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Previous work from Lam, August, 2016 shows that infinity can be used as a bridge (i.e. constitutes a proof) to connect mathematics and Roger Penrose's Three World Philosophy. Indeed, one can extend Roger's Three World Philosophy to Wilber's Spectrum of Consciousness which consists of four levels and nine stages. To delve deeper in the theory, one may propose that " Multiple World Philosophy " corresponds to the multiple number of types of infinity. This theory can then be applied to describe the complex multiple dimensions character for digital equity. In addition, it can depict the pictures about the interconnections between these dimensions, as there are also affiliations between these worlds. Therefore, " Multiple World Philosophy " is highly likely definitely to be a theory for solving mystery characters – multiple dimensions of Digital equity. The occurrence of Digital equity implies that we are emerging as an information based society. Thus, information-based ethics such as privacy, accuracy, property and accessibility should be included in local school curriculum. In such a case, the access or not access problem transcends to the problem of " Ethical usage in ICT device ". By understanding the philosophy of multiverse, one can overcome part of the gap it creates by applying the aforementioned strategy. In fact, one can only solve the problem by using multi-policies corresponding to different dimensions since digital equity employs a multi-dimensional philosophy. Therefore, schools, community resources, the government and private corporations should work together to develop a citizenry capability to participate in the present information age and to help settle the issue more effectively.
Previous studies by shows that infinity can be used as a bridge (i.e., constitutes a proof) to connect mathematics and Roger Penrose's three world philosophy. Indeed, one can extend Penrose's three world philosophy to Ken Wilber's Spectrum of Consciousness, which consists of four levels and nine stages. To delve deeper into this theory, it may be proposed that the Multiple World Philosophy corresponds to the multiple types of infinity. This theory can then be applied to describe the complex multidimensional characteristics of digital equity. In addition, it can be used to depict the interconnections between these dimensions, as there are also affiliations between these worlds. Therefore, Multiple World Philosophy is highly likely to be a theory for solving mystery for different characters-the multiple dimensions of digital equity. The occurrence of digital equity implies that we are emerging as an information-based society. Thus, informationbased ethics such as privacy, accuracy, property, and accessibility should be included in school curriculums. In such a case, the access or non-access problem transcends to the ethical usage of ICT devices. By understanding the multiverse philosophy, it is possible to overcome part of the gap it creates by applying strategy. In fact, one can only solve this problem by using multi-policies that correspond to different dimensions, since digital equity employs a multi-dimensional philosophy. Therefore, schools, community resources, the government, and private corporations must work together to develop a citizenry that is capable of participating in the present information age that helping to settle the digital equity more effectively.
The focus of this study is the phenomenon of digital society which being the object of many scientific disciplines, however, still remains outside the philosophical analysis. The urgency of this analysis is dictated by the need for a holistic study of the phenomenon, its panoramic representation in the light of modern social changes. In the study, along with the "digital society", the concepts of "numerical society", "numerical world" and "digital world", "digital dimension" are analyzed, their generic relationship with the concepts "number" and "figure" is established, and also worldview grounds, features and boundaries of the use of these concepts are studied. The theoretical and methodological basis of the study is the works of ancient, medieval and modern mathematicians and philosophers on the number as an instrument of knowledge of the world and society. The author primarily uses the principle of the unity of historical and logical analysis, and relies on the principle of comparativism. The conclusion is drawn that the concept of digital society is the modern state of the information society, while the predicate "digital" reflects the final, limiting state in the development of society and the world as a whole. Thus, modern man comes to antinomy-the desire to measure the unmeasurable.
College & Research Libraries, 2005
Verlag Karl Alber eBooks, 2022
First of all, I would like to thank Luciano Floridi for his openness to my proposal to link the new way of knowing in the information age in a mental leap with the ideas of a very different ontological construction as elaborated in the work of Giordano Bruno and especially Tommaso Campanella. The latter was already thinking four hundred years ago of a non-hierarchical categorical system that would build an ontology of experience on the basis of an »is« and »is not« statement in which overlaps or aggregations in all dimensions of the topology would reflect different kinds of perspectives of knowledge instead of a hierarchically structured tree of knowledge. Of course, it makes a big difference whether these connections are presupposed-as in Renaissance philosophy-or whether they are generated as sequences of algorithmic patterns and aggregated con nections, as is possible today. 2 For both basic philosophical concepts, however, it is true that the human being or human rationality plays a different role than in anthropocentric philosophies. And anthropocentric dominance is said to be the only determining force. This is no longer true and can no longer be asserted in the face of the rapidly evolving determinative power of artificial intelligence. I have shown elsewhere that the knowledge production of artificial intelligence must be seen as an independent factor of our epistemic world and cannot be reduced to the first two elements. It constitutes the third dimension of our knowledge and complements the other two epistemically relevant dimensions we know, the subject and the
We do not intend to deal exhaustively with this theme, because it is broad and complex for the space of a text, and we do not even know if we can deal with it without incurring in generalizations. Our intentions, which are much more modest, refer to documentary research for the understanding and development of Universal Ethics and Deontology and some of its multiple relationships. The Digital Society poses great challenges to the World (Global) Human Society, among others, the debate on the definition and implementation of a universal code of ethics and deontology (from theory to practice), because the human being is part of a whole, which we call the universe, in time and space. The terms ethics and universal deontology are approached from the discussion about the collective responsibility of citizens. This implies a reflection and debate on the collective (universal) principles, values, norms and rules of the Digital Society, since all citizens of the world have responsibilities (duties and rights), regardless of their nationality, religious belief, profession, (politicians, military, scientists, etc.). Universal principles, values, norms and rules are crucial for the social and economic well-being of the world's humanity. Ethics and deontology are a form of conduct, which makes people respect each other, and guarantee human rights and dignity, for the sustainability of world society, regardless of the material and technological resources of the Digital Society.
This article examines the digital through the lens of interality and Flusser's thought. It claims that the digital affords an interological sensibility. It sees the Hive as a mythical symbol of the digital, which constitutes a new khora or milieu that reconfigures everything in it. Some of the key notions elaborated in the article include: intermind, the virtual, the digital doppelgänger, control and becoming, the acceleration of reality, etc. The article calls for openness toward no knowledge when humanity is faced with the unknown so it can improvise a new existential gyroscope adequate to the new real. [Peter Zhang. Toward an Interality-Oriented Philosophy (IOP) of the Digital. China Media Research, 15(4):13-22] 4 A man coins not a new word without some peril; for if it happens to be received, the praise is but moderate; if refused, the scorn is assured.-Ben Jonson [T]hinking is not a continuous, discursive process-thinking "quantizes."-Vilém Flusser The digital is something we use and are used by on a daily basis but do not quite comprehend. This familiar stranger has become our constitutive other, our new dwelling. We have since been taken on a giddy journey of becoming with neither destination nor return. Myriad signs around us indicate that the digital has been and will continue to be a formidable agent of transformation. The world itself as we knew it once upon a time has been pulverized and become one with the digital sandstorm. At this post-historical, neo-nomadic moment, "know thyself" immediately entails knowing the digital. We are challenged to grasp something discursive prose made up of strings of letters is not adequate to precisely because it has rendered this means of knowing obsolescent. We have reached a point where we cannot but let go of our rational bearing because everything rational is mere content in this new medium. Literal (i.e., letter-based), linear, logical thinking has to give way to statistical, probabilistic, cybernetic, programmatic, game-theoretic, quantum-theoretic, neo-atomistic, pointillistic thinking. Ontological thinking will be overthrown, overcome, dissolved, and absorbed by interological thinking. The digital transforms our mode of existence, reconfigures our patterns of consciousness, and reshapes our collective unconscious. As members of a community of inquiry, our cause resides and proceeds in between questions and dialogues, experiments and lucky finds. We are faced with a project without precedent. To try to construct a neat system is to betray our cause. We have to own up to the fact that we simply don't know, and present our findings in a form that reveals our sense of no
Ethics and information technology, 2008
The End of the Future: Governing Consequence in the Age of Digital Sovereignty (now available for order as below), 2019
We are now entering an era where the human world assumes recognition of itself as data. Its basis for existence is becoming fully subordinated to the software processes that tabulate, index, and sort the relations entailed in making up what we perceive as reality. The acceleration of data threatens to relinquish ephemeral modes of representation to ceaseless processes of computation. This situation compels the human world to form relations with non-human agencies, to establish exchanges with the algorithms and other software processes that accelerate and intensify the possibility of its obsolescence in order to allow for a profound upgrade to our own ontological understanding to take precedent. Through a partial attunement to what is always already non-human in its form of mediation to a higher intelligence, we are able to rediscover the actual inner logic of the age of intelligent machines, as at once the reason of trauma and the instrument of catastrophe for a humanity still beholden to a linear process of rationality. Humanity now finds itself captive to pervasive institutionalised forms of violence whose force has everything to do with the aggressive pattern of economics in a neoliberal age, bound with an internet that has taken on a fourth dimension to generate consequence in the material world. This has allowed the internet to become thingly insofar as it will soon be understood not as an interface but as an environment. It thus takes on the ability to shape conditions beyond the imaginary and embed itself into materiality in a variety of ways that benefit from the demise of state parameters and the enlivenment of a fluidity of information able to migrate across time and space. All previous forms of media suffered from imprisonment within a screen, which limited their ability to function as the foundation for alternative networks, or as nodes of multilayered connectivity. The promise of a universal connectivity through a perpetual summons of our inclinations brings forth nothing less than a new form of imperialism able to transform space into a sphere of liquidity, and complexity into a condition of movement. As labour precarity and labour migration becomes the normative situation of a disenfranchised humanity, so too does its acquiescence to a universal accessibility where individuals are continuously subject to digital interpolation, and as such their behaviours and movements are made available to generating exploitable forms of interest. The data created is thus credited to others and interpreted to advance interests of others; all in order to finance the states and corporations who control the means for making worlds we alone discover. The End of the Future conceives an understanding of the digital through its dynamic intersection with the advent and development of the nation-state, race, colonisation, navigational warfare, mercantilism and capitalism, and the mathematical sciences over some five centuries. Its task is to animate an understanding of the twenty-first century as an era where the screen has split off from itself and proliferated onto multiple surfaces, and as a consequence has allowed an inverted image of totalitarianism to flash up at this point in history, and be altered to support our present condition of binary apperception. It progresses through a recognition of a now atomised political power whose authority lies in the control not of the means of production, but of information, and thus, digital media now serves to legitimise and promote a customised micropolitics of identity management. On this new apostolate plane, it is possible to conceive a world in which each human soul is captured and reproduced as an autonomous individual bearing affects and identities. The digital infrastructure of the twenty-first century makes it possible for power to operate through an esoteric mathematical
Universalization is a fundamental concept in philosophy that seeks to understand the nature of ideas and concepts that are applicable to all people in all places in the world and at all times. It is an approach that seeks to find principles and truths that are universally valid, regardless of any specific context. The concept of truth involves many philosophical reflections and discussions, throughout the history of philosophy, from classical antiquity to modern philosophy, so we will understand very relevant philosophical concepts: truth, lying and knowing. For the writing of this article, an analysis of the respective concepts was made, as well as the concepts of reality, objectivity, ethics, justice, politics, as well as their relationship with the different information and communication technologies, dissemination of sensationalist information, in the promotion of post-truth and the reflection on how philosophy can be used as a critical instrument in the valorization of universal truth. Human beings seek to have solid beliefs and life patterns based on truth, as a form of emotional and mental stability, for the understanding of universal reality and the making of conscious, ethical and responsible decisions. The human being, based on his knowledge, reflects on these questions, through critical exercise, as a way of dealing with the crisis of truth in an ethical and conscious way.
Information, A New World Discovered, 2022
What is information? Information in the broad sense including not only digital information, but also analogue information (the whole of human culture), biological information and even physical information. For this research, the theory of three worlds of philosopher Karl Popper is the starting point. His pluralistic theory disentangles reality into three worlds: world 1 is the physical world, world 2 the world of processing and individuality, and world 3 is the autonomous world of information. A world 3, with information as a basic, distinct property of the universe, a trace from the past, stored history, retained reality. This leads to the conclusion that world 2 (mind and processing) and world 3 (stored information) should not be mixed up; storage of information is key, not the processing or transmission of information. Disentanglement of reality into three worlds creates clarity in many different fields of science and society. Considering world 3 of stored information as a separate world of stabilized or preserved reality, will give a new perspective on many issues in contemporary philosophy, physics, natural sciences, social/cultural sciences and even artifical intelligence.
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Kinyaduka, B.D., 2024
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Information, A New World Discovered A Survey of Information using a Three-World Ontology, 2020
Edward Elgar eBooks, 2015
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The End of the Future: Governing Consequence in the Age of Digital Sovereignty, 2019
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The End of the Future: Governing Consequence in the Age of Digital Sovereignty, 2019