Emergence of order in an oscillated granular layer

2002, Physica A: Statistical Mechanics and its Applications


Our experiments on a vertically oscillated granular layer reveal that spatial patterns emerge in two stages following a change of parameter into the pattern-forming regime: an initial, domain-forming stage and a later stage in which domains coarsen to form ultimately an extended regular pattern. We characterize the evolution of the pattern using a "disorder function" (ÿ), where ÿ is a moment of the disorder operator (Gunaratne et al., Phys. Rev. E 57 (1998) 5146). The disorder in the initial stage is found to be consistent with a decay given by (ÿ) ∼ t −ÿ=2 , in accord with theory that predicts that behavior in this stage should be universal for pattern forming systems. The ÿnal stage is non-universal.