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2011, Chiang Mai Medical Journal เชียงใหม่เวชสาร
We report a young Thai man who came to our department because of blurred vision in the right eye. Results of ophthalmoscopic examination and fundus fluorescein angiography were consistent with Leber's miliary aneurysms. Focal argon laser photocoagulation was performed and subsequently regression of the aneurysms was observed. Chiang Mai Med Bull 1992; 31:41-45.
American Journal of Ophthalmology, 1979
International Ophthalmology, 1985
Spontaneous hyphema has been linked to many conditions. We describe a patient with recurrent spontaneous hyphema caused by an abnormal angle vessel without associated rubeosis iridis, glaucoma, or other vascular abnormalities as documented by iris fluorescein angiography. After treatment with several sessions of argon laser photocoagulation, the patient has remained asymptomatic during ten months of follow-up.
Lasers in Surgery and Medicine, 1988
Aneurysms were produced in the common carotid artery of 35 rats by milliwatt CO2 laser welding of an adventitia patch over a hole. The aneurysmal sac was formed by collagen; the lumen was covered by an endothelial-like lining and partially thrombosed. The pathology of these aneurysms is similar to spontaneously occurring intracranial human aneurysms. This aneurysm model has properties (reliability, spontaneous bleeding tendency, minimal vessel manipulation, and pathological features) that make it theoretically advantageous for the induction of experimental intracranial aneurysms in larger animals.
American Journal of Ophthalmology, 1998
Graefes Archive for Clinical and Experimental Ophthalmology, 2014
Purpose The optimal management approach to retinal arterial macroaneurysms (RAM) is unknown. This paper compares long-term outcomes in RAM treated with laser therapy versus observation. Methods This is an IRB-approved retrospective study of patients with symptomatic RAM. Charts of patients with a diagnosis of RAM causing symptomatic visual loss were reviewed. Patients with less than 6 months follow up, other confounding diagnoses, or additional therapy beyond thermal laser were excluded. Statistical analysis was done using χ 2 or Student's t test as appropriate. Results Forty-eight patients with RAM were identified and 27 were included in the study (13 treated, 14 observed). Mean visual acuity in the observation group improved from 20/120 to 20/96 (p=0.53) compared to 20/280 to 20/54 (p=0.0003) in the treated group. Subgroup analysis showed that visual acuity in primarily hemorrhagic lesions treated with laser therapy improved by 1.21 logMAR compared to a loss of 0.11 logMAR (p=0.002) in those that were observed. In primarily exudative lesions, both treated and observed lesions showed an improvement of 0.32 logMAR. No patients in the treatment group had a final visual acuity below 20/200 compared to four in the observation group. Conclusion Treatment with direct laser photocoagulation was associated in this study with greater improvement in visual acuity and may decrease the risk of severe visual loss especially in primarily hemorrhagic RAM lesions. Compared to observation alone.
Catheterization and Cardiovascular Diagnosis, 1990
Background: Retinal arterial macroaneurysms (RAM) is a pathological dilatation of retinal arterial vessel. Argon laser photocoagulation has been for a long time the gold standard of many vascular diseases of the retina such as macroaneurysm. From this work emerges how the introduction of intravitreal anti-VEGF therapies have enhanced the 'effectiveness of the combination of argon laser photocoagulation in cases of persistent retinal edema, we present the case of a retinal macroaneurysm with macular hemorrhage focus and oedema in a patient with a history of systemic arterial hypertension. Methods: A 77 year-old woman patient reported sudden decline in visual acuity in the left eye; the best corrected visual acuity (BCVA)was 1/10 in left eye. Fluorescein angiography (FAG) resulted in diagnosis of Macroaneurysm at the posterior pole with macular hemorrhage focus and oedema. The patient was treated with laser treatment in the left eye; after 30 days, the visual acuity was 1/50 and at optical coherence tomography (OCT) the retinal profile was significantly altered. After 30 days, a single intravitreal ranibizumab injection was performed and, after 7 days, visual acuity was 1/10. After 24 months from ranibizumab-based therapy the final visual acuity was 10/10 and OCT examination revealed a normal retinal profile. Conclusion: In this case report the association of argon laser photocoagulation with intravitreal anti-VEGF injection has been proven to be effective and safe in case of persistent retinal oedema.
Ophthalmology, 1983
Patients with uncontrolled open-angle glaucoma were treated with argon laser to the trabecular meshwork. These patients were divided into six groups. Each group of eyes had a slightly different technique of argon laser therapy. Except for one group, there was an adequate pressure lowering effect at the longest follow-up (-18 to -28%). Since the worst complication of argon laser trabeculoplasty is the immediate elevation in intraocular pressure with subsequent worsening of the field and/or disc, the immediate rise in intraocular pressure was measured and compared for each of the various techniques. In addition comparison was made when treating 180 0 in one eye and 360 0 in the other eye of 30 individuals having similar glaucomatous disease bilaterally. Little difference was noted between the two eyes. [Key words: argon laser trabeculoplasty, intraocular pressure, open angle glaucoma, pulsed argon laser, trabecular meshwork.] Ophthalmology
Eye, 2005
Objective To report the outcomes following treatment of retinal tears with argon laser photocoagulation by trainee doctors as an emergency procedure. Methods Retrospective, case note analysis of 100 consecutive patients treated between August 2000 and December 2002 at a tertiary referral hospital. Result The case notes of 100 consecutive patients (41 male, 59 female) with a mean age of 57.5 years were reviewed. Out of these 90 were symptomatic. The follow-up period ranged from 1 week to 8 months. All patients had argon laser retinopexy in the Emergency department. The on-call Registrar performed the procedure on 94 patients, and Senior House Officers performed the other six. A total of 98 procedures were performed on the slit lamp and two by laser indirect ophthalmoscope. In all, 24 patients needed further treatment with either indirect laser, cryotherapy, or surgery. At the last follow-up, all the patients had anatomically attached retinas. Conclusion A significant proportion of patients (24%) undergoing laser retinopexy in the emergency department needed further treatment. The relative inexperience in using the indirect laser, together with its unavailability in the Emergency department, may be the contributory factors. There seems to be scope for supervised training in using the laser indirect ophthalmoscope for the trainees in the Ophthalmic Emergency department.
Eye, 1987
Intraoperative photocoagulation using an endolaser delivery system is an impor tant recent development in the field of vitreous microsurgery. Endolaser photo coagulation is indicated in a wide variety of vitreoretinal disorders and offers important advantages over previous techniques of endophotocoagulation using xenon energy. We review our experiences of argon laser endophotocoagulation to
British Journal of Ophthalmology, 1979
Journal of Vascular Surgery, 1989
Medical journal, Armed Forces India, 1997
Journal of Vascular Surgery, 1987
A preliminary basic study of argon laser angioplasty with the use of a specially designed probe is presented. Arterial specimens were harvested from 10 amputated lower extremities. The studies included (1) the evaluation of coaxial laser angioplasty in 10 partially or totally occluded arteries; (2) the observation of the effect of perpendicularly applied laser energy on 35 thrombi, 54 soft and 10 hard atherosclerotic, and 51 normal arterial walls; (3) the comparison of laser energy requirements for coaxial vessel lumen enlargement or recanalization vs. perpendicular penetration in 10 occluded, hard atherosclerotic arteries; and (4) the spectrographic analysis of calcium density gradient in two specimens. The results showed that the power required for vessel lumen enlargement was 10-+ 6 J/ram of atherosclerotic vessel (mean + standard deviation). The probe followed the original arterial lumen, did not perforate the vessel wall, and created a smooth, enlarged path. The power required to penetrate perpendicularly to a similar depth for thrombi, soft and hard atherosclerotic plaques, and normal arterial walls was 15-+ 4, 30 +-15, 65 +-32, and 246-123 J/mm, respectively. In the hard calcified specimens, laser energy required for coaxial lumen enlargement or recanalization was significantly less than that for perpendicular penetration (p < 0.05), which correlated with the calcium density map indicating an increase from inside to outside.
Eye, 1989
We have treated 26 retinal angiomas of less than 4.5mm in size in 15 eyes using repeated appli cations of contiguous argon blue green laser burns. All except one of the angiomas regressed without a massive exudative response of treatment. Haemorrhage occurred in two cases but only affected the visual outcome in one eye. Traction retinal detachment persisted in 50% of the large angiomas, despite regression of the tumour.
British Journal of Ophthalmology, 1994
Japanese Heart Journal, 1993
Seminars in ophthalmology, 1992
S the classical monographs of Von Hippe12 and L i n d a~,~ angiomatosis retinae has been recognized as the ophthalmic expression of a familial disease that is characterized by (1) vascular hamartomas of the central nervous system, (2) renal cell carcinoma, (3) pancreatic islet cell tumors and adenocarcinoma, (4) renal, pancreatic, and epididymal cysts, and (5) pheochromocytoma. Seventy percent of patients with Von Hippel-Lindau (VHL) disease have retinal angiomas,4-s and the ocular lesions often precede the development of central nervous system and visceral lesions. The ophthalmologist plays a major role in the detection and management of these patienkg EVALUATION OF THE PATIENT WITH VHL DISEASE
American Journal of Ophthalmology, 1981
We evaluated 115 eyes in 105 diabetic patients with circinate retinopathy and, in most cases, associated macular edema. Of these 115 eyes, 68 were treated with argon laser photocoagulation to leaking vessels, primarily in the center of the circinate ring. Forty-seven eyes that had similar findings but received no treatment were followed up for one year and some patients were followed up for as long as three years. In each year of follow-up the treated eyes did significantly better visually than the untreated eyes. The circinate complex was eliminated in 23 of the 24 treated eyes (96%) followed up for three years, whereas it disappeared in only two of the ten untreated eyes (20%). Complete resolution of macular edema, however, was achieved in only two of the treated eyes (3%) and in none of the untreated eyes. Eyes with initial visual acuities of 6/18 (20/60) or better did significantly better with treatment than eyes treated after visual acuity was less than 6/18 (20/60). The former group was the only one to show a mean improve ment in visual acuity.
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