
The most relevant indicators of technological research and development, such as production of patents, publications in indexed journals or value of exported industrial goods, are analyzed to review technology performance in Venezuela. While during the first three quarters of the 20 th century the country did not have a relevant technological and innovative production apparatus, with the nationalization of the Venezuelan oil industry in 1976, the government created the Center for Research and Development (INTEVEP) of Petróleos de Venezuela S.A., in order to provide the oil and energy sector of the country with greater technological independence. As a result, technological development formally began in Venezuela. An analysis of patent production reveals that Venezuelan inventors have been granted a total of 394 patents from the US State Patent Office. It is observed also that: 1) the Venezuelan public sector is responsible for the production of 85% of the patents; 2) INTEVEP is responsible for 80% of all patents granted to Venezuelan institutions and enterprises, and 3) after a sustained evolution, the maximum production of patents from Venezuela, about 24 in the late years of the 20 th Century, is currently at its lowest point. A similar conclusion is reached when either INTEVEP's scientific publications production or the value of high technology exported industrial goods are analyzed. Given these facts, it is concluded that the Venezuelan technological system is immersed in a deep crisis.