized satellites are analyzed. For this purpose, external torques are introduced in the motion equations such as solar radiation pressure torque, aerodynamic torque, gravity gradient torque, and magnetic residual and eddy current torques. For the magnetic torques, it used both the dipole and quadripole Earth's magnetic field models. The obtained analytical solution is applied and compared with actual data for Brazilian data collection satellites SCD1 and SCD2. The results, when a daily data update is applied, based on the INPE-Brazilian Institute for Space Research supplied data, show a good agreement of all involved parameters with the actual deviations in the parameter values within the precision required for the satellite mission. This permits to conclude that the used theory is suitable for the studied problem. Thus, the propagators presented in this work can be applied to predict the rotational motion of spin-stabilized artificial satellites, particularly for SCD1 and SCD2 satellites over the considered time period.
CONASAT is being designed to gather environmental data like rain volume, temperature, humidity, air pollution, ocean streams, environmental hazards, etc. collected and transmitted to satellite by remote platforms on ground, and to retransmit them to the mission center. At least two identical satellites shall be launched, and, together with their antecessors SCD1 and SCD2 (Data Collecting Satellites 1 and 2, from Brazil) launched in 1993 and 1998, respectively, and still operating, they will provide large temporal resolution for environmental monitoring. In order to keep the costs low, CONASAT shall be based on CubeSat technologies. However, the large power required by onboard data transponder implied an arrangement of 8 CubeSat units in a single cubic one, with 230 mm size. All internal subsystems shall be duplicated in cold redundancy, in order to assure the reliability. In addition, in order to fulfill the power requirements, the attitude shall be Earth pointed, since the payload antenna will face to ground. Although there is no restraint in pointing requirements, a set of 3 off the shelf reaction wheels will be employed so as to assure satellite maneuverability and attitude stabilization. Attitude determination will rely in a set of 6 coarse sun sensors (one in each cube face) and a tri-axes magnetometer. QUEST or TRIAD algorithm together with Kalman filter will provide onboard attitude determination and estimation whereas attitude control will be based on a conventional PID, acting on the reaction wheels, and three magnetic coils necessary for wheel's de-saturation. Onboard software reliability is assured by minimizing the number of operating modes. Besides the nominal and stand-by modes (for Earth pointing and station keeping, respectively), the attitude acquisition mode and the safe mode for attitude de-tumbling shall be accomplish by means exclusively of the magnetometer (Bdot algorithm), course solar sensors and the torque coils. Since there is no complete attitude determination on the shadowed part of the orbit, the nominal mode is achieved only after Kalman filter convergence. This work will present the attitude control modes for CONASAT, as well as the transition conditions between modes. The results from the simulated attitude determination, estimation and control will be addressed, with focus on the attitude performance for both nominal and safe modes. This work shall constitute a base line that will guide the on-board control software development, integration, and qualification tests.
UoSAT-12 is a low-cost minisatellite built by Surrey Satellite Technology Ltd. (SSTL), it is amongst other objectives also a technology demonstrator for high performance attitude control and orbit maintenance on a future constellation of earth observation satellites. The satellite uses a 3-axis reaction wheel configuration and a cold gas propulsion system to enable precise and fast control of its attitude, for example, during orbit manoeuvres. Magnetorquer coils assist the wheels mainly for momentum dumping. This paper describes the various attitude control modes required to support: 1) the initial attitude acquisition phase, 2) a high resolution imager payload during pointing and tracking of targets, 3) the propulsion system during orbit manoeuvres. The specific attitude controllers and estimators used during these control modes are explained. Various simulation and in-orbit test results are presented to evaluate the performance and design objectives. To improve the control and est...
Computational and Applied Mathematics, 2018
SERPENS mission involves research and development of nanosatellites and is inserted in a set of activities carried on by Brazilian universities in the scope of strategies coordinated by AEB (Brazilian Space agency). The first satellite of a series, SERPENS-1, was put into orbit in September 2015, retiring in March 2016. SERPENS-2 mission is currently being designed. The experiments to be carried out in SERPENS-2 are: X and Gamma rays detection; South Atlantic magnetic anomaly detection and testing of a pulsed plasma thruster. Each experiment is related to the attitude. This paper is concerned with the Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS) design of a 3U CubeSat. A proposal of
This article describes a simulator of small satellite attitude environment and dynamics, complete with a set of realistic sensors and the most commonly used actuator in this class of satellites. The simulator described is useful in attitude estimation and control algorithm development. Some results of the simulation of the PoSAT-1 satellite are presented.
This paper presents the overview of the mathematical simulator TORA-Sim (Total Orbital Real-time Attitude control Simulator) developed by Kyushu University and Mitsubishi Precision Co.,Ltd. used for the satellite attitude control and the simulation results for the typical small satellite application. The results have demonstrated the validity of this simulator in use for the study of the attitude control law. This simulator was used for the development of onboard software for the attitude control of the Kyushu University’s small satellite “QSAT-EOS” launched last autumn. INTRODUCTION The missions of small and micro-satellites which are developed by universities and organizations are becoming more demanding and diversified to acquire various information. For example, the small satellite "QSAT-EOS" developed in Kyushu University has the missions such as 3-dimensional observation of a fixed point on the earth, observation of a target star, and so on. Therefore, the pointing o...
Computational and Applied Mathematics
This paper presents the comparison between the numerical and analytical results of a spacecraft attitude propagation for a spin-stabilized satellite. Some external torques are introduced in the equations of the motion and the comparisons are done considering that these torques are acting together, which are: gravity gradient, aerodynamic, solar radiation, magnetic residual and eddy current. In the numerical approach it is used the quaternion to represent the attitude. This numerical approach can be applied for any kind of satellite. The analytical approach is applied directly for a spin-stabilized satellite and the equations of motion are described in terms of the spin velocity, spin axis right ascension and declination angles. An analytical solution of these equations is presented and valid for one orbit period. Applications are developed considering the Brazilian spin-stabilized satellites SCD1 and SCD2. The comparisons are important to validate some simplifications that are required in
Journal of Physics: Conference Series
The aim of this paper is to present an analytical solution for the spin motion equations of spin-stabilized satellite considering only the influence of solar radiation torque. The theory uses a cylindrical satellite on a circular orbit and considers that the satellite is always illuminated. The average components of this torque were determined over an orbital period. These components are substituted in the spin motion equations in order to get an analytical solution for the right ascension and declination of the satellite spin axis. The time evolution for the pointing deviation of the spin axis was also analyzed. These solutions were numerically implemented and compared with real data of the Brazilian Satellite of Data Collection-SCD1 an SCD2. The results show that the theory has consistency and can be applied to predict the spin motion of spin-stabilized artificial satellites.
Journal of Applied Research and Technology, 2014
This paper describes the integration and implementation of a satellite flight simulator based on an air bearing system, which was designed and instrumented in our laboratory to evaluate and to perform research in the field of Attitude Determination and Control Systems for satellites, using the hardware-in-the-loop technique. The satellite flight simulator considers two main blocks: an instrumented mobile platform and an external computer executing costume-made Matlab® software. The first block is an air bearing system containing an FPGA based on-board computer with capabilities to integrate digital architectures for data acquisition from inertial navigation sensors, control of actuators and communications data handling. The second block is an external personal computer, which runs in parallel Matlab® based algorithms for attitude determination and control. Both blocks are linked by means of radio modems. The paper also presents the analysis of the satellite flight simulator dynamics in order to obtain its movement equation which allows a better understanding of the satellite flight simulator behavior. In addition, the paper shows experimental results about the automated tracking of the satellite flight simulator based a virtual reality model developed in Matlab®. It also depicts two different versions of FPGA based on-board computers developed in-house to integrate embedded and polymorphic digital architectures for spacecrafts applications. Finally, the paper shows successful experimental results for an attitude control test using the satellite flight simulator based on a linear control law.
As well as other subsystems, Attitude Determination and Control System (ADCS) development is a challenging process for small satellites because of design limitations, such as size, weight and the power consumption. Besides, if they are thought in a concept with military missions, then the requirement for a high attitude pointing accuracy is something certain. Works on the effective attitude determination and control methods for small satellites can be accepted as a part of this struggle. In this paper, problems that are met during ADCS development phase for future small satellites are stated and possible solutions are suggested.
Journal of Aerospace Engineering, Sciences and Applications, 2008
Placing a satellite or any other spacecraft in orbit is a risky and expensive process; years of research and a lot of money are transformed into equipments that will be beyond any possibility of maintenance in case something goes wrong. Therefore, space projects must be carried on as carefully as possible in order to guarantee that satellite equipments perform its mission properly. In that context, experimental validation of new equipment and/or control techniques through prototypes is the way to increase system confidence. The Space Mechanics and Control Division (DMC) of INPE is constructing a 1D simulator, with rotation around the vertical axis and a 3D simulator, with rotation in three axes, to implement and test satellite Attitude Control System (ACS). However, to perform experimental test it is necessary to estimate the platform inertia parameters in order to balance the platform accurately, so it behaves similar to space torque free conditions. This paper presents the equations of motion and control law design for a 3 D attitude control system simulator. This 3 D model is simplified to 1D simulator from which the inertia moment is estimated by a recursive least squares that uses experimental data. The platform data are obtained in a simple experiment where a reaction wheel is used to apply torques and a gyroscope is used to measure the platform angular velocity. The inertia moment estimated by this approach is very close to the platform inertia moment value obtained by other method.
An analytical approach for spin-stabilized satellites attitude propagation is presented, considering the influence of the residual magnetic torque and eddy currents torque. It is assumed the inclined dipole model for the Earth´s magnetic field and the method of averaging such torques, over each orbital period, is applied to obtain the components of the torques in the satellite body frame reference system. The inclusion of these torques on the rotational motion differential equations of spin stabilized satellites yields the conditions to derive an analytical solution. The solution shows that the eddy currents torques causes an exponential decay of the angular velocity magnitude and the coupled effect of both torques produces a precession on the spin axis. Numerical simulations performed with data of the Brazilian satellites (SCD1 and SCD2) show the agreement between the analytical solution and the actual satellite behaviour.
The orientation of space satellites in stationary orbits gradually change with time. Their attitudes have to be controlled so as to make the deviation from the reference zero by firing on-board jets. It is an optimal control problem which has been addressed in this paper by the maximum principle of Pontryagrin. It has revealed that a relay element is required to minimize the response time, backed up by a dead zone to minimize the fuel consumption, and a limiter to minimize the energy. A controller has been designed along with a full order estimator using linear state variable feedback. This type of compensated linear controllers gives satisfactory performance for limited dynamic range and limited input. The design has been made by specially constructed programs and the results have been checked up using MATLAB tools.
International Conference on Aerospace Sciences and Aviation Technology, 2013
The problem of attitude control of remote sensing satellite using magnetic actuators is considered in this paper. Magnetic actuator was used because it is low power consumption, small mass, low cost and reliable attitude actuator. The attitude control problem of the satellite involves angular velocity suppression, attitude acquisition and finally attitude stabilization will be solved by magnetic actuator only. A comparison between the commonly used controllers for satellite attitude control is presented. The comparison parameters are the total consumed power, the time required to accomplish the angular velocity suppression and attitude acquisition, calculation time of the control algorithm and steady state error in angles and angular velocity. The simulation is done using the complete nonlinear model of satellite. Based on results, a new combined control algorithm was developed to assemble the advantages of these commonly used controllers. Simulation results showed the validity of the developed combined algorithm.
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