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Dinler Tarihi'nde kullan lan yöntemlerden biri olarak "kar la t rma", çeitli dinlerin daha iyi anla lmas için önümüze geni bir alan ve ufuk sunmaktad r. Dinleri kar la t rmal olarak incelemek, herhangi bir dinin di$er dinlere bak n ve yakla m n ortaya koymak, Dinler Tarihi çal malar n n son derece önemli bir yönünü te kil etmektedir. Ancak ülkemizde, Dinler Tarihi disiplinindeki son y llarda görülen nispeten sevindirici geli melerin yan nda, kar la t rmal incelemelerin yok denecek kadar az olmas büyük bir eksiklik olu turmaktad r. Bu alandaki çal malar n h zland r lmas ve Kar la t rmal Dinler Tarihi'nin canland r lmas bir zorunluluk olarak kar m za ç kmaktad r.
The people who lives on the banks of the river Sindu (Hindu) are known as Hindus, and their land is called Hindustan and their religion as Hinduism.
Buddhism is usually accepted as a religion without God.
Journal of the Faculty of Divinity of Çukurova University, 2022
Sadık Hidayet, who is considered among the founders of modern Iranian literature, was born on February 17, 1903 in Tehran. Together with Bozorg Alevi, Ali Cemalzade and Sadık Çubek, Hidayet pioneered the birth of modern Iranian literature. In this respect, Hidayet's Blind Owl (Bûf-i Kûr) is considered a masterpiece in Iran's last period of literature. It is seen that Hidayet was in search of different countries throughout his life. Hidayet, who had been to Iran, Belgium, France and India, came to Iran again and then returned to Paris, the place he decided to be the last stop of his life journey. The aim of this study which examines the author's Blind Owl is to examine the situations experienced by the protagonist of the book between life, death and religion in terms of psychology of religion. In this qualitative study, data were collected from Sadık Hidayet's Blind Owl. The obtained data were analyzed in terms of psychology of religion based on the interpretive method. According to the findings, Hidayet, whom we witnessed to be stuck somewhere between the phenomena of death and religion, clearly reflected his mood to his readers in his work, and commonalities were also identified between the author's biography and the Blind Owl. In the study, it was concluded that the author wrote a book that approached religion with a spiritual focus and saw death as a way of salvation. Keywords: Psychology of Religion, Religion, Death, Sadik Hidayet, Blind Owl.
This article's approach to positivistic method is critical. Thomas F. O'dea, in this article, tries to analyse the Talcot Parson's sociological approach. As a matter of fact O'dea focus on the dilemmas of classic sociological methods. For him, manifestations of the Comtean mentality have not been transcended. In this context, "behind the positivist conception of knowledge on which this scheme is erected is the positivistic definition of man." However this definition must cover man. Because, man is that of a being whose only effective way of relating himself to the world in which he lives is by manipulating it. So, sociology, for him, "must be a study of the existential context of human life, its conditions and its conditionings. It is a study of one aspect of existential man with his freedom and his conditioning, his formation and his deformation, his achievements and his failures." Consequently the man whom O'dea defines is a true man.
The problems of environment which became interdiciplines problematic is a multidimensioned and a very wide subject. It is inevitable to research the role of religions in solving the environmental problems because of the fact that today it is impossible to try to understand the relations of the humanbeing with the environment without taking into consideration the as it had been in the past.
Every systemized religious approach which emerged up to now have been based on a social reality. According to this fact it is impossible to talk about a religion without religious community. Apart from this, every religion has its own ways of statement. These ways of statement put the community together around the common values. In this translation, it has been examined the symbolic structure of the religion, the formation of religious group and its dynamic; leadership and the process of participation in any religious group.
This article deals with the modern English teologians, and while doing so, it divides them into two groups. The first group includes the theologians who are interested in the British Theology through history and the second group includes the theologians who are interested in the British Theology through philosophy. Under the title Theology Through History, there are P. T.
Today it has been commonly accepted that cultural and structural values have played in emergence of diseases as much as micro-organism. As one of the fundemantal dynamics of the social culture, religion has also impact and different sanctions on the social system of health/disease. Religious/mystic and magical beliefs and practices occupy an eminent place in the attitudes and practices concerning the diseases. In our country, there is a few experimential researches on the relations between the health system and religion. Among the studies on the Health Sociology, the relations of religion-health/disease have been neglected and also this has been rarely examined in the studies of Sociology of Religion. Nowadays, the problem of health has become a very important field. That's why, it is a great shortcoming that the Sociology of Health and the Sociology of Religion have not paid attention to the social system of health which is the important element of the social culture and in which they have been interacted with the religious beliefs and attitudes as well.
In the Islamic terminology, "adatullah" or "sunnatullah" that governs the material world and according to al-Qur'an, forms the social life and also seem contiuning and repeated are the rules of Allah. The extraordinary events happen as a result of changes in these rules made by Allah. The extraordinary events are divided into two parts: the first part is the unreligious ones such as s#hr (magic), sha'badha and kahana. The second part is the religious ones such as mu'jiza(miracle), irkhas(a marvellous event created by God to indicate the prophethood of the prophets), karamat(a marveellous event showed by a saint"wali" with the permisson of God), istidraj/makr(a marvellous event created by God to increase the punishment of the sinners or the unbelievers on their requests), and ihanat/khidhlan( a marvellous event created by God to punish the sinners and the unbelievers on the cont rary of their requests).
There is no doubt that children are the most important component of families. Every parent wish to educate their children according to the latest technology and environment. Needless to say that spiritual environment is crucial for children's education as well as physical environment. In this sense children shold be educated in terms of religious sense, from emotional, spiritual, mental aspects. In this article we targeted age 4-5 by saying preschool child. It is suggested that children have some feelings naturally, such as fear, happiness, hope, sadness etc. Within this context sense of belonging is a sense just like other feelings. Then it has to be educated like other senses. Because it is a natural sense and comes from religious feeling.
Özet Dini bir kurum olarak Hz. Peygamberin vefatından sonra ortaya çıkan hilafet makamı, ilgasına kadar geçen süreç içerisinde farklı devletler ve ailelerin yönetiminde kalmıştı. Hatta belli dönemlerde, aynı anda birden fazla halifenin de iş başında olduğunu görmekteyiz. Osmanlı padişahı Yavuz Sultan Selim'in Mısır'ı ele geçirmesiyle birlikte yeni bir döneme ve sürece giren hilafet makamı, özellikle Osmanlı Devleti'nin son dönemlerine doğru gelindiğinde daha etkin bir şekilde kullanılmak istenmişti. Ancak I. Dünya Savaşı'nın patlak vermesi, hilafet makamına dair tartışmaları da iyice gün yüzüne çıkarmıştı. Savaştan yenik çıkan Osmanlı Devleti'nin topraklarının işgali ile birlikte Milli Mücadele'nin başlaması gerek toplum içerisinde gerekse de devlet kurumlarında yeni bir dönüşümü beraberinde getirecekti. Bu yazıda, hilafetin ilgası sürecinde yaşananlar, TBMM'nin tutumu ve Mustafa Kemal Paşa'nın bu tartışmalara yaklaşımı hakkında genel değerlendirmeler yapılmak istenmiştir. Abstract As a religious institution of caliphate appeared after the death of the Prophet (Mohammed) was under the controlled by many states and families until the abolition of it. Besides, during certain periods, we could see more than one caliphate. After the captured of Egypt by Ottoman Sultan, Yavuz Sultan Selim, caliphate got into a new process. Especially it has been wished to use more effective towards at the end of Ottoman State. But outbreak of World War I, thoroughly focused on the discussions about the authority of the caliphate. After losing the war with the occupation of the territories of the Ottoman Empire and the starting of National Struggle, a new transformation would raise whether in society or state institutions. In this article, general assessments have been aimed to make that happened in the process of the abolition of the caliphate, Parliament's attitude and Mustafa Kemal Pasha's approaching to the debate. İslamiyet'in zuhuruyla birlikte dini ve siyasi bir güç olarak ortaya çıkan hilafet, ilk kez Arabistan yarımadasında görülmekle birlikte, zaman içerisinde farklı devletlerin ve milletlerin kontrolü altına girmiş ve son olarak Osmanlı Devleti ile beraber tarih sahnesinden silinmiştir. Hilafet, sözlük anlamı olarak " birinin yerine geçmek, vekâlet etmek veya temsil etmek " Okutman; Kırklareli Üniversitesi – Kırklareli.
Language of the Motifs
This article ai m s to present a general outlook about the Christian law with its variety of understandings as developed in the history of Christianity. lts goal is not to lay out a detailed account about the histarical development of the canon law, nor it confines itself to it, but attempts to depict the "Christian" understanding(s) of law through the views of some important theologians and founders of sects. lt alsa tries to make a critica! analysis and evaluation of the Christian attitude towards law, indicaling the breaking points in the Western legal history. lt is argued that Christian law didn't follow a natural and ordinary way in its developı:nent, as an unfolding of Biblical law and examplary life of the Messenger, but there were important breakages as well as breakdowns in the early history of Christianity affecting the directian of its religious community and law, under the impact of Roman imperial politico-theological policies. Thus, the acceptance of trinity and deification of jesus became effective in the transformatian of Christian world view as well as the understanding of law and politics in the Christian community. This re-direction of Christianity prevented formatian of a religious law depending exclusively on the authority of the Bible and the prophetic exemplary. Rather, a kind of dislike and contempt of law developed through the separation of worldly and spiritual realms. On the other hand, the attempts of an institutional structure, namely the Church to fill the gap through councils and its various legislative acts, resembling the use of the authority by a secular state, formed one of the interactive causes of legal and political fluctuations and struggles in th~Western history.
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