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The article claims that modern education shifts emphasis from formation of knowledge to formation of a skill to operate the knowledge, from organization of «mind operating» to organization of «operating the mind». It changes methodological basis of pedagogic activity. The author views three main methodological principles which determine direction of modern education: operating-the-mind experience (mind experience) is not an intellectual but an existential achievement of an individual; operating-the-mind experience reveals situational determination of mind content which turns out to be senses of the mind; operating-the-mind experience requires questions (requests) of a learner to determine direction of education. Not «Science of Logic» by Hegel but «The Logic of Sense» by Deleuze becomes a new ground for educational methodology. Key words: educational methodology, competences, operating the mind, sense, comprehension, individuality, dialogue in education.
In this article, the authors examine the current understanding of the foundations of the philosophy of education. Lately, when speaking about the human development and education, one concretizes that it is about the perfection of mind. At the end of the XX century, the subject of the educational impact was considered as a person, consisting of social and biological entity, but at the beginning of the XXI century the situation changed. Advances in neurosciences (RistoKalervoNäätänen, James Olds, Donald Olding Hebb, Elhonon Goldberg and others) are allowed to concretize the subject of educational impact and distinguish the material organization in a person that really makes him differ from the world of living organisms. We are talking about neural structures that are formed and developed in the human brain and which are not observed (if they are observed in different formats and with different functional manifestations) in the brain of higher animals.
Education should take into account the phenomenological investigation of individuals in order to encourage students to create and construct their own knowledge. It is known that current educational system mainly approves of objective knowledge and phenomenological ways of thinking of individuals cannot be approved. Thus, individuals leave their own naturalistic ways of thinking and learning that it creates serious problems in current educational system related to students' learning in school. This study aims at reflecting the subjective knowledge, that is perceptions of students concerning "desire of learning" and also analyzing what those students felt and experienced in reflecting their subjective knowledge related to the given concept. The data were collected from the twelve master students studying at Institute of Educational Sciences between 2006 and 2010. It can be said that the students reach their own meaning related to the concept of "desire of learning&q...
The Journal of Education, Culture, and Society, 2022
Aim. The aim of the article is to define the possibilities of education in the concept of postmetaphysical thinking. The definition takes into account the need to understand education as an open process of developing an authentic personality. Concept. The article is built around a comparison of metaphysical and post-metaphysical thought. It describes the fundamental differences between both types of thinking, with a focus on the importance of others and openness in the interpretation of fundamental pedagogical categories. Results. Creation of a basic framework for the innovation of pedagogical practices. The proposed framework views pedagogical success as a means of finding a sense of self, leaves room for alternative solutions, and emphasises the importance of students' individual abilities. It allows for pedagogy based on acceptance of otherness. Through the pedagogy thus interpreted, it creates a path for creative solutions to educational problems while developing not only the individual abilities of students but also their capacity for tolerance, which is a prerequisite for the functioning of a democratic society, through the pedagogy thus interpreted. Cognitive value. The article presents problems that arise when using classical pedagogy, i.e. pedagogy based on metaphysical thinking. The aim of classical pedagogy is the passive passing of knowledge and the production of graduates with the same abilities and knowledge.
Pedagogical concept and its features, social work and linguology (2nd ed.)
The article reveals priority ideas of the development of the pedagogical science and peculiarities of the worldview formation in the future teacher, which emphasize the recognition of humanistic and democratic processes in education as the basis for the formation of value orientations, expansion of a person’s spiritual world, establishment of relations with nationality, and discovery of the spiritual content of national traditions. On the basis of the analysis of modern state of higher education, its compliance with the social order and European standards, the article characterizes changes in the qualitative construction of educational content, which allows us to implement the main guidelines for the qualitative training of the future specialist, embody characteristics of humanization as self-humanization, which will necessarily affect the formation of pedagogical consciousness in future specialists, their independence in decision-making processes, activity and creativity in finding...
International Journal of Educational Advancement 04(06):138-150, 2021
the meaning of instruction and of what it includes is of utmost significance within the definition of a framework of education and its implementation. In this research prepare of 'formal concept' alludes to the strategy and the framework by which what is called 'education' is steadily conferred; 'something' alludes to the substance of what is ingraining, and 'human beings' alludes to the recipient of both the method and the content. The investigation result already encompasses the basic elements that constitute education: the method, the substance, the beneficiary; but it isn't however a definition since those components are purposely cleared out unclear. In this research paper, we look at the comparative approach of instruction. The basic initiatives of the decade inside this division have given accentuation to issues of responsibility, esteem for successful instructive control. The data of different insights concerning the instructive exercises as it completely accomplished its potential esteem in case it is utilized to characterize comprehensive concepts of execution and objective accomplishments educated by the educational' missions. In that soul, we propose concepts of generalizing information and productivity in arrange to pick up assist bits of knowledge into the organization's operations. Information envelopment investigation and its later propels were utilized to assess outline-based proficiency.
Universal Journal of Educational Research, 2020
The relevance of the research topic lies in the fact that in the field of modern education there are numerous discussions and study of such an aspect as updating the education methods. The leading task of educational policy is to ensure a high-quality level of education at all stages of education-from preschool to professional. The above also applies to arts education, as it is part of the general education system. The purpose of the study is to study the issue of modern art education, to analyse further possible directions in which it can develop. The leading approach to the study of the problem is the use of art as a teaching method. The main results that can be highlighted in the analysis of aesthetic education at the present time: education in the field of creativity is underestimated in the learning process, although it is an important aspect of the development of a particular individual; artistic and aesthetic education in the context of modern educational activities is not a primary task of society; current principles embedded in education provide for the dominance of authoritarian models of regulation; art education is insufficiently equipped with a material, technical and personnel base within the framework of the general educational process. Prospects for further development are based on the resolution of the above dilemmas and represent: the necessity to form a level of special significance for art and aesthetic education at the level of the entire state; expansion of the general educational program in the creative and aesthetic profile and the arts by increasing the time allotted for the study of these areas.
Revista de Investigación en Educación
This work insists on the importance of the study of theory-practice relationship to obtain specialized and specific knowledge of education: pedagogical knowledge. Education is a real field that people may know in different ways, forms, and types. Several types of knowledge and rationality are useful for making knowledge of education: philosophical theories, practical theories, applied research, substantive theories have let them build it. To a higher extent, knowledge of education has already made particular and specific concepts. This study establishes differences between knowledge of education and knowledge of disciplines which are used in educative process. Besides this, it emphasizes and upholds the Educational Knowledge Growth Model. The second half of this work continues to explain the different possibilities that each current of knowledge of education has, for solving the problems which arise in the intervention, regarding to theory-practice relationship. All this has been ma...
The article deals with the analysis of the ontological level of the phenomenon of " education " , which forms the perspectives of development and the cultural core of the society life. As a prerequisite for the analysis, M. Heidegger's statements about the ontological foundations of modern education and its relationship with Greek thought understanding have been used. Based on the analysis of the ancient episteme of activity (i.e. system of forms and methods of using knowledge) the principles that determine the ontological horizon of modern education development have been explicated. The area of the multi-sectoral system of education, which is becoming today a recipient and bearer of these principles, is described. The methodological basis of the research made is the hermeneutic study of the ancient original sources – the works by Xenophon, Plato, Aristotle, the results of this analysis being projected onto the current situation in education. The ontological components of this projection are: correlation of knowledge with the world of real things, combination of theoretical understanding and practical art, value mediation of activity through the attitude to the truth, creativity of activity. Having made the examination of the antique έχνη (techne, Lat.) meanings, the author shows the perspectives of the enhanced comprehension of the education and cognition technologization. The horizon of the paradigmatically-differentiated system of modern education development has been considered as the place of cognitive-cultural diversity generation. The characteristic is given of the episteme of activity in the locus of research education, the ideas of which had been formulated in the works by I. Kant, W. Humboldt, K. Jaspers.
International Journal of Education and Teaching, 2023
The purpose of this work is to describe and explain the characteristics of pedagogy as a science of education, as an object, concepts and research method. The methodology assumed was the review of the history of pedagogy, especially the classics of pedagogy, those who built it with their experiences in laboratory schools. Here are listed the main concepts of pedagogy, its laws and principles; she establishes the opposition that exists between teaching-learning and education as formation of the personality; she also delimits the fields of the pedagogical method, of didactics or teaching-learning, and the methodology of educational labor that organizes the process and the educational context, the regime and the lifestyle, such as those experienced in the "colonies" or "communes" of children and adolescents, organized and directed by Neill and Makarenko. Since the present article does not derive from a primary source or from field work, as an empirical or experimental research, the results constitute the content of the article, as conclusions.
Proceedings of the 4th International Conference on Contemporary Education, Social Sciences and Humanities (ICCESSH 2019), 2019
The following article describes main aspects of modern education and offers possible reforms for it. In this article, the authors tried to give a brief theoretical outlook of the educational system. The rules of the masses and the elitist education have been discussed. Afterwards the authors proceeded to analyze particular problems that the modern educational system is facing today, such as the lack of proper general strategy and lack of realistic goals. In the final part of the article, the authors proposed possible solutions to these issues, such as an individual approach to teaching. Keywords—postmodern educational system; group mind; dual education; interdisciplinarity; modern education; cognitive science; reforms in education
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2023
This essay aims to present reflections on learning processes. This is a bibliographic study, based on analytical hermeneutics. As a methodology, for the accomplishment of this study, the analyzes were carried through researches in books, considering the main aspects and approaches on the contributions of the research on the learning. The knowledge and condition that the contemporary moment presents to man, of being able to manipulate his conquests in relation to time, also made him a hostage of this moment, believing that he is a being of supernatural intelligence, being above the natural condition of being and living. Curiosity and the desire to know and understand things is a human attribute, universal, characterized as a phylogenetic inheritance and not an event that appears as a product of modern human thought and, the most interesting thing is that, there is a certain period in human history in which the creation of myths, which are fabulous explanations about the origin of the universe and about the organic and mechanical occurrences within it, were drastically reduced, which removed the common human being from a possibility of understanding his existence in the Cosmos. It was found that according to the current condition, learning and teaching are different phases of the same progressive and continuous mechanism. Through the results of the research, it can be said that one of the challenges in the educational context is not just knowing how to teach or how to evaluate, but to present knowledge in a way that the student learns and develops better.
Postmodern Openings
The relevance of the chosen topic of the article is determined by the need to improve the system of educational activities in postmodernism. The article provides a theoretical analysis of developments on the topic, substantiates axiological (spiritual, moral, aesthetic and other values, their relationship with each other, with social, cultural factors and human personality; section philosophy) perspectives of educational activities in postmodern philosophy, gives a description of axiological areas of academic activity in postmodern philosophy; the main directions of the philosophy of education in the epoch of postmodernism are determined; the vision of a new paradigm of education in the works of researchers and scientists is presented. The article analyses the understanding of the problems of education in the European philosophical and pedagogical tradition of the XX-XXI century, gives a brief overview of systematic works on the philosophy of education of prominent Western research...
Vejo, E., Isanović, N., Pehlić, I. & Duić, A. (2007). Supplement/contribution to school epistemology, WCCES XIII World Congress Comparative Education Societies, Sarajevo, 3-7. IX 2007. SUPPLEMENT/CONTRIBUTION TO SCHOOL EPISTEMOLOGY Summary As there is general epistemology there should be school epistemology. It could develop from the logic of general epistemological principles, singularity of school spirit and its formative ambitions and the particularity of individual school subjects. The area of its interest would be the definition of principles of the conveyance of scientific content into educational. This paper is a contribution to that intention by means of Sunday school. It is the supplement to a different from the dogmatic, atrophied religious knowledge that does not succeed to develop religious aspect of identity as a refreshment, awakening, something as the spiritual intelligence of a person. The paper will discuss the nature of basic parameters that are inbuilt in the concept of Sunday school. Two most important educational streams are emphasized and the research has been focused on them: 1. the question of the existence / non-existence of conversation in Sunday school because of the sensibility to ethical universalism of religions 2. the question of form / lack of form of the concept of religion as an encouragement for a young person to ´search openly´ in a process of free, awakened growth in religion and humanity ´Ethical universalism´, most credibly testified exactly by religions, is the most important point at which the idea of plurality, parallel existence of differences and the dialogue of equal dignity between cultures rest. Persuasion as a search and growth, developmental advancement of a person is in the basis of developmental model of piety (Kahoe, Meadow, 1981) related to the developmental theories of personality. The criterion to reach it is defined by the sensibility for development of one´s personal relationship towards transcendental, inner and interpersonally positively employed. Obviously, it is about the ratio of reciprocity in a person – for his/her enriching relationship towards God develops from the readiness to invest in his/her spiritual well-being. Only this type of believing is the ontological constituent of human being. The aim of this research is to find out if Sunday school education encourages or inhibits it. Problems of the research: Problem 1: Does Sunday school promote the principle of ethical consonance of different cultures? Problem 2: Is the encounter with Sunday school content arranged as the encouragement of piety/persuasion? Problem 3: Is there a significant difference in the quality of achieved parameters in the practice of catholic Sunday school and Islamic Sunday school. Problem 4: What is the meaning of the achieved results of the research in the context of school epistemology? Method of research is descriptive, empirically - non-experimental, by technique of semi-standard questionnaire. The research sample was made of students of Islamic and catholic Sunday school, 70 senior students from a secondary school. The sample is constructed according to the principles that enable its representation and psychometrical processing of data. PRILOG ŠKOLSKOJ EPISTEMOLOGIJI Sažetak Kao što postoji opća epistemologija trebala bi postojati i školska epistemologija. Ona bi se mogla razviti iz logike općih epistemoloških principa, posebnosti 'duha' školske situacije i njenih formativnih ambicija i posebnosti pojedinih nastavnih predmeta. Područje njenog znanstvenog interesa bilo bi definiranje principa transponiranja znanstvenih u nastavne sadržaje. Ovaj rad je prilog ovakvom nastojanju posredstvom vjeronaučne nastave, prilog drukčijem od dogmatskog, atrofiranog vjerskog 'znanja' koje ne uspijeva razviti religijski aspekt identiteta kao svježinu, razbuđenost, nešto poput 'duhovne inteligencije' osobe. Rad će prodiskutirati prirodu temeljnih parametara koji su ugrađeni u vjeronaučni koncept. Pri tom, apstrahirana su dva najznačajnija odgojna toka za ovu nastavu i na njih sukusiran istraživački interes: 1. pitanje prisustva/odsustva govorenja u vjeronauci iz osjetljivosti za 'etički univerzalizam' religija 2. pitanje oblikovanosti/neoblikovanosti koncepta vjeronauke kao poticaja mladoj osobi za 'otvorenim traganjem', kao procesom slobodnog, posviještenog rasta u vjeri i ljudskosti. 'Etički univerzalizam' koji navjerodostojnije mogu svjedočiti upravo religije najbitnija je tačka na kojoj počiva ideja pluralnosti, uporednog postojanja različitosti, dijaloga ravnopravnog dostojanstva među kulturama. Vjerovanje kao potraga i rast, razvojno unapređenje osobe u osnovi je razvojnog modela religioznosti (Kahoe, Meadow, 1981) bliskog razvojnim teorijama ličnosti. Kriterij njegovog dosezanja definiran je senzibilitetom za razvijanjem svog odnosa prema Transcendentnom, unutrašnjim, interpersonalno pozitivno angažiranim. Očito je da se radi o odnosu reciprociteta u osobi – za nju obogaćujući odnos prema Bogu proistekao je iz spremnosti da investira u svoje duhovno blagostanje. Samo ovakvo vjerovanje je ontološla konstituenta ljudskog bića. Cilj ovog istraživanja je utvrditi da li ga nastava vjeronauke potiče ili inhibira? Istraživački problemi: Problem 1: Da li nastava vjeronauke promovira princip etičkog suglasja različitih kultura? Problem 2: Je li susret s vjeronaučnim sadržajima aranžiran kao poticaj rastu u vjerovanju? Problem 3: Postoji li signifikantna razlika u kvalitetu dosegnutih parametara u praksi katoličke i islamske vjeronauke? Problem 4: Šta dobiveni rezultati znače u kontekstu školske epistemologije? Metoda istraživanja je deskriptivna, empirijsko-neekspiremantalni način, tehnikom polustandardiziranog upitnika. Istraživački uzorak činili su polaznici islamske i katoličke vjeronauke, po 70 učenika završnih razreda srednje škole. Uzorak je konstruiran prema principima koji obezbjeđuju njegovu reprezentativnost i dozvoljavaju psihometrijsku obradu rezultata.
A description of the schools of educational philosophy that *examines* the phenomenon or symptom and human existence in the development of living and life and the environment embodied in existentialism, progressiveness, perennialism, essentialism and reconstructionism. These ideologies can provide an explanation of the education view and implementation. The ideology of educational philosophy can be used to design learning plans to improve the implementation of quality education. Each ideology has its own characteristics, but some are still linked. Similar to the reconstructionism which is the development of the progresivism, then the essentialism that supports the perennialism. All these ideologies of educational philosophy have implications for educational goals, curricula, and learning methods. Keywords: School of Philosophy of Education, Implementation of Education, Implications.
Education is a social effect of millenary human action, stemming from the human experience throughout its existence, but also scientific and technical knowledge, who put their mark on human evolution and society. Sociology of education, scientific discipline border, studying the social effects on the development of education, has taken great theoretical and practical connotations of centuries XIX and XX century and we now consider the early Millennium III , an important scientific discipline, scientific accumulation products through all this time, the disciplines of Humanities and Nature, accumulations which sums up their brilliant education. We appreciate that, as human society, but nations have better access to knowledge and scientific information, education in general, exerted on the human individual through classical or modern methods, the development of education is more important for that society . The more advanced a society is an educational and scientific, so it is better t...
Postmodern Openings, 2019
This study is aimed at explication the structure of ontological basis of the education phenomenon from the standpoint of the truth of its being and reality. The methodology of the study is based on separation of existence and being concepts in the education phenomenon and identification of predetermining relationships between them. The methodology and results of the work are the author's own contribution. As a result of the study, the ontological basis of the education phenomenon is presented as a set of the following components: (1) ontological principles-educational universals and paradigmatic relations; (2) ontological essence. Their relationship with the truth of being of the education phenomenon is shown. The role of the ontological essence in the formation of social and existential realities of education is revealed. The content of structural, procedural, psychic and distributive universals is defined as a pre-image of the general in teaching and learning diversity. Forms, ways, functions and generalization of the being of the education phenomenon, which determine the particular in its reality, are taken as paradigmatic relationships. In connection with preformativity of the education phenomenon, a non-Kuhnian definition of the paradigm is developed, and the role of paradigms of education advancement is identified. Examples are given showing the significance of components of the ontological basis in the formation of the education reality. The conclusion is drawn that the ontological basis predetermines the presence of the social and existential necessary in education reality, and its deficit makes problematic the ability of education to be itself.
A Scientific View of the Philosophy of Education: A Study, 2018
A scientific view means an opinion based on objective analysis and logical reasoning. It is entirely free from any personal bias or prejudice against the subject matter on which the view is expressed. The philosophy of education interrogates the goals, forms, methods and meaning of education and addresses all the related philosophical nature of education. The philosophy of education is, thus, a two-sided coin with one side inward focusing on the parent discipline of philosophy and the other wide outward to educational practice. A networked environment in this context is inclusive of connected nodal networks, blended learning, distance learning, asynchronous / synchronous learning, computer supported collaborative learning, community of learning, teachers and students, interactive learning (between learners, between learners and teachers, between learners and content), co-creative, collaborative, inclusive spaces, participatory learning context and spaces, time on task, feedback mechanism (learner, group, country), learner analytics, and integrated tutoring systems. The degree of interaction between the learner and the technological tools presents the technology accordance worthy of exploration and investment in a learning environment. The modern scientific research-based teaching and learning educational paradigms can be enriched by
PEOPLE: International Journal of Social Sciences
I feel it necessary on both theoretical and methodological levels to think over the meaning, the possibilities and the challenges of philosophy of education, as well as its usability for our educational activities. Philosophy of education is part of the so-called applied philosophy, which examines the interconnection of the world, mankind and education. It tries to grab the characteristics and the deepest relationships among these three elements. Therefore, the educators, sociologists, philosophers and professors of education should continue working out convincing and steady answers. What we should take into consideration is that the matter of education itself is not identical to the process of education and socialisation. It would be advisable to find a solution to this issue in everyday pedagogical practices. Finally, I hope and I would like to believe that forming the goodness is the most noble and the most important mission of education.
Online Submission, 2005
The intention of the introduction adheres to the meaning of the following statement from the first paragraph in the Recurring Editorial that started in the 2005 issue of cd-IJE. "The format for future content recognizes the existence of the newly forming body of knowledge, i.e. philosophy of educology, as knowledge about educology, and the existence of the already developing body of knowledge, i.e. educology, as knowledge about education." Professor Duobliene's paper, in accord with the Recurring Editorial, is: (1) within the phenomenological philosophy of educology perspective, and; (2) in contrast to the experiential, rationalistic, and analytical philosophy of educology perspectives. From the editorial's perspective, the paper is considered to be based on a philosophy of knowledge, i.e. on an epistemology, developed within the general philosophy of existentialism. And, from this perspective, its epistemology involves the methodology, i.e. knowledge of the method, of systematic phenomenology, as knowledge about a method for doing general philosophy, i.e. doing ontology, metaphysics, epistemology, logic, ethics, and aesthetics, from an existentialist perspective. Included in doing general philosophy, with this methodology, i.e. with this knowledge of method, is the essential step of "bracketing off" all indirect knowledge or "secondary knowledge," that, from this perspective, is acquired through the mediation of sensory and/or reflectively oriented reasoning, so as to retrieve direct knowledge or "primary knowledge" through the immediacy of a non-sensory or pre-reflectively oriented "intuition." Through the step of "bracketing," in the steps involved in conducting the systematic phenomenological method of doing philosophy, an "epoch" can be retrieved in human consciousnesses that is a retrieval of, i.e. a return to, a pure consciousness that is, then, immediately intuited or grasped by an "uncluttered mind," i.e. a mind unaffected by sensory and/or reflectively reasoned "content knowledge." It is not this "bracketing" step involved in the retrieval of a pure consciousness, however, that
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