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2000, Future Generation Computer Systems
This paper focuses on parallel query optimization. We consider the operator problem and introduce a new class of execution strategies called Linear-oriented Bushy Trees (LBT). Compared to the related approach of the General Bushy Trees (GBT) a significant complexity reduction of the operator ordering problem can be derived theoretically and demonstrated experimentally (e.g. compared with GBTs, LBTs authorize optimization time improvement that can reach up to 49%) without losing quality. Finally we demonstrate that existing commercial parallel query optimizers need little extension mod ifications in order to handle LBTs.
In this paper we present an approach for transforming a relational join tree into a detailed execution plan with resource allocation information, for execution on a parallel machine. Our approach starts by transforming a query tree, such as might be generated by a sequential optimizer, into an operator tree which is then partitioned into a forest of linear chains of pipelined operators. We present an algorithm for scheduling these chains in conformance to their precedence ordering on a parallel machine. The aim of the scheduling is to achieve some objective like minimum response time or maximum speedup, etc. We provide a set of experiments to demonstrate the quality of the allocation plans generated by the method. A major benefit of the method is that it uses inter-operator, intra-operator and pipelining methods of parallelizing relational query operators simultaneously. Our experiments show that the heuristic scheduling method creates schedules that are close to optimal while being very easy to compute. We also propose a new way to calculate speedup that takes into account the amount of work that is done.
ACM SIGMOD Record, 1996
Parallel database systems combine data management and parallel processing techniques to provide high-performance, high-availability and scalability for data-intensive applications [10, 35]. By exploiting parallel computers, they provide performance at a cheaper price ...
[1993] Proceedings of the Second International Conference on Parallel and Distributed Information Systems, 1993
Query optimization for parallel machines needs to consider machine architecture, processor and memory resources available, and di erent types of parallelism, making the search space much larger than the sequential case. In this paper our aim is to determine a plan that makes the execution of an individual query very fast, making minimizing parallel execution time the right objective. This creates the following circular dependence: a plan tree is needed for e ective resource assignment, which is needed to estimate the parallel execution time, and this is needed for the cost-based search for a good plan tree. In this paper we propose a new search heuristic that breaks the cycle by constructing the plan tree layer by layer in a bottom-up manner. To select nodes at the next level, the lower and upper bounds on the execution time for plans consistent with the decisions made so far are estimated and are used to guide the search. A query plan representation for intra-and inter-operator parallelism, pipelining, and processor and memory assignment is proposed. Also proposed is a new approach to estimating the parallel execution time of a plan that considers sum and max of operators working sequentially and in parallel, respectively. The results obtained from a prototype optimizer are presented. 3 1 4 J J J J
Query optimization for parallel machines needs to consider machine architecture, processor and memory resources available, and di erent types of parallelism, making the search space much larger than the sequential case. In this paper our aim is to determine a plan that makes the execution of an individual query very fast, making minimizing parallel execution time the right objective. This creates the following circular dependence: a plan tree is needed for e ective resource assignment, which is needed to estimate the parallel execution time, and this is needed for the cost-based search for a good plan tree. In this paper we propose a new search heuristic that breaks the cycle by constructing the plan tree layer by layer in a bottom-up manner. To select nodes at the next level, the lower and upper bounds on the execution time for plans consistent with the decisions made so far are estimated and are used to guide the search. A query plan representation for intra-and inter-operator parallelism, pipelining, and processor and memory assignment is proposed. Also proposed is a new approach to estimating the parallel execution time of a plan that considers sum and max of operators working sequentially and in parallel, respectively. The results obtained from a prototype optimizer are presented. 3 1 4 J J J J
Information Systems, 1994
In the industrial context of the EDS project, we have designed and implemented a query optimizer which we have integrated within a parallel database system. The optimizer takes as input a query expressed in ESQL, an extension of SQL with objects and rules, and produces a minimum cost parallel execution plan. Our research agenda has focused on several di cult problems: support of ESQL's advanced features such as path expressions and recursion, modelling of parallel execution spaces and extensibility of the search strategy. In this paper, we give a retrospective on the optimizer project with emphasis on our design goals, research contributions and implementation decisions. We also describe the current optimizer prototype and report on experiments performed with a pilot application. Finally, we present the lessons learned.
Parallel computing, 1996
This article presents a hierarchical query execution strategy for a parallel object-oriented database (OODB) system. The system, named PRACTIC, is based on a concurrent active class management model and is mapped to an abstract hierarchical multiprocessor architecture. The proposed strategy is studied analytically and by simulation on a transputer-based machine, verifying the theoretical results.
Lecture Notes in Computer Science, 2007
Based on the renowned method of Bitton et al. (see [1]) we develop a concise but comprehensive analytical model for the well-known Binary Merge Sort, Bitonic Sort, Nested-Loop Join and Sort Merge Join algorithm in a Grid Environment.
Proc. 21st Int. Conf. Very Large Data Bases, Zurich, 1995
We address the problem of finding parallel plans for SQL queries using the two-phase approach of join ordering and query rewrite (JOQR) followed by parallelization. We focus on the JOQR phase and develop optimization algorithms that account for communication as well as ...
IBM Systems Journal, 1994
In order to provide real-time responses to complex queries involving large volumes of data, it has become necessary to exploit parallelism in query processing. This paper addresses the issues and solutions relating to intraquery parallelism in a relational database ...
Parallel Processing Letters, 1998
This paper presents a novel theoretical model for representing parallel relational query processing. It is based on a hierarchical approach. First, a scheme graph, called DPL graph, describes all possible execution dependencies between operators, including communication and run-time control mechanisms. Second, a high-level Petri net is used for modeling the data-and control ow. Our model provides the framework for building and studying parallel database tools and applications. Thus, we implemented a parallel query optimizer based on DPL graphs, which is able to access sub-search spaces not yet considered. Furthermore, based on this model, a simulation environment has been designed and implemented for testing run-time control strategies as well as query optimization methods.
The state of the art commercial query optimizers employ cost-based optimization and exploit dynamic programming (DP) to find the optimal query execution plan (QEP) without evaluating redundant sub-plans. The number of alternative QEPs enumerated by the DP query optimizer can increase exponentially, as the number of joins in the query increases. Recently, by exploiting the coming wave of multi-core processor architectures, a state of the art parallel optimization algorithm , referred to as PDPsva, has been proposed to parallelize the "time-consuming" DP query optimization process itself. While PDPsva significantly extends the practical use of DP to queries having up to 20-25 tables, it has several limitations: 1) supporting only the size-driven DP enumerator, 2) statically allocating search space, and 3) not fully exploiting parallelism. In this paper, we propose the first generic solution for parallelizing any type of bottom-up optimizer, including the graph-traversal driven type, and for supporting dynamic search allocation and full parallelism. This is a challenging problem, since recently developed, state of art DP optimizers such as DPcpp [21] and DP hyp are very difficult to parallelize due to tangled dependencies in the join pairs they generate. Unless the solution is very carefully devised, a lot of synchronization conflicts are bound to occur. By viewing a serial bottom-up optimizer as one which generates a totally ordered sequence of join pairs in a streaming fashion, we propose a novel concept of dependency-aware reordering, which minimizes waiting time caused by dependencies of join pairs. To maximize parallelism, we also introduce a series of novel performance optimization techniques: 1) pipelining of join pair generation and plan generation; 2) the synchronization-free global MEMO; and 3) threading across dependencies. Through extensive experiments with various query topologies, we show that our solution supports any type of bottom up optimization, achieving linear speedup for each type. Despite the fact that our solution is generic, due to sophisticated optimization techniques, our generic parallel optimizer outperforms PDPsva tailored to size-driven enumeration. Experimental results also show that our solution is much more robust than PDPsva with respect to search space allocation.
In the industrial context of the EDS project, we have designed and implemented a query optimizer which we have integrated within a parallel database system. The optimizer takes as input a query expressed in ESQL, an extension of SQL with objects and rules, and produces a minimum cost parallel execution plan. Our research agenda has focused on several difficult problems: support of ESQL's advanced features such as path expressions and recursion, modelling of parallel execution spaces and extensibility of the search strategy. In this paper, we give a retrospective on the optimizer project with emphasis on our design goals, research contributions and implementation decisions. We also describe the current optimizer prototype and report on experiments performed with a pilot application. Finally, we present the lessons learned.
This dissertation addressed the performance of database operations on parallel systems, emphasizing factors which limit scalability of such applications. Even though algorithms were proposed and discussed in the context of the relational framework, the work developed here is relevant for the performance of systems supporting any other data model, such as object-oriented databases. The join operation is representative of the family of binary matching operators, which include set operators that must be supported by any system regardless of the underlying data model [42]. The techniques developed in this dissertation are not restricted to the join operation and can be applied for other binary matching operators as well. This is also true of sorting, which is used in many other nonnumerical applications besides database processing. Both architectural aspects and the design of algorithms were considered in this work. These two topics cannot be divorced in any work addressing parallel performance, since only with good knowledge of the capabilities of a parallel system can an algorithm be optimally designed to achieve the best capabilities of the system.
In this paper, we discuss the most powerful techniques of tuning parallel/distributed databases. As in engineering, database tuning becomes an inescapable part of big projects since the conception phase of research projects. The needs of companies including big data have increased to databases optimization. Systems that not take into account the optimization rules become heavy after five years of their production; these reasons were of a paramount of importance to prepare this paper. Indexing is the most suitable way to optimize database systems, further one of the top ways of optimizing index is the application of parallelization. In this paper, we will discuss parallelization and we will practice it with different complex queries and sub-queries using different types of indexes; then we will compare the results gotten from each index. To top it all, the most suitable interference between the major types of index: B*Tree index, Bitmap index, composite parallel index, local parallel index and global parallel index.
Proceedings of The Vldb Endowment, 2008
Many commercial RDBMSs employ cost-based query optimization exploiting dynamic programming (DP) to efficiently generate the optimal query execution plan. However, optimization time increases rapidly for queries joining more than 10 tables. Randomized or heuristic search algorithms reduce query optimization time for large join queries by considering fewer plans, sacrificing plan optimality. Though commercial systems executing query plans in parallel have existed for over a decade, the optimization of such plans still occurs serially. While modern microprocessors employ multiple cores to accelerate computations, parallelizing query optimization to exploit multi-core parallelism is not as straightforward as it may seem. The DP used in join enumeration belongs to the challenging nonserial polyadic DP class because of its non-uniform data dependencies. In this paper, we propose a comprehensive and practical solution for parallelizing query optimization in the multi-core processor architecture, including a parallel join enumeration algorithm and several alternative ways to allocate work to threads to balance their load. We also introduce a novel data structure called skip vector array to significantly reduce the generation of join partitions that are infeasible. This solution has been prototyped in PostgreSQL. Extensive experiments using various query graph topologies confirm that our algorithms allocate the work evenly, thereby achieving almost linear speed-up. Our parallel join enumeration algorithm enhanced with our skip vector array outperforms the conventional generate-and-filter DP algorithm by up to two orders of magnitude for star queries-linear speedup due to parallelism and an order of magnitude performance improvement due to the skip vector array.
Selecting the best plan for executing a given query is the problem of query optimization. The focus of query optimization for sequential machines has been on nding query plans which involve the least amount of work, since response time is equivalent to work done in a uniprocessor environment. With the advent of parallel computers and their application to data management, this is no longer true. It may not be the case that the best sequential plan will result in the best parallel plan, since sequential dependencies in certain plans make them inherently less parallelizable. It is thus possible to reduce the response time of a query by selecting a plan which may do more work but is also more parallelizable. I/O has traditionally been a bottleneck for query processing, and the di erence in I/O and CPU speeds is increasing with modern technology. Since join processing is very CPU intensive, maximizing overlap between I/O, and CPU resource utlization is desirable. Researchers have looked at Asynchronous I/O as a tool to achieve this e ect. In this paper we study the problem of parallel join execution on a shared nothing architecture with support for asynchronous I/O, and asynchronous message passing. We examine the tradeo s among di erent query execution models and propose a viable alternative. An analytical cost model for the proposed query execution model is developed. Tradeo s among di erent query plan structures are explored, and query domains where one structure does better than the other are categorized. Based on this we propose a heuristic approach which tries to achieve the best of all worlds, and gives a stable, and good average performance across most domains.
In this paper, we study the communication complexity for the problem of computing a conjunctive query on a large database in a parallel setting with $p$ servers. In contrast to previous work, where upper and lower bounds on the communication were specified for particular structures of data (either data without skew, or data with specific types of skew), in this work we focus on worst-case analysis of the communication cost. The goal is to find worst-case optimal parallel algorithms, similar to the work of [18] for sequential algorithms. We first show that for a single round we can obtain an optimal worst-case algorithm. The optimal load for a conjunctive query $q$ when all relations have size equal to $M$ is $O(M/p^{1/\psi^*})$, where $\psi^*$ is a new query-related quantity called the edge quasi-packing number, which is different from both the edge packing number and edge cover number of the query hypergraph. For multiple rounds, we present algorithms that are optimal for several c...
International Journal of Geomate
The widespread growth of data has created many problems for businesses, such as delay requests; in this paper, we propose several methods of partitioning an index B*Tree in multi-processor machines in parallel/distributed database systems and collaboration between processors when executing multi-queries. When optimizing, indexing automatically comes to mind; we distinguish two types of indexing: B*Tree and Bitmap. Since the advent of multicore computers (multi processors) parallelism becomes an indispensable part of optimization. Our work will focus on partitioning each table on three parts following indexing key partitioning; each processor will host a partition of the index, and the first processor that will finish will immediately take another partition of the index pending according to the priority. The parallelism will reduce the CPU cost then reduces execution time; collaboration between processors will further reduce these costs.
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