Reperti lapidei / Stone finds [San Quirico di Populonia]

2016, Un monastero sul mare / A Monastery by the Sea. Ricerche archeologiche a San Quirico di Populonia (Piombino, LI) / Archaeological Research at San Quirico di Populonia, pp. 303-324.

The study of stone material found at the site of the San Quirico monastery, near Populonia, addressed the question of attributing the functional units, and also, in parallel, the problem of placing them in their context within the complex under study, as well as proposing a suggested chronology for them. In addition to structural and sculptural elements and decorative features, the cataloguing also includes reused material (spolia) and elements of different type (slabs). The intention is to contribute, on the one hand, to a reconstruction of the original context, and on the other hand to an understanding of the attempts at restoration and of the dynamics of abandonment and robbing, in a process ranging from the genesis of the artefact to its finding, encompassing the full range of these phenomena.