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Csilla FEDINEC-István CSERNICSKÓ Abstract:.Remarks on one official gazette Kárpátaljai Közlöny-Подкарпатский Вђстникъ (1939-1944). The districts with the official name of Carpathian regency (abbreviated Podkarpatsko), existing in the years 1939-1944, in terms of public organizations has stood out from the Hungarian legal system, which has been applied in other regions of the country. Broad-spectrum research focused on this specific region, successfully mapped many historical, legal, linguistic and political aspects of life in its territory. Un-explored space existing in research has been a survey regional history on level of local regulations. In this study we examine the directions, and particularly local content policy in the context of nationwide events. And also whether there existed areas of questions for which were born specific answers, in connection with that we shall try to find answer for question whether this specific position in Hungarian public administration was due to name only and part of life within this administrative unit, or its uniqueness had a deeper context.
Софија, 2017.
Tarnovo-résultats et problèmnes (2007-2016) Prospections archéologiques de la forteresse s u r la 113 Mikhail Raev-The Russian-Byzantine Treaty of971: Texts and Contexts...
V září 2014 byl v katastru Nimyčnyj poblíž obce Bohdan Rakhivského regionu Zakarpatské oblasti Ukrajiny náhodně objeven místním pastýřem J. Retyaznykom meč z konce 13.–14. století. Tento typ zbraně je velmi vzácný jak pro region Horního Potisí, tak i pro středovýchodní Evropu jako celek. K určení nálezu byly použity typologická schémata E. Oakeshotta, M. Aleksića, A. Geibiga, Z.-K. Pintera a M. Šercerové. Výsledky analýzy konstrukce meče poskytly doplňující informace pro posouzení vývoje sečných zbraní ve středověku. A sword dated to the second half of the 13th century – the beginning of the 14th century was accidentally found by local shepherd Yuriy Retyaznyk in September 2014 in the Nimychnyy cadastral zone, close to the village of Bohdan in the Rakhiv district of Zakarpats'ka oblast, Ukraine. This type of weapon is quite rare both in the Upper Tisza region and Central-Eastern Europe. Typological schemes of E. Oakeshott, M. Aleksić, A. Geibig, Z.-K. Pinter and M. Šercerova wer...
Konštantínove listy/Constantine's Letters, 2020
Methodius and Their Reflection in the Landscape of Slovakia. The formation of the Cyrillo-Methodian tradition in our history has an impact on the cultural landscape. The aim of the paper is a spatial identification of the cult of Sts. Cyril and Methodius as well as the study of its impact on the landscape of Slovakia. The first step is to identify tangible and intangible features, or, more precisely, cultural landscape elements. In Slovakia, we register in connection with Sts. Cyril and Methodius more than 120 sacral objects (churches, chapels, exterior sculptures). These, together with profane objects (schools, medical facilities) and intangible elements (e.g. street names, squares, organized events), are involved in the transformation of cultural, or, more precisely, religious landscape. The largest number of sacral objects arose after 1989, in the process of modern sacralisation of the landscape, which is typical of countries with renewed religious freedom.
Sofia, 2017
Николай К. Михайловский о возможностях и условиях обучения у истории V predloženom texte by sme chceli, po krátkom predstavení biografickej črty N.K. Michajlovského a jeho konkrétnych prác, ktoré tvoria základný rámec našich skúmaní, venovať pozornosť analýze dôvodov a motivácií vedúcich k otázkam poznateľnosti dejín a učenia sa z dejín. Budeme sa venovať tomu, ako Michalovskij chápe dejiny, ako ich vymedzuje. Z tohto vymedzenia nazrieme na možnosti i limity historických skúmaní. Vyprofilujú sa pred nami rámce poznateľnosti dejín, určia sa otázky, ku ktorým nie je možné dostatočne sa vyjadriť. Priblížené skúmanie nám následne ukáže, načo nám môže poznanie dejín poslúžiť. Ak hovoríme o Nikolajovi Konstantinovičovi Michajlovskom 2 , tak vravíme o spisovateľovi, publicistovi, filozofovi a výraznej osobnosti ruského spoločenského a intelektuálneho života Ruska 19. storočia, presnejšie, jeho 2. polovice. Vplyv Michajlovského výborne označuje výraz vládca dúm 3 . Michajlovského tvorba je úzko spojená s činnosťou v redakciách takých časopisov ako Severnyj vestnik (Северный вестник), Ruskoje bogatstvo (Русское богатство) no predovšetkým s časopisom Otečestvennyje zapiski (Отечественные записки). 1 Príspevok je výstupom projektu VEGA č. 1/0880/17 Filozofia dejín v osvietenstve: Dejiny ako fundamentálny moment sebainterpretácie človeka v kontexte filozofie 18. storočia. 2 Николай Константинович Михайловский (1842-1904). 3 Rus. властитель дум. Tento pojem používa vo svojej práci o Michajlovskom profesor Blo-
Slavica Slovaca, 2014
The activity of both saints, Constantine-Cyril and Gregory of Nazianzus, is characterized by several similarities (love for education, inclination towards spiritual life, longing for solitude) that may have been influenced by Constantine’s selection of Gregory as a special patron. The study is based on the hypothesis that not only Gregory’s panegyrics and his autobiographical poem De vita sua but also a wider spectrum of Nazianzen’s poetic works influenced Constantine. It shows some selected Gregory’s verses reflected in the life and works of St. Constantine.
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Filozofia, 2023
Slavica Slovaca, 2021
Historia ecclesiastica, 2021
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Annales historici Presovienses, 2020
Obnovljeni Život, 2002
Archaeologia historica, 2016
Zenodo (CERN European Organization for Nuclear Research), 2022
Slavica Slovaca, 2021
Slovenská literatúra
Archaeologia historica, 2017
Štát a právo, 2020
Stredoeurópske pohľady, 2019
Studia theologica