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11 pages
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This research based on building process that was producing construction waste and was contributing an environmental degradation. On the other hand, salvage construction as a part of the construction waste can be reused as sustainable construction, that concern on sustainable depends on carrying capacity of the environment. The goal of this research is describing the method of reuse for buildings and identifying the elements. This research used Theory of Hierarchical Recycling that explain about reuse method as the highest level in the process. The method that is used in this research is descriptive-qualitative research methods to provide examples of cases related to the reuse of waste materials as building materials. Reusing waste materials is one of technique that can be applied in designing and building as well as an effort to save the environment as a result of damage to construction waste. Keywords: sustainable, reuse, waste materials
berikut merupakan bahan makalah dan bahan presentasi tentang pondasi bangunan, masih banyak kekurangan maka kita bisa explore lebih dalam lagib dari banyak literatur.
Dengan mengucapkan syukur, penulis telah menyelesaikan penulisan laporan ini, walaupun tidak sedikit hambatan dan kesulitan yang penulis hadapi, tiada daya dan upaya kecuali dengan pertolongan Allah yang Mahakuasa. Penulisan laporan ini bertujuan untuk memenuhi salah satu tugas mata kuliah Struktur Baja I. Laporan ini masih banyak kekurangan dan belum dikatakan sempurna karena keterbatasan wawasan penulis. Oleh karena itu, kritik dan saran yang bersifat membangun penulis harapkan agar dalam membuat laporan di waktu yang akan datang bisa lebih baik lagi. Harapan penulis semoga laporan ini bisa berguna bagi pembaca dan menambah ruang lingkup ilmu pengetahuan yang ada. Terima kasih kepada pihak yang telah membantu penyelesaian laporan ini. Semoga laporan ini dapat bermanfaat khususnya untuk mahasiswa.
Waste material controlling in home building is very advantage involving, (1) tightening of contruction fee, (2) finishing process and job easily, (3) supporting of building environmental friendly. Factors which become consideration to control waste material on home building are (1) planning of design of site and ground plan, (2) material allocation, (3) using kinds of material, (4) keeping place and ability of employers. In general, kinds of waste material which are taken in home building are (1) ceramics pieces, (2) waste wood from scaffolding and mould of concrete (sloof, column, beam), (3) iron pieces, and (4) bricks pieces. Waste material can not be controlled if it uses kind of materials which can not be ordered in few content suitable with need because it is related to container and low limitation order.
Infrastructure development and housing is an industry which requires big enough cost, construction/building materials, and energy. Saving on these three components in industrial business to be as a main target in almost all developing countries. To reach the target, there are intensive efforts should be done to effectively utilize that of mining waste disposal or tailing.Tailing always becoming a serious problem which commonly to be considered as a main cause of environmental damage, but in fact also be utilized to good advantage. In order not generate a negative impact hence it needs a better management by reutilizing it properly and wisely in optimum condition. One of the efforts which can be done is by increasing its usefulness as construction/building materials. Utilization of the tailing to be as construction/building materials constituting a solution for energy saving, preservation of environment, and conservation of mineral resources.
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Tristiana Ningfuri, 2014
Konferensi Nasional Teknik Sipil 14, 2020