CfP Ecstatic Bodies in the 19th and 20th Centuries


Our workshop aims at analyzing and discussing multiple and different kinds of " Rausch " (sexual ecstasy, drug highs, mystical experiences and trances, euphoric dancing, violence and blood lust, speed etc.) in a comparative and entangled perspective. We focus on everyday practices and common discourses of ecstasy in the " long " 20 th century, i.e. the period from the late 19 th until today. Social distinctions such as class, gender, " ethnic " or " racial " differences, age or dis/ability structure those discourses and practices to this day. That is why we strongly encourage everybody to engage with the power relations that shape our ways of speaking about and " doing " ecstasy. Of special interest are papers dealing with the role of ecstasy in the history of the body and emotions (as a perspective and research area). We are also looking forward to contributions with genealogical or praxeological approaches that investigate situations and constellations where ecstatic experiences failed to occur or were deemed unappealing and unsuccessful.