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It is globally an undeniable fact that ranking of a university depends on how much attention it pays on ameliorating its research segment. How many research scholars does it produce annually? How much is it careful towards checks and balances in the ways the students come through? How much is it looking after the policies, planning and quality of education it promotes to students at a greater extent? These are the questions that if a university does not give someone a chance to ask it, definitely it is, then, such a type of university that is tied in the thread of top ranked universities across the globe. Now, at global level, universities are highly batting their eyelid at research segment to stand frequently within the top ranked universities. But "standing front of all" is a challenging game which is out of someone's hands. Every country has its own policies and strategies of offering higher education to their youth. Conflation of the factors like economy, society, culture, rules and regulations, government policies, infrastructure, serving people, employee range and balanced budget distribution differentiate the countries in providing higher education. Backwardness and forwardness among the nations in terms of research range depends on these aforementioned factors. If the above factors in a country are faulty then, without an iota of doubt one can argue it backward in making education research based and qualitative one too. Quality of education undoubtedly relies upon research standard. Thousands of universities around the globe have, now, been providing youth with higher education for a good length of time. But more or less relies on their policies and many other factors like infrastructure, teaching faculty, and budgetary system and accommodation facilities. To a university, less the issues it has
The major function of universities is to create new knowledge and preserve it for the next generation. The quality of research at higher level is not satisfactory. Quality of research may defined in operational term as "the research which is completed in time, having rigorous research design which is internally and externally valid, based on reliable data sources, use of appropriate analytical methods which are meaningful in practical and statistical terms. The present study focused on those factors which are directly or indirectly hampering the quality of research in education. To analyze the research student's perceptions about the direct factors regarding teachers, research course, facilities and supervisors. An expletory research with cross-sectional study design was conducted with a study population of ninety research students at PhD and M.Phil level of International Islamic University, Islamabad. Whole population was treated as sample. Data was collected through self administered three point Likert scale questionnaire and analyzed through percentages. The major findings were that students were not satisfied with the teaching and the course content. Although the facilities were satisfactory but the system of supervision was not satisfactory. It was recommended that by the improvement of these factors quality of research can be improved. It was also suggested that training may be imparted for the improvement of teaching.
Springer eBooks, 1997
This paper was designed not as a research product but as a speech to comparative education colleagues. It argues that there is a crisis of educational quality in many parts of the world, and that there is a parallel crisis in the quality of educational research and statistics. Compared to other major public responsibilities in health, agriculture, population and family planning, educational statistics are poor and often getting worse. Our international and national statistical institutions are impoverished, and we as a profession have been part of the problem. We have been so busy arguing over differing research paradigms that we have not paid sufficient attention to our common professional responsibilities and common professional goals. The paper suggests that we, as professionals interested in comparative education issues, begin to act together more on these common and important issues.
Mankind is on the brink of a tragic era, in which the anarchic forces of the market and the incessant pressures upon natural resources on the verge of exhaustion will push sovereign states to increasingly dangerous rivalries. What will the role of research in higher education be, in response to the challenge of an active future contribution to human and social development? A good balance must be reached in the basic functions of research in order to avoid governance risks. While focusing only on the transformative function of research may pose dangers to the human dimension and development, unilateral concentration on responsible development aspects may generate reactive approaches and delay economic benefits. Disregarding the inclusiveness function may lead to slower development and even isolationism, and focusing on short-term issues is not good for long-term goals and future generations. We must reinforce research networks between 'Southern' and 'Northern', rich and poor, and developed and developing countries and institutions in order to bridge the gap between knowledge consumers and producers. This paper reviews aspects such as development, globalization and the inequality of nations; constraints and choices of the orthodox views of research; rethinking research and higher education to contribute to a better future; and knowledge integration for effective action.
The situation today is that research efforts are very unevenly distributed between different countries and regions. Some industrialized countries conduct the greater part of the world’s research. This picture has several problematic consequences for the developing countries that do not have a large share in the global research effort. On the one hand, most research is directed at problems and questions that are related to the needs of the industrialized countries where the research is conducted. On the other hand, a certain level of education, research and technology competence is necessary to benefit from knowledge developed elsewhere. Platform of Research and innovation for higher education institutions is an entrance ticket to take part in the international knowledge development. With this research article, we have tried to explore & discuss the role, contribution & implications of research for the sustainable development of higher education institutions (HEIs). Key Words: Sustainable development, Quality Education, Education and research, Research innovations.
Palgrave Macmillan UK eBooks, 2008
Proceedings of the 2016 International Conference: Global Trends in Higher Education and Cyprus, 2016
The university is a platform of inquiry, discovery and invention i.e. production of wisdom. In the information era, wisdom is the fourth factor of production. Teaching is also an obligation of tertiary education to reproduce available information for society. There are different ways to assess the amount and the quality of service provided by higher educational institutions. Times Higher Education (THE) 2016-17 World University Ranking is an attempt to summarize the performances of leading universities. THE is using the same criteria with the same weights (Teaching 30%, Research 30%, Citations 30%, International Outlook 7.5%, Industrial Income 2.5%) since 2012. In the year 2016 THE evaluated 1313 institutions and ranked 978 of them. The ranking covers 528000 books published within the 2011-2015 period, and the citations they received from the Scopus database. These include books, book chapters, and conference proceedings. I made some correlational and comparative inferences on the data provided by THE World University Ranking. The purpose of this study was to display the correlation between the Teaching and Research performance of universities in the world and in Turkey. Pearson product moment correlation was found to be significantly high and positive. In fact the correlation between Teaching and Research is always the highest one among all the other paired criteria in every different context. This finding is not sufficient but necessary evidence to assert that Teaching and Research do not alternate but reinforce each other in higher education
There are so many false dichotomies (e.g. nature vs. nurture, theory vs. practice, general vs. vocational, teacher vs. technology) in educational assertions especially in higher education. Forced choice between these dichotomies definitely mystify the option in favor and tend to obscure the other. The purpose this study is to display an empirical evidence for the inseparable nature of research and teaching in higher education. Neither of them can be excelled at the expense of expelling the other. In order to fulfil this purpose Times Higher Education (THE) World University Rankings 2016-17. Pearson product moment correlation was found to be significantly high and positive. In fact the correlation between Teaching and Research is always the highest one among all the other paired criteria in every different context. This finding is not sufficient but necessary evidence to assert that Teaching and Research do not alternate but reinforce each other in higher education.
Gyan Publication delhi, 2020
Education has been given high priority by India’s central and state governments and continues to grow fast. School access has been expanded by investment in school infrastructure and recruitment of teachers. In higher education too, the number of providers continues to rise rapidly. A new law enshrining the rights of all children to free and compulsory education will further lift enrolment, bringing closer the government’s goal of universal elementary education, which comprises eight years of schooling. Nevertheless, high drop-out rates and low attendance continues to be a challenge at lower levels and enrolment at higher levels remains modest by international standards. Private sector involvement is on the rise. While it helps expand education infrastructure, particularly in higher education, access has not always been assured and the availability of student loans for higher education needs to improve.
Learning and evaluation are the two sides of the same coin. An effective evaluation methodology always results in a better and long lasting learning. To match the global standards in terms of quality of education, Government of India has introduced Comprehensive Continuous Evaluation (CCE) in its education system at the school level. The broad objective of this CCE is to judge any micro and macro level learning by students in scholastic as well as non scholastic areas. Eliminating the stress of education and making learning by doing, the CCE is proving effective amongst students at the school level, but its discontinuation at higher level (technical, professional and general education) results in wastage of efforts and dilution of previous learning. Continuation of CCE in higher education can bring desired results with least scope of resentment as the methods, target and procedures are well tested and proven and more so the target group is already exposed to the system.
Romanian Statistical Review Supplement, 2012
Global academic market has certainly become more competitive than ever. Countries like China and South Korea to Saudi Arabia have made a priority of creating world-class universities and restoring lost luster of once great institutions. The investment in this area is significant: China is spending billions to improve the quality of education and research of elite institutions, while Saudi King Abdullah has allocated $ 10 billion for the new Science and Technology University that bears his name. And in the U.S. the weight of post-secondary education is about 2.9% of GDP, almost twice as China, European Union and Japan.
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Asian Social Science, 2011
Economic and Political Weekly, 2004
International Journal of Learning and Development, 2013
International Journal of Research and Analytical Reviews, 2019
Global Scientific Journals, 2021
International Journal of Multidisciplinary Educational Research, 2015
MIER Journal of Educational Studies Trends & Practices, 2021
Journal of Learning Development in Higher Education, 2013
Higher Education, 2008
Organizacija znanja, 2009
Cypriot Journal of Educational Sciences
Mediterranean Journal of Social Sciences, 2014
Advances in Language and Literary Studies
Journal of the National Council for Higher Education Vol. 10, Issue 1, 2022, 2022