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Каталог истоимене изложбе отворене у Музеју Републике Српске поводом обиљежавања Стогодишњице од избијања Првог свјетског рата 2014. године.\ A catalogue of exhibition "The Great War 1914 - Serbian lands and Europe in the first year of war", opened in the Museum of Republic of Srpska June 26th 2014.
Regionalni zavod za zaštitu spomenika kulture Smederevo
Спомен обележја, као начин уобличавања сећања на људе и догађаје из Првог светског рата, подизана су као сведочанства једног тешког историјског тренутка, чијом је уметничком формом требало пренети сегмент историје и победити пролазност. Извођена као архитектонска или скулпторална дела (спомен црква и јавни споменици), објекти утилитарног карактера (спомен чесме) и спомен плоче, стилски и архитектонски неуједначени, историјски и културолошки неједнако значајни, очувани, оштећени или с временом потпуно девастирани и уништени, ова спомен обележја представљају специфично сведочанство не тако давне трагичне и трауматичне прошлости Србије.
Providing detailed description of the events that took place in Soviet Karelia in 1937–38, the article fills a much needed gap in the national historiography. The analysis of archival documents and the Memory Book of the Republic of Karelia (according to the database “Victims of Political Terror in the USSR” of the Memorial Society) allows identifying the Karelian specificity of the Great Terror, as well as suggesting explanation to the exceptional brutality and scope of mass operations in the republic. The Great Terror is defined as the highest phase of the Bolshevik population policy pursued since 1917.
The article tries to overview the main features of the currency circulation in Minsk during the Polish occupation (08 August, 1919 – 11 July, 1920). The analysis is based on data from the city daily newspapers («Zvon» [The Bell] – from 12 October, 1919 – «Belarus», and «Minsk Courier»). The information being published in the local media enables to analyze statistics and to characterize the status of the finances of Minsk during this complex time. Negative effects in monetary circulation in the city remain an actual issue during the whole period of the Polish occupation of Minsk. One of these was parallel circulation of several currencies. In particular, the word «ruble» means five types of banknotes, different in their quotations and purchasing power. These were «Tsar», «Duma» and «Kerensky» rubles, Ost-rubles, «Soviet notes». The term «mark» relates to three different banknotes at minimum that were regularly mentioned in the press: Ost-mark, Deutsche mark and the Polish mark. Interrelation between these currencies governed the economic life of the city during the whole considered period. The parallel circulation of currencies was directly related to the problem of «grass roots» quotations. The changes of rate on the «black» exchange can be considered as a reaction of cityʼs inhabitants on the actions of the government as well on the political and military events. Abrupt changes of the rate were possible at any instance and hard to predict. As it expected, information on currency quotations in Minsk, which was regularly published in local media, is related to unofficial, «black» exchange. In spite of prohibition to exchange banknotes in any place except exchange offices, and in spite of penalties on currency black marketers and police raids, the government was unable to stop the black exchange. The main part of money supply that was available to the city inhabitants and to businesses, was during autumn of 1919 composed of «Kerensky» and Soviet rubles. Their quotations were quite unstable and pretty low, and the local merchants were reluctant to accept these banknotes. It was «Kerensky» and Soviet rubles that were main monetary units and the base to form the prices in Minsk before Polish occupation. After Polish invasion, the «Tsar» ruble was declared as the main currency. It was highly quoted and was quite scarce. «Tsar» and «Duma» rubles were actively hoarded by people. During the whole period of the Polish occupation of Minsk, the «Tsar» ruble and Polish mark contested to be the main currency. Initially, the two currencies were declared to be in parity, but this parity disappeared after a short time (if ever exist at all). The main monetary flows, where Minsk was a transit center between Poland, Soviet Russia, and, in less extent, territories under control of White Army, were established quite early. Initially distrustful attitude of local inhabitants to Polish mark (up to decline to accept payments), to the end of Polish rule was changed to tendency to hoard this currency together with «Tsar» and «Duma» rubles.
Military Historical Review, Special Edition, 2019
SERBIAN ARMY MILITARY CHAPLAINS DURING THE GREAT WAR, 1914–1918 (Summary) The religious service in the Serbian Army during the First World War was organized to facilitate the exercise of religious rights for the Serbian Army members. It was the continuation of organizing religious services in the Serbian Army, which has institutionally started in 1839. Solutions adopted by the Serbian state and military authorities for regulating the rights of religious minorities in the Principality and Kingdom of Serbia provided unrestricted living and meeting the needs of members of all religious groups. Serbian Army chaplains were commissioned officers in military unites and in the hospitals. Chaplains minister to soldiers in spiritual support and they have an important role in moral guidance through formal teaching, counsel, and personal example. During the First World War, in the period from 28 July 1914 to 11 November 1918, the Serbian Army had 205 Orthodox parish priests, 24 hieromonks, two deacons with the rank of hierodeacon, two imams and a rabbi, which makes a total of 234 chaplains. The religious needs of soldiers in the Serbian Army were regulated through different segments of everyday life in the barracks and the military camp. Regulation of the religious needs of members of the Serbian Army of different confessions was aimed at strengthening the combat morale and creating the modern Serbian Army. With the arrival of a large number of volunteers on the Thessalonica front, the Serbian Army was increasingly becoming multinational and multiconfessional. There were more and more volunteers from Roman Catholic, Muslim, Protestant and Jewish faiths, who mostly declared themselves as Yugoslavs. Although until the end of the First World War, the Serbian military authorities did not have their military priests, their efforts to regulate the religious needs of soldiers of the Roman Catholic and Protestant faith represented an important basis for their institutional regulation in the Kingdom of Yugoslavia. The initiative for the release of all the chaplains from the Army was launched in November 1918. The reason for this was first of all because during the First World War many parishes remained without priests. A large number of priests died or were killed. On 6 December 1918, the Chief of Staff of the Supreme Command proclaimed an order to release from the duties all chaplains in military units. Since the demobilization of the chaplains did not take place with the expected dynamics, intensive correspondence between the Metropolitan of the Serbian Church and the Army Minister took place during January, February and March 1919. KEY WORDS: Serbian Army, military chaplain, religious service, the First World War, Thessaloniki Front.
According to the postmodern assumption that a history is just another narrative discourse about what we believe happened, Gatalica plays with a possible interpretation of factual data, offering, through its metafiction, an alleged explanation. The novel abounds with female characters, and the focus is on women from the margins some of which have, through the mythical matrix, entered into the historical range of stories from the World War I. Such a group is the triad of female spies that makes metafiction about Mata Hari and the Lillian Smith, whose end of the triangle represents the deconstruction of aktancian model -Russian spy who has outdated information, in the same way Gatalica joined the current narratives of Kiki of Montparnasse. The subject of the study are also the women from the margins which, being a literary manifestation of Eros and Thanatos, are a parody of the concept of hearts novels, that in their overemphasized sexuality become a metaphor for the absence of any measures and humanity that war brings with it.
Balkanski ratovi i Veliki rat. Udeo Velikih sila u ratovima s pocetka XX veka i njihova arbitraza u balkanskim sukobima s pocetka i kraja XX veka.
Науковi записки. Збiрник праць молодих вчених та аспiрантiв, 2010
У статті описано спроби утвердження Православ’я в Галичині напередодні та протягом І-ї світової війни. Автор аналізує причини поразки експансії “воєнного православ’я”, серед яких виділяє неадекватну оцінка з боку окремих російських урядових кіл релігійної ситуації в краї та невдалу практику взаємодії православних місіонерів та окупаційної адміністрації. В статье описаны попытки “укоренения” Православия в Галиции накануне и в период І-й Мировой войны. Автор анализирует причины неудачи экспансии “военного православия”, среди которых выделяет неадекватную оценку в российских правительственных и церковных кругах етноконфесиональной ситуации в крае накануне войны, а также неудачную практику взаимодействия православных миссионеров и оккупационной администрации. The article describes the attempts of “rooting” of Orthodoxy in Galicia, on the eve of and during the World War I. The author analyzes the causes of the failure of expansion of “military orthodoxy”, among which are inadequate to assess the Russian government and church circles ethno-confessional situation in the province on the eve of war, as well as the bad practices of interaction and Orthodox missionaries and the occupation administration.
Український історичний журнал, 2023
Мета полягає у спробі узагальнення воєнно-політичного і цивільного життя Волині у 1914—1916 рр. Методологія дослідження ґрунтується на використанні загальнонаукових і спеціально-історичних методів дослідження, зокрема проблемно-хронологічного, синхронного, діахронного, порівняльно-історичного. Наукова новизна полягає у тому, що автори пробують переосмислити епізоди Великої війни на території Волині, розглядаючи воєнно-політичні події та цивільне життя в регіоні не окремо, а в комплексі. Висновки. Історіографія історії Волині 1914—1918 рр. є чималою, історики нагромадили значний фактичний матеріал, який потребує глибшої концептуалізації й узагальнення. Подекуди простежується вплив радянської (російської) історіографії. Цивільне життя залишається менш вивченим у порівнянні зі збройним протистоянням. Тривалі бойові дії на Волині впродовж 1914—1916 рр. і усталення в регіоні лінії фронту завдали суттєвої шкоди краю. Економіка зазнала краху. Активну діяльність розгорнули різного роду загальнодержавні й національні допомогові організації. На окупованих австрійцями теренах політична та економічна ситуація була дещо кращою. Нова влада намагалась схилити на свою сторону місцеве населення, тож робила чимало для покращення соціально-політичного й економічного становища волинян. В умовах війни актуалізувалось національне самоусвідомлення усіх груп населення краю, що нерідко призводило до конфліктних ситуацій. Згодом це трансформувалось у відкрите збройне протистояння за кордони в контексті творення нової мапи Центрально-Східної Європи
The Image of the “Russian bear” in the patriotic caricature during the First World War (July 1914 — February 1917) The article discusses the prerevolutionary history of reception of image of the “Russian bear” in Russia. The author points out that the image was negative in years the Crimean War and ambivalent in the revolution 1905 – 07, but during the World War I (pre-February period) the figure of the “Russian bear” served as a patriotic symbol.
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War and Humour 1914-1918, 2020
Опубл. в: Первая мировая война: взгляд спустя столетие. 1914 год: от мира к войне. Материалы IV Международной научно-практической конференции (27 – 28 ноября 2014 года, г. Москва) / Под общ. ред. С.С. Степанова, Г.Д. Шкундина М.: Издательство МНЭПУ, 2015. С. 231-245.
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Лабиринт Журнал Социально Гуманитарных Исследований, 2013
Східноєвропейський історичний вісник, 2017
National Academy of Managerial Staff of Culture and Arts Herald, 2019
Синопсис: текст, контекст, медіа, 2024
Часопис Баштина бр. 43, 2018
Дементьев И.О. История Восточной Пруссии в зеркале российской пропаганды 1914 года // Время Великой войны: от глобального переустройства до трансформаций повседневности : сб. науч. ст. Калининград: Изд-во БФУ им. И. Канта, 2016. С. 122—138
Етнічна історія народів Європи, Вип. 74, 2024
Quaestio Rossica. 2015. 3(1). 109-128, 2015