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Bioindikator kimi mamırdan istifadə etməklə atmosfer havasının tərkibindəki ağır metalların təyin edilməsi
DergiPark (Istanbul University), 2010
Uzun süreden beri tekstil terbiyesinde kullanılan selülazlar üzerine yoğun araştırmalar mevcuttur. Selülazların pamuk, jüt, keten rami ve diğer selüloz esaslı lifleri hidrolize ettiği ve temiz parlak tekstil yüzeylerinin elde edilmesini sağladıkları iyi bilinmektedir. Selülaz enzimi ayrıca denim giysilerde taşlanmış ve giyinmiş efekti için de kullanılmaktadırlar. Selulazların kullanım alanlarını arttırmak mümkündür. Fakat selülazların, viskon kumaşların bio-parlatmasında kullanılmasında sorunlar mevcuttur. Bio-parlatma sonrası viskon kumaşlarda mukavemet kaybı gözlemlenirken kumaş yüzeyindeki pilling ve tüylülük yeterli miktarda azalmamaktadır. Bu ikilem nedeniyle farklı ticari enzimlerle farklı süre ve konsantrasyonlarda istatistiksel bir araştırma yapılmıştır. En iyi sonucun Sellobiohidrolaz (CBH) esaslı selülaz enzimi ile elde edildiği tespit edilmiştir.
The determination of elemental concentrations for Br, Ca, Cl, Fe, K, Mg, Na, S, Sr, and Zn in blood samples from White New Zealand rabbits was performed applying the NAA technique. Twenty whole blood samples (12 male and 8 female) collected in research centers from Brazil (Aggeu Magalhães in Recife and Butantan Institute in São Paulo) were investigated, using the IEA-R1 nuclear reactor at IPEN/CNEN-SP-Brazil. These data can be used as references to perform biochemistry analyses in veterinary medicine using small quantities of whole blood (100-400 lL), simplifying the collection and the preparation of biological samples (it is not necessary to perform the serum separation nor to use specific reactants). Furthermore, the knowledge of the biochemical values in blood allows us to check the similarities with the blood estimations in human beings, which is an important condition for selecting laboratory animals. Finally, these data suggest a great similarity of the inorganic tissue profile of rabbits (White New Zealand) and humans.
Consortium gave highest IOR of 3909 mg/L/h at no metallic stress in column reactor. It showed 51 times higher IOR compared to wild type consortium in metallic stress. Bioregenerated ferric iron yielded 52.2 and 2.6 g/L Zn and Cu, respectively. CYANEX Ò 301 used first time for metal recovery from PBC leachate. First biphasic process for PBC and recovery of metals.
Compte rendu de Rosario Pintaudi (éd.), Antinoupolis I. Scavi e materiali, Florence, Istituto “G. Vitelli” (2008), dans Bibliotheca Orientalis LXVII n°3-4 (mai-août 2010), p. 338-343
Dear Readers, I am happy to announce that finally we have completed hard work on the English issue of the quarterly Biological and Environmental Education. Now it is ready to be handed off to our readers. In this issue, you will find articles assigned to either SCIENCE section or SCHOOL section. In the present issue, we offer you wide variety of articles aligned in growing size of the main characters of each article. SCIENCE section begins with Bacterial species – from theory to practice. You would be surprised if you are used to the concept of biological species known for animals or plants. How it can be different in the world of bacteria? The answer is in the above-mentioned article. If you prefer a bit larger organisms, you should get familiar with following articles: Moulds – friends or enemies? and Dung beetles and their role in the nature. The SCIENCE section closes with Red fox (Vulpes vulpes) as a synurbic species and its role in the spread of the Echinococcus multilocularis tapeworm. The SCHOOL section contains three articles: Importance of digital spatial data in environmental education, Knowledge about local natural monuments – ignorance or flaws of the education system? and Elements of Health Education in Science Coursebooks. The last article is a comprehensive review on health education in Poland. Especially if you reached our quarterly from abroad, you are strongly encouraged to read articles published in this section as they present current problems and hopes of education in our country. I would like to thank Polish Ministry of Science and Higher Education for financial support upon English translation of all texts published in this issue. Dedicated work of our colleagues from Institute of Educational Research, Karolina Kwiatosz and Marcin Trepczyński, is also greatly acknowledged. Happy Holidays and enjoy English issue of Biological and Environmental Education. Kind regards, Takao Ishikawa
Biology or Life science has made rapid progress. Advancements in several fields of Science and Technology have provided the tools to understand life processes. As humanity faces several problems related to population growth, environmental degradation, energy crisis, epidemic diseases, food production and species extinctions the challenges faced by the biologists in finding appropriate solutions to such issues has become his/ her sacred duty. Thus the future remedial measures for ensuring human survival and biosphere safeguarding shall require a vast army of personnel with a sound knowledge of Biology. Hence the scope for future biologists is evergrowing.
The present study was designed to examine the antimicrobial activity and to determine mineral contents of commonly consumed wild vegetables, which utilized mostly in southern parts of Turkey. Ten plantsbelonging to the different taxa (Arum dioscoridis Sm., Chenopodium album L., Malva sylvestris L., Mentha longifolia (L) Huds., Nasturtium officinale W.T. Aiton, Papaver rhoeas L., Polygonum aviculare L., Rumex acetosella L., Sinapis alba L. and Urtica dioica L.) were individually screened for their possible antibacterial and antifungal activities using both polar (methanolic) and nonpolar (n-hexane) crude extracts. Theextractswere tested against both standard American Type Culture Collection (ATCC) and Refik Saydam Turkish National Type Culture Collection (RSKK) and clinically isolated (CI) bacterial strains and two ATCC fungal strains.The efficacy of each plant extracts was tested by serial micro dilution method (MIC). Analyzed plant extracts demonstrated antimicrobial activity with the MIC values ranging 16 to 64 µg/ml against culture collection Gram negative bacteria and 256 µg/ml against isolated strains. The MIC values for selected extracts ranged from 16 to 256 µg/ml against culture collection Gram positive bacteria and 256 µg/ml against isolated strains. Among the plants tested, C. album (aqueousmetha nolic) extra cts demonstra ted the highest antimicrobial activities againsta ll the test microorganisms with the best MIC (16 µg/ml) value. Furthermore, major and trace element concentrations were also screened and evaluated for their potential risk for public health by comparing with established limits proposed by various scientific reports.
Journal International 1 Pembelajaran biologi Berbasis Internet
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Hemijska industrija
Turkiye Klinikleri Journal of Medical Sciences, 2011