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2000, 2003 IEEE Wireless Communications and Networking, 2003. WCNC 2003.
During the past few years, distributed wireless sensor networks have been the focus of considerable research for both military and civil applications. Sensors are generally constrained in on-board energy supply therefore efficient management of the network is crucial to extend the life of the system. Sensors' energy cannot support long haul communication to reach a remote command site, thus they require multi-tier architecture to forward data. An efficient way to enhance the lifetime of the system is to partition the network into distinct clusters with a high-energy node called gateway as cluster-head. Failures are inevitable in sensor networks due to the inhospitable environment and unattended deployment. However, failures in higher level of hierarchy e.g. cluster-head cause more damage to the system because they also limit accessibility to the nodes that are under their supervision. In this paper we propose an efficient mechanism to recover sensors from a failed cluster. Our approach avoids a full-scale re-clustering and does not require deployment of redundant gateways.
Computers & Electrical Engineering, 2014
Conservation of energy and fault tolerance are two major issues in the deployment of a wireless sensor network (WSN). Design of clustering and routing algorithms for a large scale WSN should incorporate both these issues for the long run operation of the network. In this paper, we propose distributed clustering and routing algorithms jointly referred as DFCR. The algorithm is shown to be energy efficient and fault tolerant. The DFCR uses a distributed run time recovery of the sensor nodes due to sudden failure of the cluster heads (CHs). It takes care of the sensor nodes which have no CH within their communication range. We perform extensive experiments on the proposed algorithm using various network scenarios. The experimental results are compared with the existing algorithms to demonstrate the strength of the algorithm in terms of various performance metrics.
2014 International Conference on Contemporary Computing and Informatics (IC3I), 2014
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) consist of sensor nodes, which are small in size with limited energy and computational power. The main function of WSN is to route sensed data to base station (BS), however the main constraint in WSN is irreplaceable power sources of sensor nodes. In this paper, a distributed energy efficient and energy balanced clustering algorithm is proposed. A sensor node selects a cluster head (CH) having minimum routing overhead with higher ratio of residual energy of CH and corresponding distance. Routing overhead of CH is calculated only when the route from individual CH to base station (BS) is defined, so for defining the route amongst CH, we execute GA based routing algorithm named as GAR [1] before selection of CH by sensor nodes. Proposed algorithm also takes care of those sensor nodes, which are not in communication range of CH. This is also complimented with fault tolerant issue of WSNs as the sensor nodes are prone to failure.
Energy is the main constraint of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) due to irreplaceable and limited power sources of the sensor nodes. Clustering is the most popular topology control method to reduce energy consumption and improve scalability of WSNs. However, in a cluster based WSN, cluster heads (CHs) consume more energy due to extra work load owing to data collection, data aggregation and their communication to the base station. Therefore, efficient cluster formation is very challenging by considering the energy consumption of the CHs. This is also complimented with the fault tolerant issue of WSNs as the sensor nodes are prone to failure. In this paper, we propose a distributed fault-tolerant clustering algorithm called DFCA which uses a cost function of the CHs for the formation of cluster. We also present a distributed run time recovery of the sensor nodes from the faulty cluster due to sudden failure of the CH. The experimental results demonstrate the strength of the proposed algorithm.
Intelligent Automation & Soft Computing
Wireless sensor networks (WSN) deploy many nodes over an extended area for traffic surveillance, environmental monitoring, healthcare, tracking wildlife, and military sensing. Nodes of the WSN have a limited amount of energy. Each sensor node collects information from the surrounding area and forwards it onto the cluster head, which then sends it on to the base station (BS). WSNs extend the lifetime of the network through clustering techniques. Choosing nodes with the greatest residual energy as cluster heads is based on the idea that energy consumption is periodically distributed between nodes. The sink node gathers information from its environment that is then transmitted to the base station. The clustering protocol uses a considerably amount of energy for data collection and transmission, with additional energy used for listening to the nodes. It also contributes to channel sensing and avoiding collisions alongside energy transmission. Most clustering techniques do not consider cluster fails, because of which detection through cluster heads or the BS is not possible. Terminated nodes and sub-cluster heads thus continue to transmit information to the failed sub-cluster head, which leads to higher energy consumption. In light of this, we propose a technique to choose cluster heads while reducing the use of CSMA/CA through fault tolerance to determine the failure of the cluster heads by consuming little energy. This work here contributes to increasing the life of the WSN and conserving its energy by more than a half-sensor node per round.
2012 5th International Conference on New Technologies, Mobility and Security (NTMS), 2012
ABSTRACT The deployment of wireless sensor networks (WSNs) over a geographical area for monitoring physical phenomena is prone to several failures due to energy depletion, environmental hazards, hardware failure, communication link errors, etc. These failures prevent them to fulfill their tasks normally. In addition, in safety applications, these failures lead to hazardous consequences. Thus, it is necessary to adopt an efficient fault-tolerant approach to ensure the availability of sensor data anytime and anywhere in WSNs. In this paper, we proposed two efficient cluster-based fault-tolerant schemes enabling to reduce communication and processing overhead. These schemes are respectively denoted ECFS-1 and ECFS-2. ECFS-1 could tolerate link failures and therefore guarantee routing reliability while ECFS-2 could tolerate both sensor faults and links failures. Finally, we conducted several simulations to illustrate the effectiveness of our contribution and compared obtained results to other schemes.
International Journal of Computer Applications, 2012
Wireless Sensor Networks (WSNs) are an important focus of research due to their many envisioned applications. They are formed by small, inexpensive and resource limited devices that can interact with the environment and communicate in a wireless manner with other devices. For energy conservation, the clustering technique is used where network organizes around a small set of cluster heads which then gather data from their local cluster aggregate this data and transmit it to the base station. Here we present two models for adding faulttolerance to clustering algorithms with a hierarchy maintained among various levels of cluster heads from base station. Since, sensor nodes are often deployed in harsh environments, they are prone to failure. Cluster-head failure can leave a cluster disconnected from the base station until the network reorganizes again. The proposed model "FTHC: Fault Tolerance in Hierarchical Clustering Environment for WSN" is used for both Inter and Intra clustering environment. We evaluate the proposed model and compare it with protocol MECH in terms of network lifetime when the cluster head fail.
B y M o h a m m a d M e h r a n i , J a m s h i d S h a n b e h z a d e h , A b d o l h o s s e i n S a r r a f z a d e h , S e y e d J a v a d M i r a b e d i n i , C h r i s M a n f o r d I s l a m i c A z a d U n i v e r s i t y Abstracts-Increasing network lifetime, scalability and load balancing are important factors for wireless sensor networks. Clustering is a useful technique through which we can effect these factors. In this paper, we propose a new method of clustering which prolongs network lifetime by using energy, density and centrality factors and also the distances between nodes for making clusters. We assume a supervisor node for every cluster head which is to be its replacement when the cluster head fails. This property causes an increase in network lifetime and also helps the network to be fault tolerant. Simulation results demonstrate that using the proposed method offers significant improvement in clustering especially in network lifetime in comparison with the LEACH and HEED methods.
International Journal of Future Generation Communication and Networking, 2014
A wireless sensor network (WSN) typically consists of a large number of small sensor nodes with limited energy. Prolonged network lifetime, scalability, node mobility and load balancing are important requirements for many WSN applications. Wireless Sensor networks have limited energy resources so our main aim is to enhance network lifetime by energy balancing. Dynamic clustering plays an important role in enhancing network lifetime. In this paper we propose an idea of fault tolerant optimal path determination for forwarding data to the base station to enhance the network lifetime and implement fault tolerance at the same time. Simulation results prove the betterment of our proposed method over the existing Leach protocol and DCP.
One of the major challenges in wireless sensor networks (WSN) is to meet the energy constraint of its sensor nodes while ensuring reliability of the system. Clustering is an effective self-organization approach to offer energy-efficient communication for WSNs. However, energy of a sensor node dynamically decreases when it plays a role of a cluster head. As a result some nodes die faster that shorten overall network lifetime and reduce reliability. Existing clustering techniques even with backup cluster head (BCH) consumes huge energy due to frequent re-clustering and inefficient backup cluster head selection and switching. In this paper we propose a new approach for backup cluster head scheme to reduce the frequency of re-clustering and thus to increase the network lifetime. We introduce the selection of an optimal set of backup cluster heads from the cluster member nodes and the calculation of their optimum switching time. To evaluate the efficacy of the proposed scheme we extend the HEED clustering protocol to backup cluster head. Simulation results demonstrate that our proposed approach is effective in prolonging the network lifetime that outperforms both HEED and backup clustering proposed in [10] considerably. Proposed scheme also enhances data reliability by reducing re-clustering overhead.
Wireless Sensor Networks often serve mission-critical applications in inhospitable environments such as battlefield and territorial borders. Wireless sensor and actor networks are the collection of heterogeneous elements linked by wireless medium to perform distributed sensing and acting tasks. The Actor nodes may fail for many reasons such as due of battery exhaustion, message overhead, hardware failure due to hash environment and these failures may convert the connected network into several disjoint networks that reduce the capability of network. Wireless sensor networks consist of widely distributed sensor nodes. These nodes have short energy because of its limited battery size. This low energy in turn decreases the life duration of network. The declined lifespan of network perhaps distress the application to run in-efficiently. For these reasons, many algorithms and protocols designed for wireless sensor networks which considered the energy consumption in their conception. The node failure becomes more critical when data aggregation is performed along routing paths as the data packets with aggregated data contain information from various sources and whenever one of these packets is lost a considerable amount of information will also be lost. To understand this challenges a comparative study need to done on various algorithm proposed over it.
International Journal of Distributed Sensor Networks, 2011
More often than not, wireless sensor networks (WSNs) are deployed in adverse environments, where failures of sensor nodes and disruption of connectivity are regular phenomena. Therefore, the organization or clustering of WSNs needs to be survivable to the changing situations. On the other hand, energy efficiency in WSNs remains the main concern to achieve a longer network lifetime. In this work, we associate survivability and energy efficiency with the clustering of WSNs and show that such a proactive scheme can actually increase the lifetime. We present an easy-to-implement method named DED (distributed, energy-efficient, and dualhomed clustering) which provides robustness for WSNs without relying on the redundancy of dedicated sensors, that is, without depending on node density. DED uses the information already gathered during the clustering process to determine backup routes from sources to observers, thus incurring low message overhead. It does not make any assumptions about network dimension, node capacity, or location awareness and terminates in a constant number of iterations. The correctness of the algorithm is proved analytically. Simulation results comparing with contemporary approaches demonstrate that our approach is effective both in providing survivability and in prolonging the network lifetime.
Wireless sensor networks have potential to monitor environments for both military and civil applications. Due to inhospitable conditions these sensors are not always deployed uniformly ion the area of interest. Since sensors are generally constrained in on-board energy supply, efficient management of the network is crucial to extend the life of the sensors. Sensors' energy cannot support long haul communication to reach a remote command site and thus requires many levels of hops or a gateway to forward the data on behalf of the sensor. In this paper, we propose an algorithm to network these sensors in to well define clusters with less energy-constrained gateway nodes acting as cluster-heads, and balance load among these gateways. Simulation results show how our approach can balance the load and improve the lifetime of the system.
Energies, 2021
Technological advancements have led to increased confidence in the design of large-scale wireless networks that comprise small energy constraint devices. Despite the boost in technological advancements, energy dissipation and fault tolerance are amongst the key deciding factors while designing and deploying wireless sensor networks. This paper proposes a Fault-tolerant Energy-efficient Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm (FEHCA) for wireless sensor networks (WSNs), which demonstrates energy-efficient clustering and fault-tolerant operation of cluster heads (CHs). It treats CHs as no special node but equally prone to faults as normal sensing nodes of the cluster. The proposed scheme addresses some of the limitations of prominent hierarchical clustering algorithms, such as the randomized election of the cluster heads after each round, which results in significant energy dissipation; non-consideration of the residual energy of the sensing nodes while selecting cluster heads, etc. It util...
ABSTRACT Energy efficiency in specific clustering protocols is highly desired in wireless sensor networks. Most existing clustering protocols periodically form clusters and statically assign cluster heads (CHs) and thus are not energy efficient. Every non‐CH node of these protocols sends data to the CH in every time slot of a frame allocated to them using the time division multiple access scheme, which is an energy‐consuming process. Moreover, these protocols do not provide any fault tolerance mechanism. Considering these limitations, we have proposed an efficient fault‐tolerant and energy‐efficient clustering protocol for a wireless sensor network. The performance of the proposed protocol was tested by means of a simulation and compared against the low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy and dynamic static clustering protocols. Simulation results showed that the fault‐tolerant and energy‐efficient clustering protocol has better performance than both the low energy adaptive clustering hierarchy and dynamic static clustering protocols in terms of energy efficiency and reliability. Copyright © 2012 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
International Journal of Future Computer and Communication, 2014
Wireless Sensor Network (WSN) applications have increased in recent times in fields such as environmental sensing, area monitoring, air pollution monitoring, forest res detection, machine health monitoring, and landslide detection. In such applications, there is a high need of secure communication among sensor nodes. There are different techniques to secure network data transmissions, but due to power constraints of WSN, group key based mechanism is the most preferred one. Hence, to implement scalable energy efficient secure group communication, the best approach would be hierarchical based like Clustering. In most of the WSN designs based on clustering, Base Station (BS) is the central point of contact to the outside world and in case of its failure; it may lead to total disconnection in the communication. Critical applications like these cannot afford to have BS failure as it is a gateway from sensor networks to the outside world. In order to provide better fault tolerant immediate action, a new BS at some other physical location will have to take the charge. This may lead to a total change in the hierarchical network topology, which in turn leads to re-clustering the entire network and in turn formation of new security keys. Therefore, there is a need to find a suitable algorithm which clusters sensor nodes in such a way that when a BS fails and a new BS takes the charge, new group key gets established with minimum computation and less energy consumption.
Recent Trends in Intensive Computing
A sensor network can be defined an assembly of sensor nodes which associated by all together to complete particular detailed task. These sensor nodes are mostly in huge amounts also compactly installed moreover in the network area or very near to it. Sensor networks can be worked for several sectors such that: environmental monitoring, home, health care, Industries, military, and habitat. Failure of network is unavoidable in wireless sensor networks because of unfriendly location and non-reachable placement. Hence, it is needed that network faults are discovered in time and proper methods are engaged to bear network task. So, it is important to deliver fault forbearing systems for spread sensor applications. Numerous new work in this field yield severely different methodologies to talking the fault tolerance concern in routing. In this propose review and equate present fault tolerant practices to provision for sensor applications.
One of the most important and efficient factors in longevity of wireless sensor networks is their energy consumption.
—Some WSN by a lot of immobile node and with the limited energy and without further charge of energy. Whereas extension of many sensor nodes and their operation. Hence it is normal unactive nodes miss their communication in network, hence split the network. For avoidance split of network, we proposed a fault recovery corrupted node and Self Healing is necessary. In this paper, we design techniques to maintain the cluster structure in the event of failures caused by energy-drained nodes. Initially, node with the maximum residual energy in a cluster becomes cluster heed and node with the second maximum residual energy becomes secondary cluster heed. Later on, selection of cluster heed and secondary cluster heed will be based on available residual energy. We use Matlab software as simulation platform quantities. Like, energy consumption at cluster and number of clusters is computed in evaluation of proposed algorithm. Eventually we evaluated and compare this proposed method against previous method and we demonstrate our model is better optimization than other method, in energy consumption rate.
Computer Communications
Sensor networks are deployed to accomplish certain specific missions over a period of time. It is essential that the network continues to operate, even if some of its nodes fail. It is also important that the network is able to support the mission for a minimum specified period of time. Hence, the design of a sensor network should not only provide some guarantees that all data from the sensor nodes are gathered at the base station, even in the presence of some faults, but should also allow the network to remain functional for a specified duration. This paper considers a two-tier, hierarchical sensor network architecture, where some relay nodes, provisioned with higher power and other capabilities, are used as cluster heads. Given a distribution of sensor nodes in a sensor network, finding the locations to place a minimum number of relay nodes such that, each sensor node is covered by at least one relay node, is known to be a computationally difficult problem. In addition, for successful and reliable data communication, the relay nodes network needs to be connected, as well as resilient to node failures. In this paper, a novel integrated Integer Linear Program (ILP) formulation is proposed, which, unlike existing techniques, not only finds a suitable placement strategy for the relay nodes, but also assigns the sensor nodes to the clusters and determines a load-balanced routing scheme. Therefore, in addition to the desired levels of fault tolerance for both the sensor nodes and the relay nodes, the proposed approach also meets specified performance guarantees with respect to network lifetime by limiting the maximum energy consumption of the relay nodes.
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