Da'wah dan Tradisi Literasi di Pondok Pesantren

2016, Jurnal Bimas Islam Kementerian Agama RI

The tradition of literacy in Pesantren world give a big contribution significantly to strengthen da'wah in the archipelago. The tradition of literacy is one of the methods of da'wah that develops in the archipelago. Pesantren apart as an educational institution, is also a motor of da'wah bi al-kitabah as proselytizing through writing. This research is interesting because there are scientific papers written by the leaders of pesantrens which are not widely published, unless consumed by the students in boarding schools. The books were written by pesantren community need to be known by the public. In addition, to increase public trust to the education institution of pesantren. It could be also a da'wah media. As far as the author searches, there has been no scientific studies that specifically examine the tradition of literacy in the boarding school environment. Although, some pioneering efforts already made. Abstraksi : Tradisi literasi di dunia Pesantren berkontribusi besar dalam penguatan dakwah di Nusantara. Tradisi literasi adalah satu di antara metode dakwah yang berkembang di Nusantara. Pesantren selain sebagai lembaga pendidikan, juga menjadi motor dakwah bi al-kitâbah, atau dakwah melalui tulisan. Riset ini menarik karena terdapat karya ilmiah yang ditulis oleh para pimpinan pesantren tidak terpublikasikan secara luas, kecuali dikonsumsi oleh para santri di lingkungan pesantren bersangkutan.