Sigrid Wadauer - Sales from door to door


Sales from door to door, on streets and at marketplaces (Austria 1918-1938) Please do not quote this paper without permission of the author. 1 " All the above analyses find a concrete illustration in the situation of certain petty traders, a borderline situation in this sense highly significant. How to explain in fact the extraordinary proliferation of these makeshift petty businesses? How should we understand taking simply the standpoint of profitability, the behaviour of those men who push their little barrow along the whole day just to sell two or three watermelons, a pair of secondhand trousers, or a packet of peanuts? Here again, it is the imperative of work that any price that leads them to do something, anything, rather than nothing. If work means doing something, doing no matter what so as not just to sit around, to earn a loaf of bread, then it's only the lazy who don't work. So for those who have nothing, there is always this last resort, but what is the function of this kind of work for those who perform it? First of all, the smallest petty commerce is the only occupation that demands no starting capital, no trade skill no training, no money and no premises. " 2