Code-Switching in Language : An Applied Study


It is obvious, but important fact that in addition to the communicative function of language there is the social function which explains the role that language plays in society. This can be enlightened in sociolinguistics through code -switching .

Key takeaways

  • Consequently, there are varieties of language.
  • One may speak different varieties of one language and this is due to language change so language change is another reason behind the existence of varieties since human's needs are changed continuously.
  • The study of language interference and of factors of language choice in terms of domains is not restricted only to situations in which one speaks one or more languages but may be carried out in situations where varieties of the same language are used in different situations.
  • The older speakers prefer the native language while younger speaker choose the modern language used in the area and this led her to conclude that there is a language shift in progress in the community.
  • In the questionnaire, the researcher has asked the participants to write their own reasons and situations in which they switch from one language to another language in their speech.