Not Equality but Equivalency for a Just Society



19th century’s famous poet Oliver Wendell Holmes once said “I have no respect for the passion for equality, which seems to me merely idealizing envy.” However that is not a popular idea and equality for everybody generally seen as a pillar stone of a just society by common view. It is widely accepted that all human beings are equal and people should be treated as equals in any case. If there is a situation that creates an inequality in any way, people oppose it and try to change it relentlessly. It is straightforward and convenient to think that equality for all would create a just society however it is not the case. This paper is going to challenge the status-quo by being in defense of inequality, supporting some anti-egalitarian insights and bringing out the new concept of “equivalency in society”. In order to do this, the paper is claiming that equality for all is impossible because all people are not equal also equality doesn’t mean justice thus trying to make people equal creates injustice rather than justice and the solution to this problem is equivalency for all in society.