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Budaya Organisasi 9.1 Pendahuluan 1) Deskripsi Singkat : Pada Bab ini dibahas deskripsi umum tentang Budaya Organisasi. 2) Relevansi : Pada bagian ini dibahas tentang pengertian budaya organisasi, nilai budaya organisasi, dimensi nilai budaya organisasi, tiga jenjang budaya organisasi, karakateristik budaya organisasi. Dengan dasar pemahaman ini akan menjadi landasan bagi mahasiswa untuk memahami pengertian perilaku organisasi 3) Kompetensi Dasar : Mahasiswa mampu menjelaskan tentang budaya organisasi. 9 106 9.2 Penyajian A. Pengertian Budaya Organisasi Setiap kita mendirikan organisasi, maka suatu hal yang tidak bisa kita elakkan munculnya ikatan dalam berbagai hal termamsuk perilaku setiap individu dalam organisasi yang kita dirikan. Misalnya, dalam perilaku, berbicara, berpakaian, upacara, serta segala hal tinda tanduk baik tidak dan harus berbuat dalam hal-hal tertentu, dan lain-lain sebagainya. Yang disebut organisasi tidak nampak, yang tampak adalah manusia-manusia anggota organisasi dan barang phisik milik organisasi. Perbedaan sifat, perilaku dan karakteristik yang dapat mebedakan suatu organisasi dengan organisasi lain itulah yang disebut budaya organisasi. Agak sulit memang mendefenisikan budaya organisasi. Namun demikian pada umumnya para pakar mendefenisikan bahwa Budaya Organisasi ialah common understanding (kebersamaan pengertian) para anggotanya untuk berperilaku sama, baik di luar maupun di dalam organisasinya. Sebagai bahan perbandingan, berikut dikutip beberapa defenisi para pakar awal-awal dekade 1990-an yang dikutip oleh Sigit dalam bukunya Perilaku Organisasional (2003:256}, sebagai berikut : Ouchi (1981) : Budaya organisasi adalah : " a set of symbols, ceremoniies, and myths that communicate the underlying values and beliefs of that organization to its employees" (seperangkat nilai-nilai, dan mitos yang mengkomunikatisikan landasan nilai-nilai dan keyakinan-keyakinan kepada para karyawannya. Miller (1984) : Budaya organisasi adalah : "a set of primary values systems consisting of eight principles, namely of purpose, of consesnsus, of exellence, of performance, of empirism, of unity, of intimacy, and of integrity, as norms or giudance for the corpotate members in their behavior and solve corporate problems" (seperangkat sistem
Ingvar Kamprad, pendiri IKEA. Sumber dari budaya organisasi yang tumbuh di IKEA adalah pendirinya.
Pendidikan Administrasi Perkantoran, 2012
Prosiding Manajemen, 2017
This thesis research aims to, first, understand employees responses to organizational culture in PT. Asuransi Jasa Tania, second, review how the performance of employees at PT. Insurance Services Tania and the third analyze how the influence of organizational culture on employee performance in PT. Asuransi Jasa Tania. Researcher use verifikatif method with sampling technique in this research using technique of Saturated Sampling, Saturated Sampling is sample determination technique when all member of population used as sample. Because the population is relatively small, less than 30 people, or research that wants to make generalizations with a very small error. Population in this research is all employees at PT. Asuransi Jasa Tania TBK branch Bandung which amounted to 28 employees. The independent variable studied in this research is organizational culture (X), while the dependent variable is employee performance (Y). Data collection is done by library research (field research) and field research (field research). The collected data is then analyzed by descriptive analysis and simple linear regression analysis. The result of descriptive analysis shows that organizational culture at PT. Asuransi Jasa Tania TBK Bandung branch has been running well, employee performance at PT. Insurance Services Tania TBK Bandung branch has been running well, and the influence of organizational culture on employee performance at PT. Asuransi Jasa Tania TBK Bandung branch is 47,3% and the rest equal to 52,3%, explained by other factors outside organizational culture.
Jurnal Ilmiah Universitas Batanghari Jambi
Rapid changes in global culture demand that people grow to adapt to science which is now unable to stand up partially. So the transdisciplinary approach is present as an effort to solve current problems. In managing an organization, it is necessary to apply modern management principles that pay attention to organizational culture. There are dynamics within an organization in building organizational culture as a guideline and principle for every individual in an organization in carrying out their respective duties and obligations to achieve organizational goals. This study uses the literature study method which aims to find out the discussion about transdisciplinary organizational culture. The data analysis technique used in this research is content analysis. The results of this study indicate that (1) a transdisciplinary approach is needed in organizational culture that runs in the era of globalization, (2) transdisciplinary implementation in organizational culture implies a process...
This study aimed to determine the organizational culture at TolitoliRegent Office, organizational culture at Tolitoli Regent Office still less than optimal, marked by its work-family culturethat was still very attached.This study used qualitative research method, where the informants in this study consisted of Tolitoli Secretary as the key informant and the employees of Tolitoli Regent Office. Data were collected using observations, interviews, and documentations. The results show that organizational culture at Tolitoli Regent Office still less than optimal.Based on organizational culture indicators of Stephen P Robbins (2014:487), employeeselection should be based on human resources and skills (ability):Staffing in Tolitoli Regent Office was still based on its proximity to the leader. The top management wasseen from behavior and norms: Briefing from the leader to the employees of Tolitoli Regent Officewas always carried out, but in terms of implementation,the discipline ofthe emplo...
Dalam konteks yang lebih luas pengkajian tema budaya organisasi ini harus senantiasa dikaitkan dengan aspek-aspek lainnya dari perilaku organisasi yang menurut Sweeney & McFarlin (2002: 4) berkaitan dengan bagaimana dan mengapa orang-orang bertindak, berpikir, dan merasa dalam suatu organisasi. Untuk dapat lebih memperjelas pengertian mengenai konsep budaya organisasi, maka kedua kata 'budaya' dan 'organisasi' akan penulis paparkan dalam bagian berikut ini, yang kemudian dilanjutkan dengan pembahasan tentang dimensi-dimensi yang terkait dengan budaya organisasi, dan sebagainya.
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Jurnal Manajemen Pelayanan Publik, 2019
Rausyan Fikr : Jurnal Pemikiran dan Pencerahan, 2020