Constituent quark masses and the electroweak standard model

2006, Journal of Physics G: Nuclear and Particle Physics


Constituent quark masses can be determined quite well from experimental data in several ways and one can obtain fairly accurate values for all six m q . The strong quark-meson coupling g = 2π/ √ 3 arises from the quark-level linear σ model, whereas e and sin θ w arise from weak interactions when the heavy M W and M Z are regarded as resonances in analogy with the strong KSFR relation. The Higgs boson mass, tied to null expectation value of charged Higgs components, is found to be around 317 GeV. Finally, the experimental CPV phase angle δ and the three CKM angles Θ c , Θ 2 , Θ 3 are successfully deduced from the 6 constituent quark masses following Fritzsch's approach.