The Creative Manoeuvres: Making, Saying, Being Papers – The Refereed Proceedings Of The 18th Conference Of The Australasian Association Of Writing Programs, 2013


Of things not said incorporates prose and theory, non-fiction and interpieces, in an ongoing dialogue about writing and an author’s reflections on creating fiction. As a way of making sense of silence and of things not said this non-fiction essay looks at how a writer engages with silence when researching a person in their absence. The piece follows the author’s own writing process from the initial proposal to write about her father’s ‘immigrant journey’ (Hron 2009) and the difficulties of such a task as a result of past trauma and his death. Within the essay are interpieces of spoken and unspoken communications, of individual and familial memories which have been ‘shared’, ‘corrected … – and last not least, written down’ (Assman cited in Hirsch 2008). Re-examining silence is an empowering tool for second-generation immigrants and writers to observe what is and cannot be expressed. Being able to mediate her father’s silence and re-interpret ‘what is unsaid’ (Pinter 2003) this essay creates a space for creative thoughts to emerge in fiction.