
This research focuses on finding out what kind of figurative languages that are used in Emily Dickinson’s poems in “The Single Hound” poem and analyzing contextual meaning. Some are metaphor, smile, antithesis, hyperbole, and paradox. This study was designed to follow the principles of qualitative descriptive method. Data were collected form 11 Emily Dickinson’s poems; after reading and understanding the poems, the writer selected figurative language found in Emily Dickinson’s poem. In analyzing the data the writer analyze every figurative language that found in the poem, and the last drawing conclusion based on the result of data analysis. In finding and discussion, the writer found three personifications, one metonymy, one repetition, and one symbolism, in “Adventure most unto itself in “The Soul that has a Guest” there are five personifications in this poem, six Symbolisms, one metaphor, and one hyperbola, in “Except the smaller size, no Lives are round” there are one metaphor and one symbolism, in “Fame is a Fickle Food” there are one metaphor, and nine symbolisms, two metonymies in “The Right to Perish Might be to Thought”, there are one irony, three symbolisms, two metonymies, and one hyperbole, in “Peril as a Possession” there are one metaphor one personification, and one simile, in “When Etna Bask and Purrs” there is one symbolism, in “Reserve cannot Befall hat Fine Prosperity” there is one symbolism, one metonymy, in “To be Alive is Power” there is one personification, in “Witchcraft has not a Pedigree” there are hyperbole and two metonymies in “Exhilaration is the Breeze” there are one metaphor, and one personification. Finally, it is hoped that this study has some benefits to the readers especially to the students who are interested in analyzing the same literary work of English Department is Suryakancana University