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Basin morphometry is an important means of understanding a drainage basin using mathematically derived parameters. In the present study basin morphometry has been analyzed under three broad aspects and they are the linear, areal and relief aspects. Within these aspects there are many parameters which are being determined by using mathematical formula on data derived from Toposheets of the study area. It is covering an area of 1094.93 sq. km. The drainage pattern of the upper section of the basin is trellis pattern and the lower section is anabranching. Floods are common phenomena of the lower section of this basin. This paper explains the role of basin morphometry specially the linear and relief aspect in providing condition for occurrence of flash floods in the lower section of Jiya Dhol River basin.
International Research Journal of Engineering and Technology (IRJET), 2018
The study of river basin is very important in fluvial geography. Analysis of basin morphometric is an integral part in the study of river basin. Basin morphometry is a means of numerically analyzing or mathematically quantifying different aspects of a drainage basin. Basin morphometry is an important means of understanding a drainage basin using mathematically derived parameters. In the present study, morphometric analysis of the drainage basin has been carried using earth observation data and geographical information system (GIS) techniques. Basin morphometry has been generally analyzed under three broad aspects and they are the linear, areal and relief aspects. These aspects of morphometric analysis have been studied extensively by generating DEM of the basin and formulating them in Arc GIS and compute various physical properties of the basin. In the present study, the Jiya Dhol river basin which is one of the north bank tributaries of river Brahmputra in Assam has been selected for morphometric analysis. Key Words-Morphometric Analysis, Arc GIS,DEM, Linear, Areal and Relief aspects.
SN Applied Sciences
The Mayurakshi River Basin (MRB), one of the most flood-prone areas of India, registers flood almost every year. The present work intends to identify the relative capacity of the tributary basins of the Mayurakshi system (three sub-basins of Dwaraka, two of Kuye and eight of Mayurakshi) to induce flood in its lower stretch. Based on basic morphometric parameters (basin length, area, perimeter, relief, stream number, and length) computed from Survey of India topographical maps (1:50,000) and SRTM DEM (30 m) using ArcGIS 10.4 software, we have derived 15 morphometric indices (linear-2, areal-7 and relief-6). The principal component analysis (PCA) depicts that there are three clusters of indices on the varimaxrotated component plot with the centroid of the distribution in positive-positive (++) quadrant which signifies a peak flow. Besides, the bi-variate relations between basin lag time and different morphometric indices signal that all the variables except compactness coefficient, hypsometric integral, dissection index, and bifurcation ratio portray negative relations implying peak flow instead of sustained one. In this paper, we have developed a technique called the flood-inducing capacity index (FCI) to measure the contribution of a tributary river to its master based on the morphometric coefficient and basin area coefficient. The FCI depicts that sub-basin Mayurakshi-6 has topped the list with ~ 21% contribution to MRB flood while Mayurakshi-8 having less than 2% contribution lies at the bottom. Besides, Dwaraka-3,Dwaraka-1 and Mayurakshi-3 basins each having more than 8% contribution control flood in the lower stretch of the Mayurakshi system. A statistically significant positive correlation (R 2 = 0.75) between the maximum discharge measured for the nine sub-basins and the FCI and the area under curve (0.889) on ROC plot ground the validation of the proposed method.
This study attempts to study the morphometric characteristics of Ghatganga basin by using Geographical information system (GIS). This analysis has shown that the relation of stream order (U) and stream number (Nu)which gives negative linear pattern that order increases with a decreasing number of stream segment of a particular order. Different morphometric parameters such as stream length (Lu), bifurcation ratio (Rb), drainage density (D), stream frequency (Fs), texture ratio (T), elongation ratio (Re), circularity ratio (Rc), form factor ratio (Rf), relief ratio (Rh) and river profile have revealed the basin has dendritic pattern of drainage, indicating high relief and steep ground slope with less elongated young and mature landforms in which geological structures don’t have a dominant influence on basin.
—This study aims to define the drainage morphometry of Reju Khal drainage basin using Shuttle Radar Topographic Mission (SRTM) Digital Elevation Model (DEM) data to evaluate the drainage condition of this river with the help of Geographical Information System (GIS) and Remote Sensing. The morphometric analysis of the Reju Khal drainage basin has been carried out through measurement of linear, areal and relief aspects. It is found that Reju Khal tributaries are of 6th order. Total 1008 streams are identified of which 796 are first order, 160 are second order, 34 are third order, 9 are fourth order, 3 are fifth order and 1 sixth order stream. Drainage patterns of stream network from the basin have been observed as mainly of dendritic type in the major area also some have rectangular and some trellis drainage pattern in northeastern and eastern side of the area. 4th, 5th and 6th order streams have Bifurcation ratio (Rb) is near to 3.00, which indicate geomorpholgical control and 2nd and 3rd order streams have near to 5.00 which indicate the influence of structural control on the development of the drainage pattern. The presence of the maximum number of the first order segments and the values of the mean stream length ratio indicate differences in slope and topographic conditions of the basin. The slope map of the area reveals low and very gentle slope basin. Drainage density and texture ratio shows that the texture of basin is moderate which indicate medium resistant or permeable subsoil materials, moderate vegetation and infiltration; the drainage texture shows fine texture indicating soft or weak rocks unprotected by vegetation. Compactness coefficient, circulatory ratio and elongation ratio shows that the shape of basin almost circular. The elongation ratio, length of overland flow and relief map of the basin shows that the major part of basin is of low relief and very young topography. The morphometric analysis of drainage basin reveal that the drainage basin is low laying flood prone drainage basin and have moderate to good groundwater prospect. There is also need to examine other factor of land use, climate, soil type, geological structure and stratigraphy to know hydrological process, landslide and flooding condition.
The quantitative analysis of morphometric parameters is found to be of immense significance in river basin evaluation. Morphometric analysis of a watershed provides a quantitative description of the drainage system. This study was undertaken to determine the drainage characteristics of Bhera river watershed (2A2H1) which is a tributary of Damodar River with an area of 268 km 2. Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques are nowadays used for measuring various morphometric parameters of the drainage basins and watersheds, as they have emerged as a powerful tool for the manipulation and analysis of spatial information. In the present study stream number, order, frequency, density and bifurcation ratio are derived and arranged on the basis of areal and linear properties of drainage channels using GIS. Morphometric analysis has revealed that the watershed is a 5th order drainage basin. The low order streams dominate the watershed than higher orders. This phenomenon causes less time availability for the infiltration of rain water in the upper catchment areas. The calculated value of bifurcation ratio, drainage texture and drainage density in the watershed reveals that the watershed is occupied with hard rocks. The watershed indicates elongated basin as per the value of circulatory ratio. The length of overland flow value for the watershed shows that the rainwater travels a relatively shorter distance before getting concentrated to channels.
Journal of Waste Water Treatment & Analysis, 2013
The morphometric analysis of the drainage basin and channel network play an important role in understanding the geo-hydrological behavior of drainage basin and expresses the prevailing climate, geology, geomorphology, structural antecedents of the catchment. Morphometric analysis of a drainage basin expresses fully the state of dynamic balance that has been attained due to dealings between matter and energy. In the present study, morphometric analysis has been carried out using Geographical Information System (GIS) techniques to assess the geo-hydrological characteristics of Vishav drainage basin and an attempt has been made to identify the ground water potential zones through geo-morphometric specs. The morphometric parameters are discussed about linear, areal and relief aspects. The basin is characterized by dendritic to sub-dendritic drainage pattern. The development of stream segments in the basin area is affected by rainfall, groundwater discharge and snow melt over. The analysis has revealed that the total number and length of stream segments is maximum in first order streams and decreases as the stream order increases. The bifurcation ratio (R b) between different successive orders varies revealing the geostructural control. The shape parameters (R c =0.52, R e =0.15 and R f =0.22) indicate the elongated shape of the basin and in association with some areal (D d , D t etc.) and relief (H, S b , etc.) parameters show that it has low discharge of runoff, generally permeable subsoil condition, moderate to high infiltration capacity and good groundwater resource and a flatter peak of flow of longer duration that is easier to manage that of the circular basins. The study reveals that morphometric analysis based on GIS technique is a competent tool for geo-hydrological studies. These studies are very useful for identifying and planning the ground water potential zones and watershed management (including the whole gamut of natural resources connected with the basin).
International Journal of Advanced Research (IJAR), 2018
Understanding the behavior of surface drainage network is one of the important prerequisite condition for effective planning and management of water resources within the watershed. Morphometric analysis of a watershed is a crucial step in watershed development and management to understand and interpret the dynamics of drainage system of the watershed and is useful for interpretation of silent features of drainage network. A morphometric analysis was carried out to evaluate the drainage characteristics of Mohalkhad watershed which covers an area about 54 km2 in Kullu district of Himachal Pradesh in Indian Himalayan Region (IHR). Geospatial technique/tool such as Remote Sensing (RS) and GIS was used to evaluate the linear, areal and relief aspects of morphometric parameters. RS and GIS technique is very helpful over the conventional methods that are too laborious and cumbersome. To carry out this study, Survey of India (SOI) toposheet of 1:50,000 scale and ASTER DEM (30 m resolution) data were used and analysis was carried out in ArcGIS 10.5 software. Total 21 morphometric parameters of Mohalkhad watershed were evaluated considering the linear, areal and relief aspects. The significance of each morphometric parameter with the hydrological behavior of the watershed is discussed in this study. This exercise provide detailed insight into drainage system of the Mohalkhad watershed, which is useful for the development and management of water conservation measures in the area.
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2015
The development of morphometric techniques was a major advance in the quantitative description of the geometry of the drainage basins and its network which helps in characterizing the drainage network, comparing the characteristic of several drainage networks and examining the effect of variables such as lithology, rock structure, rainfall etc. Morphometric analysis and their relative parameters have been quantitatively carried out for the Dhadhar basin,Gujarat,India.The quantitative analysis of the morphometric characteristics of the basin include Stream density, Stream order, Drainage density, Average stream slope, Compactness coefficient, Circulatory ratio, Elongation ratio, Form factor. The forgoing analysis clearly indicates some relations among the various attributes of the morphometric aspects of the basin and helps to understand their role in sculpturing the surface of the region. This study would help the local people to utilize the resources for sustainable development of the basin area.
Environmental Earth Sciences, 2019
Morphometric parameters can be useful tools to provide general understanding of physical characteristics of drainage basin with respect to floods. To evaluate the flood influencing factors in the upper Jhelum basin, we delineate the upper Jhelum basin into ten sub-basins, followed by extraction of drainage network and morphometric parameters using Advanced Spaceborne Thermal Emission and Reflection Radiometer digital elevation model and topographic maps in Geographic Information System. The overall flood potential was determined on the basis of compound value obtained for all morphometric parameters of each sub-basin. The analysis reveals that, in general, the northeastern segment of the upper Jhelum basin reveals comparative higher flood potential than the southwestern segment. The tributaries, such as Lidder, Veshav, Arapal, Arapat, and Bring, exhibit greater potential to produce peak flows during rainfall events, while the tributaries like Dudhganga, Rambiara, Sandran, Romushi, and Sasara express moderate-to-low flood potential, respectively. The results of this study are likely to be very useful for effective flood hazard mitigation in upper Jhelum floodplain.
The utility of the drainage geomorphometric characteristics for the investigations relating to geomorphology and hydrology has been amply demonstrated by a number of studies to conducted various geospatial technology. The present study area is Dindigul district and its suburbs have been frequented by heavy rains during the monsoon seasons. The river Kodavanar which is frequently in spate during the monsoon seasons and flows through the western part of the Dindigul and its suburbs has a large catchment area, extending to the neighbouring Karur and Madurai Districts on the north east. The aim is to assess the morphometric characteristics of the Kodavanar sub basin of Amaravathy basin of Tamil Nadu. The objectives is to accomplish the aim are: to analyse the linear, areal and relief aspects and to bring out the form and processes of the study area. In order to understand the drainage characteristics in various parts of the Kodavanar sub basin, the basin has been divided into 5 watersheds namely, Kodavanar-Umiyar, Anaiviludan Odai, Pudukulam kombaiar, Todikombu and Periyakombai watersheds. Strahler‟s method of stream ordering which is the most commonly used method of stream ordering has been followed for the present study. For all the 5 watersheds separately, the linear, and areal and relief aspects have been discussed. The linear aspects considered for the study include stream order, stream number, stream length, bifurcation ratio and length ratio. The areal aspects include basin area, form factor, circulatory ratio, elongation ratio, drainage density, stream frequency, length of overland flow and the relief aspects considered for the present study are basin relief and ruggedness number.
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Current Journal of Applied Science and Technology
Journal of the Indian Society of Remote Sensing, 2009
Journal of Landscape Ecology
International Journal of Environment and Climate Change, 2024
International Journal of Geo-informatics and Geological Science, 2024