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A Call for papers for the fifteenth issue of "FORMA. Revista d'Estudis Comparatius. Art, Literatura i Pensament" (Journal of Comparative Studies. Art, Literature and Thought) started on January 21st 2017. The CFP is open and addressed to scholars, PhD students or any researcher holding at least a BA degree. We welcome submissions of book reviews or academic articles in English, Spanish, Catalan, French, or Italian. You can find all of the information as well as the required editorial guidelines on FORMA privileges the dialogue between disciplines and critical traditions.The subject matter of the articles is open. All the texts, as specified in the System of Arbitration section, have to comply with the guidelines established by the entities in charge of indexing scientific journals, with regard to the plurality of the editorial and scientific committees as well as the selection process and revision of published texts. All articles will undergo a double-blind peer review process. Each journal will include articles written by well-known prestigious scholars, as well as an interview with a person of importance in the intellectual field and some book reviews which might be of academic interest. Reviews should refer to books published in 2017, 2016, and 2015. Submissions may be sent to our mail: [email protected]. The subject of the email should state whether it is an article or a review and the message should provide the following information about the author: Name, Title of the article/review and Affiliation. Deadline for submissions: May 10st, 2017
Articles by: Diego Civilotti García; Katiuscia Darici; Miguel Salmerón Infante; Lauren Palmor; Michel Dion; María Josefina Irurzun; Marco Duse; Rosa JH Berland; Carolina Rolle; Kochbati Mehdi; Jesús Peris Llorca; Linda Maria Baros; Berta Ares Yáñez
Kamelia Nikolova, 2022
This volume`s texts are presented as papers at the International Conference Art Readings 2021, New Art Module, 13-15 April, 2021, Sofia, Institute of Art Studies – BAS. The articles are peer-reviewed and only the successfully went through this procedure and editing are published in the issue.
Focusing on the relations between art and research, this single topic issue was the result of several conversations held over the last few years between members of the CAIRE, the Experimental Art and Research Cluster. Founded by four research groups at the UAB, UB, UPF and UOC together with the HANGAR artistic production and research between in Barcelona, the objective of the CAIRE is precisely to contribute toward artistic research by capitalizing on its specific and unique features. In this respect, taking advantage of the framework offered by the symposium Questioning Aesthetics: Arts Research & Aesthetics, which took place from 20th to 22nd June 2017 at the Palau Virreina in Barcelona, organized by the UAB, the Transdisciplinary Aesthetics Foundation and Banco Sabadell Foundation, we issued an open call for articles that focus on the relation between the Arts and Research, which, after the peer-review process, ended up as this node of the journal Artnodes. Therefore, the first five articles are written by authors who took part at the aforementioned symposium at the time, while the rest of the articles in the single topic issue come from other writers who share their experiences and reflections with us from a range of different perspectives and approaches. The end result fulfils the desire expressed in the original open call for articles, in which we highlighted the diversity of approaches that exist in relation to the nature of the interrelation between art and research, including research for art, research on art, and finally, research in art, which is claimed by many to be the most genuine type of artistic research. Moreover, the selection of the articles published here in one way or another relates to the four lines specified in the open call, linked both to the theoretical perspective for and on artistic artnodes
The journal welcomes scholars of all disciplines focusing on the arts and encourages an interdisciplinary and international approach, capable of systematically and critically doing research on events and problems in the artistic culture. VA aims to become a sound reference point for medieval, modern and contemporary art, visual and performing arts, and all the main themes of the international methodological debate. The journal is annual and undergoes a double-blind peer review. It is recognized as a scientific journal for the fields 08 (Architecture) and 10 (Antiquities, Philology, Literary Studies, Art History) and it is indexed in Scopus. Since 2014, the journal is published in a digital (open access) edition by Edizioni Ca' Foscari. Upload abstracts at:
Call for papers for 2018 volume of the journal of classics and its reception Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina. Deadline: end of June 2018.
Call for papers for 2019 volume of the journal of classics and its reception Eirene. Studia Graeca et Latina. Deadline: end of June 2019.
BiBlioteca di studi di Filologia moderna aree anglofona, Francofona, di germanistica, sezione di comparatistica, Filologie e studi linguistici, e sezioni di di iberistica, rumenistica, scandinavistica, slavistica, turcologia, ugrofinnistica e studi italo-ungheresi, riviste Direttore Beatrice töttössy Coordinamento editoriale martha luana canfield, piero ceccucci, massimo ciaravolo, John denton, mario domenichelli, Fiorenzo Fantaccini, ingrid Hennemann, michela landi, donatella pallotti, stefania pavan, ayşe saraçgil, rita svandrlik, angela tarantino, Beatrice töttössy Segreteria editoriale arianna antonielli, laboratorio editoriale open access, via santa reparata 93, 50129 Firenze tel +39 0552756664; fax +39 0697253581; email: [email protected]; web: <> Comitato internazionale nicholas Brownlees, università degli studi di Firenze arnaldo Bruni, università degli studi di Firenze martha luana canfield, università degli studi di Firenze richard allen cave, royal Holloway college, university of london piero ceccucci, università degli studi di Firenze massimo ciaravolo, università degli studi di Firenze John denton, università degli studi di Firenze mario domenichelli, università degli studi di Firenze maria teresa Fancelli, studiosa Fiorenzo Fantaccini, università degli studi di Firenze michela landi, università degli studi di Firenze paul geyer, rheinischen Friedrich-Wilhelms-universität Bonn seamus Heaney, nobel prize for literature 1995 ingrid Hennemann, studiosa donald Kartiganer, university of mississippi, oxford, miss. Ferenc Kiefer, Hungarian academy of sciences sergej akimovich Kibal'nik, saint-petersburg state university ernő Kulcsár szabó, eötvös loránd university, Budapest mario materassi, studioso massimo Fanfani, università degli studi di Firenze murathan mungan, scrittore Álvaro mutis, scrittore Hugh nissenson, scrittore donatella pallotti, università degli studi di Firenze stefania pavan, università degli studi di Firenze peter por, cnr de paris paola pugliatti, studiosa miguel rojas mix, centro extremeño de estudios y cooperación iberoamericanos giampaolo salvi, eötvös loránd university, Budapest ayşe saraçgil, università degli studi di Firenze rita svandrlik, università degli studi di Firenze angela tarantino, università degli studi di Firenze Beatrice töttössy, università degli studi di Firenze marina Warner, scrittrice laura Wright, university of cambridge levent Yilmaz, Bilgi universitesi, istanbul clas Zilliacus, Åbo akademi of turku Opere pubblicate Titoli proposti alla Firenze University Press dal Coordinamento editoriale del Dipartimento di Lingue, Letterature e Culture Comparate e prodotti dal suo Laboratorio editoriale Open Access Volumi stefania pavan, Lezioni di poesia. Iosif Brodskij e la cultura classica: il mito, la letteratura, la filosofia, 2006 (Biblioteca di studi di Filologia moderna; 1) rita svandrlik (a cura di), Elfriede Jelinek. Una prosa altra, un altro teatro, 2008 (Biblioteca di studi di Filologia moderna; 2) ornella de Zordo (a cura di), Saggi di anglistica e americanistica. Temi e prospettive di ricerca, 2008 (strumenti per la didattica e la ricerca; 66) Fiorenzo Fantaccini, W. B. Yeats e la cultura italiana, 2009 (Biblioteca di studi di Filologia moderna; 3) arianna antonielli, William Blake e William Butler Yeats. Sistemi simbolici e costruzioni poetiche, 2009 (Biblioteca di studi di Filologia moderna; 4) marco di manno, Tra sensi e spirito. La concezione della musica e la rappresentazione del musicista nella letteratura tedesca alle soglie del Romanticismo, 2009 (Biblioteca di studi di Filologia moderna; 5) maria chiara mocali, Testo. Dialogo. Traduzione. Per una analisi del tedesco tra codici e varietà, 2009 (Biblioteca di studi di Filologia moderna; 6) ornella de Zordo (a cura di), Saggi di anglistica e americanistica. Ricerche in corso, 2009 (strumenti per la didattica e la ricerca; 95) stefania pavan (a cura di), Gli anni Sessanta a Leningrado. Luci e ombre di una Belle Époque, 2009 (Biblioteca di studi di Filologia moderna; 7) roberta carnevale, Il corpo nell'opera di Georg Büchner. Büchner e i filosofi materialisti dell'Illuminismo francese, 2009 (Biblioteca di studi di Filologia moderna; 8) mario materassi, Go Southwest, Old Man. Note di un viaggio letterario, e non, 2009 (Biblioteca di studi di Filologia moderna; 9) ornella de Zordo, Fiorenzo Fantaccini, altri canoni / canoni altri. pluralismo e studi letterari, 2011 (Biblioteca di studi di Filologia moderna; 10) claudia Vitale, Das literarische Gesicht im Werk Heinrich von Kleists und Franz Kafkas, 2011 (Biblioteca di studi di Filologia moderna; 11) mattia di taranto, L'arte del libro in Germania fra Otto e Novecento: Editoria bibliofilica, arti figurative e avanguardia letteraria negli anni della Jahrhundertwende, 2011 (Biblioteca di studi di Filologia moderna; 12) Vania Fattorini (a cura di), Caroline Schlegel-Schelling: «Ero seduta qui a scrivere». lettere, 2012 (Biblioteca di studi di Filologia moderna; 13) anne tamm, Scalar Verb Classes. Scalarity, Thematic Roles, and Arguments in the Estonian Aspectual Lexicon, 2012 (Biblioteca di studi di Filologia moderna; 14) Beatrice töttössy (a cura di), Fonti di Weltliteratur. Ungheria, 2012 (strumenti per la didattica e la ricerca; 143) Beatrice töttössy, Ungheria 1945-2002. La dimensione letteraria, 2012 (Biblioteca di studi di Filologia moderna; 15) diana Battisti, Estetica della dissonanza e filosofia del doppio: Carlo Dossi e Jean Paul, 2012 (Biblioteca di studi di Filologia moderna; 16) Fiorenzo Fantaccini, ornella de Zordo (a cura), Saggi di anglistica e americanistica. Percorsi di ricerca, 2012 (strumenti per la didattica e la ricerca; 144) martha l. canfield (a cura di), Perù frontiera del mondo. Eielson e Vargas Llosa: dalle radici all'impegno cosmopolita = Perù frontera del mundo. Eielson y Vargas Llosa: de las raíces al compromiso cosmopolita, 2013 (Biblioteca di studi di Filologia moderna; 17) gaetano prampolini, annamaria pinazzi, The Shade of the Saguaro / La sombra del saguaro. Essays on the Literary Cultures of the American Southwest / Ensayos sobre las culturas literarias del suroeste norteamericano, 2013, forthcoming (Biblioteca di studi di Filologia moderna; 18) riviste «Journal of early modern studies», issn: 2279-7149 «lea -lingue e letterature d'oriente e d'occidente», issn: 1824-484X «studi irlandesi. a Journal of irish studies», issn: 2239-3978 Storia, identità e canoni letterari / a cura di Ioana Both, Ayşe Saraçgil, Angela Tarantino -Firenze : Firenze University Press, 2013. (Strumenti per la didattica e la ricerca; 152) ISBN (online) 978-88-6655-417-2
Littera Aperta 9-10, 2019
For Renaissance thinkers, the ancient idea of the androgyny-a variant of the metamorphosis' mythconveyed the ideas of perfection and completeness, as a way to overcome the opposition of the female and male natures. This paper shows the origin of the motif and its development according with the interests, beliefs and concerns of theologians and thinkers, from the one hand, and artists on the other.
Annali d'italianistica, 2024
It is a given that finding a satisfying balance between research and popularization poses a significant challenge due to the intrinsic di"erences between the two endeavors. Academic research is characterized by its systematic approach, aimed at generating new knowledge or, at least, validating existing theories. Researchers on ancient history analyze primary sources of significantly di"erent nature, requiring di"erent specialized approaches (ranging from epigraphy to numismatics, philology to archaeology, etc.), delve into specifics, explore and problematize nuances, and address their peers with methodological rigor and technical language. In contrast, popularization aims to make scientific knowledge intriguing and engaging to the general public. In addition to "make History", popularization requires the ability to "tell a story", which often necessitates simplifying concepts, omitting technical details, and focusing on the broader implications or more sensational aspects of the study. Scholars
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Renaissance Quarterly, 2006
CLCWeb, 2012
Potestas 12 (Español, English & Deutsch)
David Publishing Company, 2020
Kunsttexte , 2016
'Meta: Research in Hermeneutics, Phenomenology, and Practical Philosophy,' vol. XII, n. 2 / December 2020, 2020
Littera Aperta. International Journal of Literary and Cultural Studies, 2021
Roma Tre Law Review, 2023