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This paper represent the innovative trends and aspect of green nanotechnology development challenges and opportunities in the field of alternative technology to assist in future developments in this field. There are various innovative applications of green Nanotechnology in different-different fields like Energy, Medicine and Drugs, Nano bio-technology, Nano devices, Optical Engineering, Defence & Security, Bio Engineering,Cosmetics,Nano Fabrics etc. Nanotechnology improves the process of production and also improves the quality of products. It works at the molecular level and utilizes the more advanced concept, idea and research for the development of different fields and production.
Green Metal Nanoparticles, 2018
Nanotechnology today is moving from one visionary paradigm towards another. Green synthesis and green nanotechnology are a totally integral part of the domain of sustainable nanotechnology. According to the Brundtland Commission Report, sustainability can be defined as that development that meets the needs of the present without compromising the ability of future generations to meet their own needs. Humankind’s immense scientific prowess, scientific advancements and futuristic vision will all lead to a long and visionary way towards the true realization of sustainable development. The challenges, vision and intricacies of scientific endeavors in green nanotechnology are opening new windows of innovation in nanoscience and nanotechnology as a whole. Nanotechnology for green innovation—green nanotechnology—aims for products and processes that are safe, energy efficient, reduce industrial wastes and lessen greenhouse gas emission. This chapter delves deep into the murky depths of scien...
ACS Symposium Series, 2013
International Journal of Management, Technology, and Social Sciences (IJMTS), 2021
Nanotechnology is considered as a tool for solving problems and providing comfort in the livelihood of human beings, also possess challenges and treats if not used carefully. nanotechnology if used properly can support to realize the 17 Sustainable Development Goals (SDG) to be realized by 2030. Nanotechnology, being multidisciplinary frontier technology useful for innovative solutions in primary, secondary, tertiary, and quaternary industry sectors has shown slow progress due to its potential risks due to predicted nanotoxicity. To counter this but to use nanotechnology solutions in societal progress, green and eco-friendly nanotechnology solutions play a major role in realizing sustainable development goals and eliminates the threat of the technification of development processes. This paper discusses the concept, current research outcome, and the industrial prospects of achieving global SDG and much more using green and eco-friendly nanotechnology in 21st century.
Shilpa Suresh*, Subhash Chandran M P, Dr. Prashob G R, Rohini L M, Sonam Sasi, Sudhi U S
The emergence of nanoparticles (NPs) has attracted tremendous interest of the scientific community for decades due to their unique properties and potential applications in diverse areas, including drug delivery and therapy. There is a need for a new discipline- nano toxicology-that would evaluate the health threats posed by nanoparticles, and would enable safe development of the emerging nanotechnology industry related to biotherapy. Green Nanotechnology gives the opportunity in lowering the risk of using nano materials, limiting the risk of producing nanomaterials, and using nano materials to lower the risk of producing unwanted chemical intermediates and end-products. Keywords: Nanoparticles, Green chemistry, Green synthesis, Chemical synthesis, Biological application.
Imagine the chips embedded in the human body reporting every body movement and just waiting to strike at those nasty bacterial invaders, clothing smart enough to monitor out health and save us from environmental hazards, huge buildings and machines having the capability to repair and adjust themselves to the vagaries of the environment, or a regular wristwatch doubling up as a supercomputer. Thanks to nanotechnology, all of these wonders, and many more, are possible. Scientific discoveries and inventions have in fact propelled man to challenge new frontiers. And with his superior brain, man has been able to deliver most of these goodies. Nanotechnology is one such technological wonders that we are experiencing now. Scientists and engineers are working round the clock to achieve breakthroughs that could possibly be the answer to human misery. This paper is mainly about Nanotechnology, its synthesis, characterization and various applications. This also tells about the history of Nanotechnology and its necessity and also discusses how it will improve our lives. This will also explore the less explored field of Green Nanotechnology. I.
Nanotechnology is a rapidly growing science of producing and utilizing nano sized silver particles. Nano particles compared to bulk materials exhibit improved characteristics due to their size, distribution and morphology and are used in various scientific fields. Now, engineers are studying ways that it can be made beneficial to the environment. There are general perceptions that nanotechnology will have a significant impact on developing " clean " and " green " technologies with considerable environmental benefits and this has been branded as " Green Technology ". Meaning of green technology is the technology which is environmental friendly developed in such a way that it doesn't disturb our environment and conserves natural resources. The objectives of nanotechnology are to create eco-friendly processes and products. Conflicting with this positive message is the growing body of research that raises questions about the potentially negative effects of engineered nanoparticles on human health and environment. The main aim of this review is to give about an overview on green technology in association with nanotechnology and its complications and benefits.
Green nanotechnology is the development of clean technologies to minimize potential environmental and human health risks associated with the manufacture and use of nanotechnology products and to encourage replacement of existing products with new nano-products that are more environmentally friendly throughout their life cycle. The development of eco-friendly technologies in material synthesis is of considerable importance to expand their biological applications. Nowadays, a variety of green nanoparticles with well-defined chemical composition, size, and morphology have been synthesized by different methods and their applications in many cutting-edge technological areas have been explored. This review highlights the classification of nanoparticles giving special emphasis on biosynthesis of metal nanoparticle by viable organisms. It also focuses on the various applications of these synthesized nanoparticles in a wide spectrum of potential areas mechanical systems thermal, fuel technology, characterization analysis and environmental effects.
International journal of research in engineering and technology, 2018
Nowadays, as Population is increasing day by day this growth leads to many environmental problems such as Pollution, carbon emission, Environmental imbalance which further leads to Global warming. So, to Tackle with these problems and as awareness towards sustainable society is growing "Green energy" and Green materials for manufacturing is gaining predominant Recognition. Nanotechnology plays significant role in many fields such as medical, portable electronics and majorly in Electric Vehicles. So currently nanomaterials are gaining vital recognition in all manufacturing processes. Using these nanomaterials, improvement in performance and and proliferation in productivity is achieved and this overall impact enhanced the proliferation of industries. But these nanomaterials are not environmental friendly; as manufacturing process involves certain amount of chemical processes so nanomaterials produce some hazardous elements or pollutants which can make adverse impact on environment, so use of green nanomaterials is very significant for maintaining environmental balance. These green nanomaterials are based on green nanotechnology in which materials that used in nanomaterials are not harmful to environment. This green nanotechnology enables nanomaterials not only to ameliorate the overall performance but also in most environmental friendly way that is keeping environment clean. This green nanotechnology can be the one of the best approach towards clean sustainable development. This paper mainly focuses on role of green nanotechnology for obtaining green nanomaterials which makes possible to obtain environmental friendly nanomaterials. Green nanomaterials plays significant role in mitigating environmental problems and helps for keeping environment clean. Green energy plays vital role in energy security, sustainable development and overall social, economical development.
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International Journal of Biological Innovations, 2022
Environmental Health, 2014
International Journal of Nanoscience and Nanoengineering, 2019
Australasian Journal of Environmental Management, 2019
Academia Letters, 2021
Green Nanoparticles: The Future of Nanobiotechnology, 2022
Synthesis of Inorganic Nanomaterials
Sustainability, 2018
Journal of Nanoparticle Research, 2013
Preprint, 2023
International Journal of Energy Applications and Technologies, 2020
Journal of Environmental Monitoring, 2007
Journal of Industrial Ecology, 2008
International Journal of Advances in Scientific Research and Engineering (ijasre), 2019
Journal of Cleaner Production, 2020
Nanotechnology Environmental Health and Safety, 2014
Frontiers in Environmental Science, 2018
ACS Symposium Series, 2016