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2016, Jurnal Bimas Islam Kementerian Agama RI
34 pages
1 file
The tradition of literacy in Pesantren world give a big contribution significantly to strengthen da'wah in the archipelago. The tradition of literacy is one of the methods of da'wah that develops in the archipelago. Pesantren apart as an educational institution, is also a motor of da'wah bi al-kitabah as proselytizing through writing. This research is interesting because there are scientific papers written by the leaders of pesantrens which are not widely published, unless consumed by the students in boarding schools. The books were written by pesantren community need to be known by the public. In addition, to increase public trust to the education institution of pesantren. It could be also a da'wah media. As far as the author searches, there has been no scientific studies that specifically examine the tradition of literacy in the boarding school environment. Although, some pioneering efforts already made. Abstraksi : Tradisi literasi di dunia Pesantren berkontribusi besar dalam penguatan dakwah di Nusantara. Tradisi literasi adalah satu di antara metode dakwah yang berkembang di Nusantara. Pesantren selain sebagai lembaga pendidikan, juga menjadi motor dakwah bi al-kitâbah, atau dakwah melalui tulisan. Riset ini menarik karena terdapat karya ilmiah yang ditulis oleh para pimpinan pesantren tidak terpublikasikan secara luas, kecuali dikonsumsi oleh para santri di lingkungan pesantren bersangkutan.
JIE (Journal of Islamic Education)
This study describes the education that developed in Islamic boarding schools. The focus of the discussion is the existence and traditions that exist in the pesantren. The writing method used to obtain data is the library method. The conclusions obtained in this paper are Islamic boarding schools are a real form of educational manifestations that are able to form a strong personality for each of their students. Islamic boarding schools are an original form of archipelago education created with Islamic tradition values that have their own uniqueness in building civilization. The form of scientific tradition that was built in pesantren in the form of education in the form of munadharah, a pattern of education maintained and maintained with its classical form in pesantren, collecting books and classical manuscripts to establish libraries containing various sciences and integrated in santri as human beings who love science. With the tradition that is owned, Islamic boarding schools ar...
Islamic Boarding school is an islamic education institution which has an identical tradition in indonesian muslim societuy. This institution has emerged long before the colonialism era in Indonesia. In its long history since years to pursue the concept of modernism, islamic boarding school, sometimes ,has also been perceived negatively because of transnasionalism ideology which is adopted in recent years. In that case, this paper aimed to describe the existence of islamic boarding school in indonesian social life. By argumenting and comparing some previous studies in this case to gain an accurate result. Moreover, this paper is intended to answer some western perception about islamic boarding school in Indonesia, and finally emphasize the role of islamic boarding school as a government partner and its function in creating democracy. Keyword: Islamic Boarding School, Tradition, Modernization.
Info Bibliotheca: Jurnal Perpustakaan dan Ilmu Informasi
(Objectives) Literacy is a key element in the education system in the boarding school, but received many get negative responses in the community that the education of the trend is not in accordance with the development of the era. This research aims to explain the culture of literacy in Mbah Dul boarding school as a form of readiness of students to face life in the community later. (Method) The method used in this study is qualitative descriptive. Data is obtained through interviews, observations and documentation. Data analysis is done through data reduction process, data presentation, and draw conclusion. The validity of the data by triangulation. (Findings) The results showed that the literacy culture in Mbah Dul boarding school started from the teaching of the "kitab kuning" consisting of Badongan and Sorogan, Syawir, Muhafadzoh, Muto'laah, and Khitobah very useful for students as a provision of community life, become religious figures, Da'i, and become a pioneer of change in society. Tomorrow, the need for literacy seminars, writing training and the assignment of students to add literacy skills, strengthening media literacy
Hijai - Journal on Arabic Language and Literature
The role of Islamic Boarding Schools from hereditary in maintaining and strengthening Islamic literacy and building national moderation is very large and undoubted. It is evident from the existence of pesantren graduates who are easily accepted in the midst of society (Out Coming), and many Islamic boarding school alumni become determinants and changes to the real conditions of society, both in the order of worship, mua'amalah, aqidah, and other living rules. In addition, religious leaders currently including graduates of Islamic boarding schools have started to openly participate in filling the seat of government, this is an advantage and progress in how the figure of santri with good aqeedah and personal resilience from various frictions is also a determinant of government policy when senior politicians were busy taking care of various cases that happened to him.
TADRIS: Jurnal Pendidikan Islam, 2020
This paper aims to analyze and understand about the efforts of pesantren in endeavor pesantren in jump-start ghiroh learn santri through literacy culture in pesantren. With the presence of ghiroh of learning, it is expected that students can carry out learning well. Ghiroh learning is a benchmark for achieving learning. With the inculcation of good learning motivation in students, good habits will also emerge, especially in terms of instilling and applying literacy culture in pesantren, in the form of reading and writing. Literacy culture in pesantren is a habit that is practiced by students by reading and writing and producing a work. This research uses a qualitative with case study. The research site is Pondok Pesantren Lubbul Labib, Maron, Probolinggo. The results showed that efforts to jump-start student motivation through literacy culture in pesantren were carried out through: 1) INTISHOB program (Inti'as Fi Shobah) or encouragement in the morning, 2) study groups, 3) cultural orientation, 4) providing library and e-library facilities, and 5) learning evaluation. Through these efforts, the culture of santri literacy developed well in the
Pondok pesantren selama ini menjadi salah satu arus balik pemikiran dalam merajut nilainilai moderasi dalam beragama, sehingga radikalisme agama mampu terhindarkan. Penelitan ini dilaksanakan di Pesanteren Lembaga Pendidikan Islam Pondok Karya Pembangunan (LPI-PKP) Manado, fokus masalah yang menjadi pembahasan adalah bagaimana gambaran pemikiran dan praktik moderasi beragama di pondok pesantren PKP yang menjadi sasaran penelitian. Metode pendekatan kualitatif yang digunakan dalam penelitian dan tidak lepas dari prinsip pengumpulan dan mengelolaan data yang dilakukan secara bersamaan selama proses penelitian di laksanakan. Wawancara dilakukan dengan sejumlah informan yang dianggap mengetahui betul dengan objek permasalahan, sedangkan observasi dilakukan sebagai penelusuran untuk mengamati kondisi objektif lingkungan pesantren dan kehidupan masyarakat sekitar secara langsung. Hasil penelitian ini menemukan bahwa sistem pendidikan terpadu seperti khalaqah dan klasik adalah sistem pendi...
Realita : Jurnal Penelitian dan Kebudayaan Islam
This article aims to find out how the hizib hirzul jausyan tradition developed in Islamic boarding schools to achieve a problem goal, which includes the history of hizib hirzul jausyan and how the motifs used in the Al-Mahrusiyah Islamic boarding school with this type of research are descriptive analysis and use a phenomenological approach. By collecting data in the form of in-depth interviews with informants in the form of boarding school caregivers, students, and alumni of the Hidayatul Mubtadi-Ien Madrasah Parent (MHM) as teachers at the Dinah Putri Madrasah, and active advisors, in addition, researchers conducted observations and documentation. The data analysis process uses a flow model: data reduction, data presentation, and conclusions. The researcher aims to find out how we know the development of the hizib hirzul jausyan tradition which has developed from being certified to students until now making it a routine for students. In the motive of the implementation of the hizib...
Putri maulidiya, 2018
Sudah menjadi angapan umum bahwa dalam perkembangan suatu peradaban, peranan bahasa pada umumnya sangat dominan, dan khususnya fungsi bahasa tulis. Linda Thomas dan Shan Wareing berpendapat bahwa salah satu cara menelaah bahasa adalah dengan memandangnya sebagai cara sistematis untuk menggabungkan unit-unit kecil menjadi unit-unit yang lebih besar dengan tujuan komunikasi. Oleh karena itu, bahasa secara setia mencerminkan gaya dan etos peradabannya. Kristalisasi nilai-nilai kultural di dalam bahasa menyebabkan bahasa menjadi wahana utama untuk mengekspresikan “jiwa” dari kebudayaan, sekaligus mengungkapkan kepribadian bangsa serta identitasnya. Hubungan antara bahasa dan kebudayaan jelas sangat erat. Bahkan sering sulit diidentiikasi hubungan antara keduanya, karena mereka saling mempengaruhi, saling mengisi dan berjalan berdampingan. Pola hidup, tingkah laku, adat istiadat, cara berpakaian dan unsurunsur kebudayaan lainnya hanya bisa disampaikan, diterangkan atau ditransmisi melalui bahasa. Kebudayaan nenek moyang dapat diterima dan kita wariskan kepada anak cucu kita hanya melalui bahasa. Kebudayaan nenek moyang kita beratus-ratus tahun yang lalu masih bisadipelajari dan dinikmati sekarang hanya karena bantuan bahasa. Pengetahuan sebagai unsure budaya dapat kita sampaikan kepada murid dan anak cucu kita hanya karena diutarakan dengan bahasa. Syair merupakan salah satu cabang sastra arab yang amat menonjol di kalangan masyarakat arab sejak zaman jahiliyah. Penyair begitu dihargai, disanjung dan mendapat kedudukan istimewa dikalangan masyarakat arab. Syair adalah rangkaian kata-kata yang mengandung wazan dan qafiah yang menggambarkan suatu idea. Substansi karya sastra adalah ide, gagasan, dan pesan tertentu yang diilhami, Ibn Khaldûn menjelaskan syair dengan meninjau unsur-unsur yang terkandung di dalamnya. Ia menyebutkan bahwa syair mempunyai beberapa syarat yang harus dipenuhi, yaitu: al-kalâm al-balîgh (bahasa yang tinggi nilai sastrawinya), al-khayâl (imajinasi), al-wazn (pola irama), dan alqâ iyah (kesesuaian huruf akhir setiap bait).
IBDA` : Jurnal Kajian Islam dan Budaya
This article describes the boarding school culture which focuseson the relation among Islamic scholar, students at Muslim school, andkitab kuning. The data colleting method which is used in this researchare observation, interview and documentation. This article shows thatthe soul of Islamic boarding school is the Islamic scholar and the supportingfactors are students and kitab kuning. This combination is inseparable.The Islamic scholar responds the modernity by teaching that holybooks in some levels based on the students’ ability.
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