Why are we lacking in research


It is globally an undeniable fact that ranking of a university depends on how much attention it pays on ameliorating its research segment. How many research scholars does it produce annually? How much is it careful towards checks and balances in the ways the students come through? How much is it looking after the policies, planning and quality of education it promotes to students at a greater extent? These are the questions that if a university does not give someone a chance to ask it, definitely it is, then, such a type of university that is tied in the thread of top ranked universities across the globe. Now, at global level, universities are highly batting their eyelid at research segment to stand frequently within the top ranked universities. But "standing front of all" is a challenging game which is out of someone's hands. Every country has its own policies and strategies of offering higher education to their youth. Conflation of the factors like economy, society, culture, rules and regulations, government policies, infrastructure, serving people, employee range and balanced budget distribution differentiate the countries in providing higher education. Backwardness and forwardness among the nations in terms of research range depends on these aforementioned factors. If the above factors in a country are faulty then, without an iota of doubt one can argue it backward in making education research based and qualitative one too. Quality of education undoubtedly relies upon research standard. Thousands of universities around the globe have, now, been providing youth with higher education for a good length of time. But more or less relies on their policies and many other factors like infrastructure, teaching faculty, and budgetary system and accommodation facilities. To a university, less the issues it has