Reactive Transport: Experiments and Pore-Network Modelling


Dissolution and deposition phenomena are key issues in the CO 2 geological storage. In the past few years, it has been proven that CO 2 injection can lead to important pore structure modifications which mainly depend on the thermodynamic conditions, the rock and fluid composition and the flow regime. Predicting these modifications and their impact on the reservoir permeability and porosity is crucial for the success of CO 2 sequestration projects. This paper presents an experimental and numerical study to evaluate in a comprehensive manner the impact of the deposition regimes on the relationships between permeability and porosity. Experiments have been performed in glass micromodels to visualize deposition mechanisms for different regimes. A reactive transport model using the pore-network approach has been developed to simulate the deposition phenomenon in the case of a single-phase flow. This numerical model is based on solving the macroscopic convection-diffusion equation. Its mac...