There are three factors that has significant role in the organization of Islamic boarding school system. Those are, management as the factor of efforts, the organization as the factor of Facility, and the administration as the factor of intention. These three factors give direction and cohesion in defining, controlling, organizing, supervising and assessing the implementation of the policies in an effort to organize educational activities in accordance with the aim of every Islamic boarding school. One of the components of management in an effort to Islamic boarding school is financial management. Financial management of the Islamic boarding school is an activity undertaken in order to achieve the purpose of boarding schools that had planned to develop and manage resources and sources of funding and the potential held in the boarding school system effectively and efficiently. This activity can be started from the planning, organizing, implementing up to scrutiny. In the financial management at the school began with budget planning up to monitoring and financial accountability. Financial management of the Islamic boarding school is one of the substances management of educational institutions which will in turn determine the smooth operation of the Islamic boarding school. As the case on the substance of education in general management, financial management activities of the boarding school should be done through the process of planning, organizing, directing, coordinating, monitoring or controlling. Some activities such as financial management and assign an activity to obtain funding sources, utilization of funds, reporting, inspection and accountability. Abstrak Ada tiga faktor yang berperan dalam sistem penyelenggaraan Pondok Pesantren yaitu, manajemen sebagai faktor upaya, organisasi sebagai faktor Sarana, dan administrasi sebagai faktor karsa. Ketiga faktor ini memberi arah dan perpaduan dalam merumuskan, mengendalikan, penyelenggaraan, mengawasi serta menilai pelaksanaan kebijakan kebijakan dalam usaha menyelenggarakan kegiatan pendidikan yang sesuai dengan tujuan setiap Pondok Pesantren. Salah satu komponen manajemen sebagai upaya dalam pondok pesantren adalah manajemen keuangan. Manajemen keuangan pondok pesantren merupakan kegiatan yang dilakukan guna mencapai tujuan pondok pesantren yang telah direncanakan dengan mengembangkan dan mengelola sumber daya dan sumber dana serta potensi-potensi yang dimiliki dalam sistem pondok pesantren secara efektif dan efisien. Kegiatan