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2005, Journal of Physics: Conference Series
We review recent work and present new examples about the character of singularities in globally and regularly hyperbolic, isotropic universes. These include recent singular relativistic models, tachyonic and phantom universes as well as inflationary cosmologies.
Much of the published work regarding the Isotropic Singularity is performed under the assumption that the matter source for the cosmological model is a barotropic perfect fluid, or even a perfect fluid with a γ-law equation of state. There are, however, some general properties of cosmological models which admit an Isotropic Singularity, irrespective of the matter source. In particular, we show that the Isotropic Singularity is a point-like singularity and that vacuum space-times cannot admit an Isotropic Singularity. The relationships between the Isotropic Singularity, and the energy conditions, and the Hubble parameter is explored. A review of work by the authors, regarding the Isotropic Singularity, is presented.
We explore the character of finite-time singularities that are possible to arise in FRW universes and in specific braneworld configurations. For FRW universes, we derive a first classification of singularities that is based on the behaviour of the Hubble rate. We further extend and complete this classification with the use of the Bel-Robinson energy. The braneworld models that we study consist of a three-brane embedded in a five-dimensional bulk space that is inhabited by a scalar field or a perfect fluid. Our analysis that is performed with the method of asymptotic splittings shows that these braneworlds can exhibit three main types of singularities that arise within finite distance from the brane.
arXiv: General Relativity and Quantum Cosmology, 1998
In 1985 Goode and Wainwright devised the concept of an isotropic singularity. Since that time, numerous authors have explored the interesting consequences, in mathematical cosmology, of assuming the existence of this type of singularity. In this paper, we collate all examples of cosmological models which are known to admit an isotropic singularity, and make a number of observations regarding their general characteristics.
Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2005
We show that globally and regularly hyperbolic future geodesically incomplete isotropic universes, except for the standard all-encompassing 'big crunch', can accommodate singularities of only one kind, namely, those having a non-integrable Hubble parameter, H. We analyze several examples from recent literature which illustrate this result and show that such behaviour may arise in a number of different ways. We also discuss the existence of new types of lapse singularities in inhomogeneous models, impossible to meet in the isotropic ones.
A theory of gravitation is constructed in which all homogeneous and isotropic solutions are nonsingular, and in which all curvature invariants are bounded. All solutions for which curvature invariants approach their limiting values approach de Sitter space. The action for this theory is obtained by a higher derivative modification of Einstein's theory. We expect that our model can easily be generalized to solve the singularity problem also for anisotropic cosmologies.
The European Physical Journal C, 2015
We present a new approach to the issues of spacetime singularities and cosmic censorship in general relativity. This is based on asymptotically splitting 5-dimensional bulk space that has standard 4-dimensional spacetime as its boundary geometry, and constructing a unique, complete, smooth 'ambient' metric which has the latter as its conformal infinity. We then find that the existence of spacetime singularities is intimately linked to breaking the boundary conformal structure, while the 5dimensional metric is only sensitive to conformal infinity without singular points.
Journal of Geometry and Physics, 2007
We consider the problem of describing the asymptotic behaviour of FRW universes near their spacetime singularities in general relativity. We find that the Bel-Robinson energy of these universes in conjunction with the Hubble expansion rate and the scale factor proves to be an appropriate measure leading to a complete classification of the possible singularities. We show how our scheme covers all known cases of cosmological asymptotics possible in these universes and also predicts new and distinct types of singularities. We further prove that various asymptotic forms met in flat cosmologies continue to hold true in their curved counterparts. These include phantom universes with their recently discovered big rips, sudden singularities as well as others belonging to graduated inflationary models.
Annals of Physics, 2021
The quest to understand better the nature of the initial cosmological singularity is with us since the discovery of the expanding universe. Here, we propose several non-flat models, among them the standard cosmological scenario with a critical cosmological constant, the Einstein-Cartan cosmology, the Milne-McCrea universe with quantum corrections and a non-flat universe with bulk viscosity. Within these models, we probe into the initial singularity by using different techniques. Several nonsingular universes emerge, one of the possibilities being a static non-expanding and stable Einstein universe.
Astrophysics and Space Science, 2009
We "explain", using a Classical approach, how the Universe was created out of "nothing" ,i.e., with no input of initial energy nor mass. The inflationary phase, with exponential expansion, is accounted for, automatically , by our equation of state for the very early Universe. This is a Universe with no-initial infinite singularity of energy density.
Annals of Physics, 1999
We consider the conformal Einstein equations for 1 ≤ γ ≤ 2 polytropic perfect fluid cosmologies which admit an isotropic singularity. For 1 < γ ≤ 2 it is shown that the Cauchy problem for these equations is well-posed, that is to say that solutions exist, are unique and depend smoothly on the data, with data consisting of simply the 3-metric of the singularity. The analogous result for γ = 1 (dust) is obtained when Bianchi type symmetry is assumed.
Physical Review D, 1993
A theory of gravitation is constructed in which all homogeneous and isotropic solutions are nonsingular, and in which all curvature invariants are bounded. All solutions for which curvature invariants approach their limiting values approach de Sitter space. The action for this theory is obtained by a higher derivative modification of Einstein's theory. We expect that our model can easily be generalized to solve the singularity problem also for anisotropic cosmologies.
Classical and Quantum Gravity, 2007
We prove well-posedness of the initial value problem for the Einstein equations for spatially-homogeneous cosmologies with data at an isotropic cosmological singularity, for which the matter content is either a cosmological constant with collisionless particles of a single mass (possibly zero) or a cosmological constant with a perfect fluid having the radiation equation of state. In both cases, with a positive cosmological constant, these solutions, except possibly for Bianchi-type-IX, will expand forever, and be geodesically-complete into the future.
Il Nuovo Cimento B, 1992
This paper compares recent approaches appearing in the literature on the singularity problem for space-times with nonvanishing torsion. PACS 04.20.Cv -Fundamental problems and general formalism. PACS 04.50 -Unified field theories and other theories of gravitation.
This is a thesis on general relativity. It analyzes dynamical properties of Einstein’s field equations in cosmology and in the vicinity of spacetime singularities in a number of different situations. Different techniques are used depending on the particular problem under study; dynamical systems methods are applied to cosmological models with spatial homogeneity; Hamiltonian methods are used in connection with dynamical systems to find global monotone quantities determining the asymptotic states; Fuchsian methods are used to quantify the structure of singularities in spacetimes without symmetries. All these separate methods of analysis provide insights about different facets of the structure of the equations, while at the same time they show the relationships between those facets when the different methods are used to analyze overlapping areas. The thesis consists of two parts. Part I reviews the areas of mathematics and cosmology necessary to understand the material in part II, whi...
Physical Review Letters, 2005
In this letter we investigate the nature of generic cosmological singularities using the framework developed by Uggla et al. We do so by studying the past asymptotic dynamics of general vacuum G2 cosmologies, models that are expected to capture the singular behavior of generic cosmologies with no symmetries at all. In particular, our results indicate that asymptotic silence holds, i.e., that particle horizons along all timelines shrink to zero for generic solutions. Moreover, we provide evidence that spatial derivatives become dynamically insignificant along generic timelines, and that the evolution into the past along such timelines is governed by an asymptotic dynamical system which is associated with an invariant set -the silent boundary. We also identify an attracting subset on the silent boundary that organizes the oscillatory dynamics of generic timelines in the singular regime. In addition, we discuss the dynamics associated with recurring spike formation.
In this project we have performed an study of the singularities in Clasical Cosmology, considering a flat Friedmann-Lemaitre-Robertson-Walker for a linear equation of state and for a non-linear one. We have computed analitically all the possible cases, obtaining as a result a general classification for the singularities for a model with a non-linear EoS.
Physical Review D, 2002
Extending the study of spherically symmetric metrics satisfying the dominant energy condition and exhibiting singularities of power-law type initiated in [2], we identify two classes of peculiar interest: focusing timelike singularity solutions with the stress-energy tensor of a radiative perfect fluid (equation of state: p = 1 3 ρ) and a set of null singularity classes verifying identical properties. We consider two important applications of these results: to cosmology, as regards the possibility of solving the horizon problem with no need to resort to any inflationary scenario, and to the Strong Cosmic Censorship Hypothesis to which we propose a class of physically consistent counterexamples .
Arxiv preprint arXiv:1001.3048, 2010
In this talk we review the appearance of new types of singularities (big rip, sudden singularities. . . ) in FLRW cosmological models that have arisen on considering explanations for accelerated expansion of our universe.
Latin indices from the beginning of the alphabet, a, b, c, and so on generally run over four spacetime indices 0, 1, 2, 3, where v 0 denotes the time component of the vector v a. An exception to this convention occurs in paper V and the related section in chapter 5 where they label spatial coordinate indices from 1 to 3. Greek indices from the beginning of the alphabet, α, β, γ, and so on generally run over three spatial indices 1, 2, 3, and are used to label components relative an orthonormal frame, except in paper V where they label spacetime components from 1 to 4. Greek indices from the middle of the alphabet, μ, ν, and so on are used to label spacetime coordinate components. Latin indices from the middle of the alphabet, i, j, k, and so on are used to label spatial coordinate components, or as in paper IV, components relative a group invariant frame. Repeated upper and lower indices are summed over, unless otherwise indicated. The metric has signature − + + +. Units for which 8πG = 1 and c = 1, where G is the gravitational constant and c is the speed of light, are used throughout the thesis. Vectors and tensors are represented by symbols in bold font, x, 0, g, T for example, where the dimension and rank should be discernable from the context. 2 The cosmological constant was first introduced by Einstein [23] as a way to obtain a static universe, but was abandoned by him when it was discovered that the universe is expanding, only later to be revived in light of the new observations of an accelerating universe. 3 The names dark matter/energy are a bit misleading. It may sound like dark matter is completely black, absorbing all light, but in reality it is totally transparent, not interacting with light or normal matter at all, except through its gravitational pull (and possibly through weak interactions that are of no relevance on astronomical scales). More appropriate names would be invisible matter/energy. 4 Aleksander Aleksanderoviq Friedman's last name is sometimes translated Friedmann and sometimes Friedman.
AIP Conference Proceedings, 2006
We consider the problem of the nature and possible types of spacetime singularities that can form during the evolution of FRW universes in general relativity. We show that by using, in addition to the Hubble expansion rate and the scale factor, the Bel-Robinson energy of these universes we can consistently distinguish between the possible different types of singularities and arrive at a complete classification of the singularities that can occur in the isotropic case. We also use the Bel-Robinson energy to prove that known behaviours of exact flat isotropic universes with given singularities are generic in the sense that they hold true in every type of spatial geometry. 1
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