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19 pages
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The paper explores the evolution of personal computers and mainframes, highlighting advancements in hardware and software since 1987. It reviews various computer models and their applications, notably in engineering and education, and discusses notable public-domain software available at the time. The analysis also includes benchmarks for performance comparisons of different programming languages and software.
The author has attempted to write this material so that it will be easily understood by those who have had only limited experience with computers. To aid those readers, several terms and concepts have been defined, and Chapter 1 includes a brief discussion of principles of computer operation, programming, data-preparation problems, and automatic programming. Engineering terminology has been held to a minimum, and the history of programmer training, personnel and organizational growth, and-the like has not been treated. To some small extent, the comments on operational utility bring out the very real usefulness of computers for the solution of data-processing problems.
Proceedings of the ACM '82 conference on - ACM 82, 1982
2002 Annual Conference Proceedings
Automated control of manufacturing systems and research tasks are becoming more demanding in today's competitive market. Computer interface and control applications are common practice not exceptions in the workplace. The knowledge of how to manage processes with computer control can be developed by working with basic tools of microprocessor interfacing. An interface card placed in a microcomputer can provide practitioners with the skills they need to be competitive. The Intel 82C55A programmable peripheral interface IC can be used to interface external hardware with a microcomputer. The interface card being built and used at Morehead State University is based on the Intel 82C55A programmable peripheral I/O device. With minimal support circuitry the 82C55A can be interfaced with a microcomputer. The 82C55A contains three 8-bit ports providing 24 lines of digital I/O. Several circuits can be connected to the 82C55A making it more versatile. Counter/timers, analog to digital converters, digital to analog converters, sensors, and several other circuits can be connected to the interface card. The card is used to control and monitor different processes through hardware and software interfaces. Software used to program the interface card includes BASIC, Visual Basic, Visual C++, and Labview. The software interfaces include simple to complex routines depending on the application. Construction and application of the Intel 82C55A interface card help provide an individual with the knowledge and skills of computer based control applications.
Definition, classification, history, Hardware and Softeware
Preface xv Chapter 2 This chapter describes various expansion systems which can be used to extend the I/O capability of the PC. These systems include the original Industry Standard Architecture 8-and 16-bit PC expansion bus, the Peripheral Component Interconnect (PCI), and the PC/104 architecture. Representative expansion cards and bus configurations are discussed in some detail. The chapter concludes with a detailed examination of the Universal Serial Bus (USB). Chapter 3 This chapter is devoted to the facilities offered by the PC's operating system whether it be a basic DOS-based system or one operating under Windows 9x, NT, or XP. Each of the most popular MS-DOS commands is described and details are provided which should assist readers in creating batch files (which can be important in unattended systems which must be capable of initializing themselves and automatically executing an appropriate control program in the event of power failure) as well as executing and debugging programs using the MS-DOS debugger, DEBUG. The chapter also describes the facilities offered by the Windows operating system as a platform for the development and execution of control, instrumentation and data acquisition software. Chapter 4 Programming techniques are introduced in this chapter. This chapter is intended for those who may be developing programs for their own specialized applications and for whom no 'off-the-shelf-' software is available. The virtues of-modular and structured programming are stressed and various control structures are discussed in some detail. Some useful pointers are included for those who need to select a language for control, instrumentation and data acquisition applications. Chapter 5 This chapter deals with assembly language programming. The x86 instruction set is briefly explained and several representative assembly language routines written using the original Microsoft Macro Assembler (MASM) and its 32-bit reincarnation (MASM32) are included. Chapter 6 The BASIC programming language is introduced in this chapter. Generic BASIC programming techniques and control structures are introduced, and sample routines are provided in QBASIC, PowerBASIC, and the everpopular MS Visual BASIC. Chapter 7 This chapter is devoted to C and C++ programming. As with the two preceding chapters, this chapter aims to provide readers with a brief introduction to programming techniques and numerous examples are included taken from applications within the general field of control, instrumentation, and data acquisition. Chapter 8 The ever-popular IEEE-488 instrument bus is introduced in this chapter. A representative PC adapter card is described which allows a PC to be used as an IEEE-488 bus controller. Chapter 9 This chapter deals with the general principles of interfacing analogue and digital signals to PC expansion bus modules, analogue-to-digital and digital-to-analogue conversion. A variety of sensors, transducers, and practical interface circuits have been included. Chapter 10 Virtual instruments can provide a flexible low-cost alternative to the need to have a variety of dedicated test instruments available. This chapter provides an introduction to virtual test instruments and describes, in detail, the use of a high-performance digital storage oscilloscope. Chapter 11 Commercial software packages are frequently used in industry to deal with specific data acquisition and instrumentation requirements. This chapter provides details of several of the most popular packages and has been xvi PC Based Instrumentation and Control designed to assist the newcomer in the selection of a package which will satisfy his or her needs. Chapter 12 The general procedure for selection and specification of system hardware and software is described in this chapter. Eight practical applications of PC-based data acquisition, instrumentation, and control are described in detail complete with specifications, circuit diagrams, screen shots and code where appropriate. Chapter 13 This chapter deals with reliability and fault tolerance. Basic quality procedures are described together with diagnostic and benchmarking software, and detailed fault-location charts. A glossary is included in Appendix A while Appendices B and C deal with fundamental SI units, multiples, and sub-multiples. A binary, hexadecimal, and ASCII conversion table appears in Appendix D. A further nine appendices provide additional reference information including an extensive list of manufacturers, suppliers and distributors, useful web sites and a bibliography. The third edition includes: • Updated information on PC hardware and bus systems (including PCI, PC/104 and USB). • A new chapter on PC instruments complete with examples of measurement and data logging applications. • An introduction to software development in a modern 32-bit environment with the latest software tools that make it possible for applications running in a Windows NT or Windows XP environment to access system I/O. • New sections on MASM32, C++, and Visual BASIC including examples of the use of visual programming languages and integrated development environments (IDE) for BASIC, assembly language and Visual Studio applications. • New sections on LabVIEW, DASYLab, Matlab with an updated section on DADiSP. • An expanded chapter with eight diverse PC applications described in detail. • A revised and expanded chapter on reliability and fault-finding including detailed fault-location charts, diagnostic and benchmarking software. • Considerably extended and updated reference information. • A companion web site with downloadable executables, source code, links to manufacturers and suppliers, and additional reference material. The companion website,, has a variety of additional Companion website resources including downloadable source code and executable programs. A visit to the site is highly recommended! This book is the end result of several thousand hours of research and development and I should like to extend my thanks and gratitude to all those, too numerous to mention, who have helped and assisted in its production. May it now be of benefit to many!
Proceedings of the Acm Conference, 1986
Microprocessors and Microsystems, 1980
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