Hitit Dini Üzerinde Bir İnceleme


The royal archives of Hittite State have been brought to light in Uattusa since the beginning of our century by means of regular 'excavations when it is considered that a greater part of tablets or fragments of tablets amounting to about 30 thousand, constitute «Religions Texts•, it can be seen what a great importance the Hittites attach to religion. From the documents in cuneüorm scribe which have reached our time, it is known that the Hittite religion is a weil developed politheistic. The Hittite pantheon has developed by means of local cults, and has reached a complex system. The clearest explanation of this is seen in the lists of gods known as �housand Gods of Hatti Land· who are called to witness the treaties made by the Hittite King. Those gods belong to Hatti, Hittite, Luwian, lndo-Europen and Samian origins.