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A simple sentence consists of a single independent clause. A multiple sentence contains one or more clauses as its immediate constituents. Multiple sentences are either compound or complex. In a compound sentence the immediate constituents are two or more coordinate clause. In a complex sentence one or more of its elements, such as direct object or adverbial, are realized by a subordinate. Simple sentence may be divided into four major syntactic classes, whose use correlates with different communicative functions; we have in Albanian and English same structure of forms e.g. a. The sentence that has the subject and is always present and usually precedes the verb and it is positive sentence: The teacher will speak to the dean today. Mësuesi do të flet me dekanin sot. b. The question sentence forms have three or more models of making and noun is the kernel e.g. Will teacher speak to the dean today? Keywords: simple, compound, complex and compound complex, sentence, Albanian, English
In Albanian and English we have same kind of sentences (simple, compound or complex sentence). The major of elements or constituents that can be found in clauses are subject, predicate, object, complement etc. For Albanian and English most linguists agree on the needs to recognize at least the following word classes: noun, verb, adjective, preposition, adverb, determinative and conjunction. Each of these words classes is illustrated in the sentence below. The noun or noun phrase can be subject, object, and predicate (…) in the meaning of the structure of syntax. “The kernel sentence, then, has two main parts –a subject and a predicate. The subject consists of noun phrase; the predicate consists of the verb phrase”. We may begin our inquiry into the study of syntax between Albanian and English. There are four main types of sentences: simple, compound, complex and compound complex. By the simple sentence we can see the structure between Albanian and English, too e.g. Maca e mbyeti miun. S (NP) P (VP) O (NP) The cat killed the mouse. S (NP) P (VP) O (NP) Key words: sentence, simple, compound, complex and compound complex.
In Albanian and English we have same kind of sentences (simple, compound or complex sentence). The major of elements or constituents that can be found in clauses are subject, predicate, object, complement etc. For Albanian and English most linguists agree on the needs to recognize at least the following word classes: noun, verb, adjective, preposition, adverb, determinative and conjunction. Each of these words classes is illustrated in the sentence below. The noun or noun phrase can be subject, object, and predicate (…) in the meaning of the structure of syntax. "The kernel sentence, then, has two main parts -a subject and a predicate. The subject consists of noun phrase; the predicate consists of the verb phrase". ii We may begin our inquiry into the study of syntax between Albanian and English. There are four main types of sentences: simple, compound, complex and compound complex.
World Journal of English Language, 2022
In the emerging geopolitics of the modern world, English has assumed the undisputed status of the preferred international language of communication. Thus, though cultures across the world are keen on self-preservation, allowing English to make inroads into the everyday lives of the people is a bygone conclusion. Albanian and English belong to the same language family (Indo-European) and hence share many commonalities. At the same time, they also exhibit many features of departure from the shared characteristics, and research into these is greatly significant from the language learners’ vantage. This paper has to analyse the compound and the complex sentence between English and Albanian language. Both these languages have the compound sentences. However, between the two languages, the sentences show certain similarities as well as dissimilarities. We have the contrast structure.
Ezikov Svyat volume 20 issue 3
This paper describes and analyzes the basic structural sentence patterns in the Albanian language. The internal structure of sen-tences is determined by the verb, which serves as its predicator: the type of verb/ verb valence determines the number and type of complements, and consequently determines the minimal structure of the sentence. A verb like vdes “die”, which is monova-lent-intransitive, requires only one complement in the function of the subject to complete the sentence. Unlike vdes “die”, the bivalent verb takoj “meet” requires two complements to convey its meaning: an internal complement in the function of the direct object and an external complement in the function of the subject. Thus, the verb vdes “die” forms one of the basic sentence pat-terns in the Albanian language: S + intransitive verb, whereas the verb takoj “meet” forms another basic pattern, namely the pattern S + monotransitive verb + DO. The minimal sentence structure contains the verb together with its val...
The aim of this paper is to analyse the compound and the complex sentence between Albanian and English language. In Albanian and English, we have some kinds of compound sentences. So, between two languages we have the contrast structure. The complex sentence is like a simple sentence but the different is that has one or more subordinate clause functioning than the simple sentence.
A phrase is a word or a group of words that may stand as a single grammatical unit. It can be part of a clause or a sentence with or without any specific meaning. Phrases are mandatory constituents of simple, complex and compound sentences. The syntax of Albanian language has an early beginning, but its development is still an ongoing process. The main issues faced by the syntax of Albanian language have been the terminology, definition and classification of grammar and syntactic units. In the syntax of Albanian language there is a constant process of codification, i.e., definition of units and syntactic categories. Our interest here is the definition of the terms <em>word-group, syntagm, phrase </em>and<em> syntactic constituent</em>. On the other hand, the term <em>phrase</em> is well defined in English language. Clear and timely classification of different types of phrases has facilitated syntactic analysis of clauses and sentences. Phrases and...
World Journal of English Language, 2022
The nominal clause and noun phrases in Albanian and English are in an oppositional relationship. This study makes descriptions of syntactic structure using constituent analysis between the two languages. The question that now emerges is what kind of language is implied by this type of description. Tufte (1971, p.41) rightly noted that “Noun phrases are any and all structures headed by a noun, or by a pronoun, or any other word or structure that stands in for a noun. Thus, even an entire clause may function as a noun phrase”. Furthermore, the fact that phraseological categories coexist or are "projections" of specific word-level categories demonstrates that categories are complex entities. This was originally emphasized in Harris (1951) and was expanded upon by Muysken (1985) and Chomsky (1970).
A simple sentence is the first type of sentence one learns to speak. It is the first type of a sentence that children learn to speak, remaining by far the most common type of sentence in the spoken and written language of people of all ages. The basic English language sentence is called a simple sentence. Primarily, it requires a subject and a verb. It can be as short as one word, or it may appear in any of these five combinations: Subject + Verb, Subject + Verb + Object, Subject + Verb + Complement, Subject + Verb + Indirect Object + Direct Object, and Subject + Verb + Object + Complement. But there is a 6 th type of simple sentences with extended phrasal modifiers that can occur at the beginning of the sentence, mid-sentence, or at the end of the sentence which confuses the students. In this article, the possible combinations of simple sentence elements will be explored and specific examples will be put forward by additional example simple sentences. In many grammar books, the str...
THESIS; 2014; VOL. 3; NO. 2, 2014
During the process of foreign language learning, it often happens that students are influenced by native language rules while formulating their ideas in a foreign language, thus failing to pay due account of the fact that linguistic aspects are different in different languages. In light of this finding, this paper/presentation intends to make a contrastive analysis designed to demonstrate, both from a theoretical and practical perspective, similarities and differences between subject clauses in English and Albanian, from a syntactical point of view. Thefollowing presentation examinessome of the linguistic means used to express a subject clause in both languages; their structural typology (based on the conjugation means); the grammatical agreementsbetween the categories of number and person, both direct or otherwise, that this type of sentence establishes with the predicate of the main clause of a complex sentence; as well as its order in the complex sentence. The similarities and differences we intend tounfold in this analysisare expected to be of value to two target-groups: it shall serve English language students as an example illustrating that failure to take account of these linguistic differences in the way a sentence is formed, would result in the use of grammatically erroneous structures and, consequently, create obstacles in interlingual communication. This presentation shall also serve English language university students who may use this modest and by no means exhausting presentation, and elaborate it to a greater extent and in greater detail in their scientific papers.
Sentences types and word order patterns are directly related to each other. When referring to sentence types, one must keep in mind that we do not refer to them according to their structure, but to their purpose, i.e., declarative, interrogative, imperative and exclamative sentences. Word order, especially the S-V-O pattern, may vary depending on the type of the sentences. The typical pattern of the subject, verb and object in English language is normally fixed because English is an analytical language. On the other hand, Albanian language has a free word order mainly because it is a synthetic language, and because of noun cases and verb inflections. For example, we can say ‘ I bought a bike. ’, but we cannot say ‘ A bike bought I. ’. However, in Albanian we can say ‘ Une bleva nje biciklete. ’ and ‘ Nje biciklete bleva une. ’, with a normal and inverted word order. This word order change in Albanian must not be confused with passive voice, i.e., when a subject and an object change ...
Journal of Educational and Social Research, 2021
clauses remains a debatable issue with incomplete solution in the Albanian syntax. The lack of a proper criterion for classification, structuring of clauses makes predicative clauses not treated properly, a few attentions is paid to them moreover they are explained superficially. This type of subordinate clause leaves room for treatments and discussions. They are among the most specific types of dependent clauses in Albanian. In the treatment of the subject, it is intended to explain the syntactic structures of these clauses, to describe as fully as possible the syntactic functions. It will address some conceptions and perspectives on Albanian syntaxes starting from the earliest to the present day. It has been selected the following grammars: the grammar of J. Rrota, M. Domi, S. Prifti, Th. Dhimës, M. Toton, M. Çeliku and the grammar of the Academy 2 (2002) etc. Received: 6 October 2020 / Accepted: 21 December 2020 / Published: 17 January 2021
This article focuses on the syntax and structure of imperative sentences in English and Albanian language. Imperat ive is commonly used to express a command, an order or a request. T hese sentences generally have no subject and may have either the m ain verb or an auxiliary in the base form followed by the appropri ate form of the main verb. Concerning the clause patterns of impera tive sentences, they have the same patterns as declaratives. They i mply a wide range of illocutionary acts depending on the situational context. The article is concentrated on the similarities and differences that both languages demonstrate. By analyzing and comparing the traditi onal verb forms included in the imperative paradigm, the grammatica l categories specific to English and Albanian, including other m ood forms conveying the imperative meanings, we present a ful l description of the morphology of imperatives. We analyze the word order, the nature of the imperative subjects and problems related t...
Customarily, linguistic description on the syntactic level is formulated in terms of constituent analysis. We now can ask what form of grammar is presupposed by description of this sort. We find that the new form of grammatical is essentially more powerful than the finite state model rejected above, and that the associated concept
English Sentence Structure The following statements are true about sentences in English: • A new sentence begins with a capital letter. • He obtained his degree. • A sentence ends with punctuation (a period, a question mark, or an exclamation point). • He obtained his degree. • A sentence contains a subject that is only given once. • Smith he obtained his degree. • A sentence contains a verb or a verb phrase. • He obtained his degree. • A sentence follows Subject + Verb + Object word order. • He (subject) obtained (verb) his degree (object). • A sentence must have a complete idea that stands alone. This is also called an independent clause. • He obtained his degree. Simple Sentences A simple sentence contains a subject and a verb, and it may also have an object and modifiers. However, it contains only one independent clause. Here are a few examples: • She read. • She completed her literature review. • He organized his sources by theme. • They studied APA rules for many hours. Compound Sentences A compound sentence contains at least two independent clauses. These two independent clauses can be combined with a comma and a coordinating conjunction or with a semicolon. Key: independent clause = yellow, bold; comma or semicolon = pink, regular font; coordinating conjunction = green, underlined Here are a few examples: • She completed her literature review, and she created her reference list. • He organized his sources by theme; then, he updated his reference list. • They studied APA rules for many hours, but they realized there was still much to learn. Using some compound sentences in writing allows for more sentence variety. Complex Sentences A complex sentence contains at least one independent clause and at least one dependent clause. Dependent clauses can refer to the subject (who, which)
English and Indonesian sentences realize their predicates by using different kinds of syntactic categories and therefore pose difficulties to Young Learners of English. This is a contrastive study done by observation as well as analytical analysis of simple sentences in both languages. The result of this research shows that both English and Indonesian sentences employ verbs as their predicates. However, in addition to verbs, Indonesian sentences also use other kinds of syntactic categories such as nouns, adjectives, etc. to be the predicates of sentences. These main differences of English and Indonesian systems have to be underlined in teaching and learning process of English to Young Learners in order to avoid grammatical mistakes.
This studies or the aim of the research is to deals the generative " morphems, words or " simple or compound 1 " sentence. The full congrast of Albanian and English language in this phenomena of generative is in morphology and in syntactic structure. This accepts of studies will comparted, contrasted and generated between two languages. This studies deals with noun (noun phrase), verb (verb phrase) of syntactic structure between Albanian and English language. In both of languages, most linguists (or scholars) are agree because has the contrast between Alb. – Eng. The following classes words: noun, verb, adjective, preposition, adverb, determinative and conjunction can generate. Each of these words classes is illustrated in the sentence below. The function of noun (or noun phrase) in the sentence can have the meaning of subject 2 , direct object 3 , indirect object 4 and " predicate " (…). The function of verb or verb phase in the sentence can have the predicate (...).
Comparison of the Syntactical Role of Non-FInite Verbs in Albanian and English language.
ANGLISTICUM. Journal of the Association for Anglo-American Studies, 2016
The article deals with the phenomenon of conjunction (textual connectors) as an important element of cohesion of the text in English and Albanian. It aims at giving the concepts and classifications of conjunctive by linguists, as well as our modest thought on this phenomenon.Cohesion has been considered a rich resource of study by different grammarians.A comparative study of textual connectors in both languages has resulted in finding the similarities and differences in English and Albanian. Keywords: Text, cohesive elements, conjugation, connectors, intonation, additive, adversative, causal, temporal conjugation.
A sentence is a group of words that makes complete sense and has a least one clause. Sentences begin with a capital letter and end with a full stop, question mark or exclamation mark. More complex sentences use sentence markers such as dashes, commas, semicolons and colons. There are four functions for sentences: 1. Making statements (declaratives): The girl shot a goal. 2. Asking questions (interrogatives): Did the girl shoot a goal? 3. Commands (imperatives): Shoot the goal! 4. Voicing exclamations (exclamatives): What a great goal! Most grammatical features within the sentence cluster around the noun and the verb. Words which build sentences describe the nouns (adjectivals) and the verb (adverbials). High level writing includes the sophisticated use of a range of sentence types for effect. Students are able to enhance their writing using different types of sentences.
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