A Possible Ancient City of Stars : TARAKA (India

India prides in ancient astronomy (which is all about the skies). She also has a sub-continent wide array of intact archeology. This find is the first that connects the full night span as being reflected on the ground. 27 prominent stars are represented as temples on the ground in an identical manner as are they in the sky in the current epoch. Constellation Orion (Kalapurusha) apart, unique and interesting pattern of a giant radial format (Taraka) with a embedded nine pointed star format (Nakshatra) is also exposed (in sky & ground). A, 1-to-1 homology transpires, which is presented using positional astronomy tools; engineering and survey methods have been used. CAD (precision) methodologies are adhered to visualize the stars as having fallen on to the ground at Bhubaneswar, India. In Sanskrit, falling stars are mentioned as TARAKA. Co-relationing with palm leaf texts have also been made that mentions " Taraka ". The conglomerate is conjectured as an erstwhile city of stars " Taraka ". Multidisciplinary approach is made. All clutter are removed to present the layout and the sky line separately as 3D visuals to schematically levitate such unraveled mystery.