
The wrong habit in using backpack continuously may result in irreversible changes in children's structure of backbone (spine) in growth. One of the health issues is related to complaint of having back pain resulted from the use of backpack. This study was purposed to find out the correlation between the use of backpack and the complaint of having back pain expressed by the students of SMP Bina Karya Surabaya. This analytic study used prospective cohort. The population involved the eight-grade students of class C, totaling 33 people, in which the samples of 30 respondents were taken using purposive sampling technique. Questionnaire and observation sheet were used to collect the data analyzed using Mann-Whitney test with the level of significance α = 0.05. The result of study showed that among 30 respondents, nearly all of them (90.0%) used backpack incorrectly, whereas most of them (60.0%) experienced moderate back pain. The result of Mann-Whitney test showed that ρ = 0.01 and α = 0.05, in which ρ < α so that H0 was rejected. It illustrated that there was a correlation between the use of backpack and the complaint of having back pain expressed by the students of SMP Bina Karya Surabaya. In conclusion, the incorrect use of backpack made the students easier to have back pain. Therefore, the nurses are expected to play their roles as to provide information about the correct and safe use of backpack to prevent the students from back pain.