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Akademika, 2016
Tulisan ini membuktikan bahwa bina damai terorisme yang dilakukan di dalam Lembaga Pemasyarakatan (Lapas) dan di luar Lapas dapat berjalan baik dengan pendekatan nasionalisme keagamaan. Keberhasilan strategi bina damai ditandai kesediaan narapidana terorisme bekerjasama dengan pemerintah untuk memberi informasi jaringan dan kepatuhan terhadap Pancasila sebagai dasar negara Indonesia. Tulisan ini menggunakan pendekatan teori konflik dan teori identitas sosial dalam menganalisis pelaku tindak pidana terorisme dan masyarakat partisipan. Pelaku teror merupakan kelompok minoritas yang mengalami kekecewaan akibat tidak terakomodirkepentingannya.
Indonesia adalah negara yang paling majemuk. Harus diakui bahwa pengelolaan terhadapnya merupakan pekerjaan yang tidak mudah. Apalagi meleburkan dalam sebuah pemahaman bahwa dalam kemajemukan tersebut ada kesatuan yang harus dipegang dan diperjuangkan bersama. Oleh kjarena itu, Sumpah Pemuda yang didengungkan pada 28 Oktober 1928 adalah prestasi luar biasa yang patut mendapatkan apresiasi. Demikian pula, kesanggupan para pendiri bangsa, terutama yang berbasis agama Islam, untuk dan demi nasionalisme kemudian mereka menundukkan egoisme karena adanya posisi mayoritasnya juga harus mendapatkan penghargaan. Hanya saja, belakangan ini, di beberapa kalangan semangat nasionalisme sedikit mulai melemah justru karena dipicu oleh semangat keagamaan. Mengingat kondisi demikian, maka perlu ditumbuhkan semangat nasionalisme berbasis spirit agama sehingga menjadi seorang pemeluk agama sejati adalah seorang nasionalis sejati
Perbincangan nasionalisme sepertinya akan mudah digiring berlawanan dengan doktrin keislaman. Padahal, doktrin heterogenitas suku, bangsa, ras, dan bahasa dalam Islam, berumur dan tertulis lebih tua dari siapapun yang pertama kali memproklamirkan nasionalisme. Mesti dibedakan antara nasionalisme sebagai "produk politik" dan nasionalisme sebagai salah satu bagian dari implementasi keislaman.
Wira Magazine, May-June edition, 2017
Nahdlatul Ulama is an Islamic-nationalist organization that has many important roles in achieving Indonesian independence. One of the contributions of this organization is present in Jihad Resolution. Jihad resolution was born as an answer to the uncertainty that hit the Indonesian leaders in facing the invaders. Through Jihad Resolution, the santri and freedom fighters succeeded in defeating Allied forces from Indonesia. Jihad resolutions which generally contain two categories of jihad. First, fardhu ‘ain it is for everyone who is within a 94 km radius of the epicenter of occupation of the invaders. Second, fardlu kifayah for residents who are outside the radius. However, under certain conditions and emergencies, the status can be increased to fardhu ‘ain. Jihad resolution is considered as a strategic decision and of great value in providing moral support to the nation's leaders and igniting the patriotism of the santri, the people and the ulama in the physical revolution agai...
Identity, as what defines one’s self directly, touches on the question of human existence: how we identify ourselves and affirm our identity and group admist plural reality as with the nation of Indonesia. Indonesian citizens affirm their identity which is religious and at the same time national. As citizens, on the one hand, we give rational reasons when making political demands, and not simply emotional preferences. On the other hand these reasons have a public quality, that is need to be capable of convincing people of various beliefs and nations. For this to take place there needs to be a discernment process between what is a personal faith matter and those convictions that need to be defended in the public square. Kata-kata Kunci: Jati diri, negara, agama, nalar publik, kesadaran, dialog, pluralitas.
The 9/11 event that happened to teh United States created strong reaction from the U.S. The U.S. made a war statement that was stated by Bush in his speech on Spetember 20, 2001 �Our war on terror begins with al Qaeda, but it does not end There�. This statement fastly becomes the discourse for the world to move the countries and international organization to make institutions and rules for supporting War on Terror stated by the U.S. By using a discourse about War on Terror, the U.S. makes and constructs the world, and also gives the new identity, behaviors, and interest to the actors in the international relations and international communities. In this level, it can be said that the discourse about War on Terror has been internationalized Discourse about War on Terror forces every country to make some norms and institutions to support War on Terror. These norms regulate the pattern of attitude of the country and also regulate and shape the pattern of attitude of the country in m...
Proceedings Paper, 2019
Structural Da'wa is characterized by strengthening the Da'wa message on the power structure. Religious nationalism is a form of structural Da'wa strategy appropriate for plural societies such as the Indonesian people. It emerged from resistance to colonization. In Indonesia, religious nationalism played a role in the formation of a constitution that formulated "a Godhead" as the basis of the State. The 1945 Constitution develops legal products that do not conflict with the message of Islamic Da'wa . Another role of religious nationalism is a network of tolerance based on justice by placing State sovereignty above religious sovereignty.
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Wira Magazine, November-December edition, 2017
SOSIOLOGI: Jurnal Ilmiah Kajian Ilmu Sosial dan Budaya, 2015
Jurnal Kawistara, 2013
Insignia Journal of International Relations, 2016
Seminar Nasional STABN Sriwijaya, 2017
Jurnal Politica, Pusat Penelitian Badan Keahlian DPR RI, 2016
KoPeN: Konferensi Pendidikan Nasional, 2020
Transformasi: Jurnal Pengabdian Masyarakat
BITARA International Journal of Civilizational Studies and Human Sciences, 2019