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Given the universality attributed to Human Rights, there is a general recognition relating to the equal enjoyment of all human beings, men and women. This recognition, however, is subject to the dynamics of exclusion typical of the patriarchal nature of society that determines the predominance of male over female regarding their access to power and economy. The problem goes beyond if we consider that this collective consciousness of competition and aggression hinders feminine values deriving in a structural discrimination of women and their rights.
Rev. Cient. General José María Córdova, 2013
When examining literature of gender and democracy, one realizes that the majority of the works on these subjects revolve around two related structural justifications. The first emphasizes on the subjugation of women, reasoning that follows Pateman’s ideas on the sexual contract. These approximations preponderantly scrutinize the patterns and practices of domination that victimize women. The second trend of thought targets women’s equality or, more concretely, inequality. It pays special attention to the marginalization of women from positions of power and to their exclusión from the public arena. With the commitment of opening a third front, the present article proposes a different approach to the study of gender and democracy. Though it recognizes the validity of both of these lines of advocacy, it takes one step away from the dichotomous logic that places women in one side and men on the other. Namely, it analyses gender relations, as an interdependent and dual social construction that differentiates and singularizes gender dynamics [Al examinar las aproximaciones teóricas sobre el género y la democracia, es posible evidenciar que la mayoría de los trabajos sobre estos temas giran en torno a dos justificaciones estructurales. La primera aborda la democracia desde un análisis crítico que resalta la subyugación de la mujer, razonamiento que sigue las ideas de Pateman acerca del contrato sexual. Estas aproximaciones preponderantemente examinan los patrones y prácticas de dominación que victimizan a las mujeres. La segunda corriente de pensamiento estudia la igualdad de las mujeres o, más concretamente, la desigualdad. Por lo tanto, presta atención a la marginalización de las mujeres de los puestos de poder y a su exclusión de la vida pública. Con el compromiso de ampliar el debate sobre las relaciones de género y la democracia, el presente artículo propone un enfoque diferencial a partir de las concepciones de poder. El artículo se distancia de la lógica dicotómica que coloca a las mujeres en un lado y los hombres en el otro. En concreto, analiza cómo las relaciones de género son construcciones sociales que se originan de la interdependencia y de la dualidad.
Javier GARCÍA MARTÍN -Adolfo G. Posada, un constitucionalista ante el feminismo. Entre Estado social y derecho privado-Mujeres y Derecho: Pasado y presente I. Congreso multidisciplinar de la sección de Bizkaia de la Facultad de Derecho. Octubre de 2008. III: III. Panel. Las mujeres: ¿titulares de derechos? En el derecho Público. Adela Asua Batarrita Moderadora. Comunicación
Seção Temática, 2018
The present article seeks to analyze human rights from a gender perspective. To do so, it goes back to the past to explain the development of the society of rights and women's rights. The analysis starts from the premise that human rights are social products and therefore will reflect and represent the values and interests of the society that produced them, in this case, capitalist society. One of the values of this society is patriarchy and the idea of the superiority of men as a social actor in relation to women. This value is represented in human rights that nevertheless have universality as one of its characteristics: the idea that all people are subjects of such rights independently of any identities. Therefore, the legal text in which human rights were coined affirms an equality that does not exist in practice, since women are violated and their rights are violated every day, in addition to the gender inequality present throughout the world. As an example and materialization of this reality, the Campo Algodonero Case, introduced to the Inter-American Court of Human Rights, appears as the first case of the Court to mention femicide, showing the vulnerability of women's life and integrity.
European View, 2012
The equality of women and men is included in the Treaty of Lisbon as an independent fundamental right for good reason. Women are not a minority and participate fully in the Christian Democratic view of humankind. It is high time to translate this principle into policy, as an aim to be actively pursued. Equality is not a goal in itself. When womenʼs talents get a chance to blossom, this will not only benefit the economy but also strengthen political decision-making. Thus, it is not only jurists and politicians, but also-and indeed, especially-our theologians and philosophers, who should immerse themselves in what Christian Democratic tradition has to say about the equality of women and men.
Gender issues and its perception of deprivation of certain rights on women have been a concern over the decade in scholarship. Gender roles as handed down from generations are not without inequality that exists between the masculine and the feminine genders. This has orchestrated the viewing of women as second class citizens that have little or no right in the society. This view is not particularized to any locale, but is seen as a general phenomenon which has called for the attention of the world in its amelioration. In view of this fact, the United Nation is the predominant voice that has documents on the right of women in the world and tends to correct some inequalities that are predominant in our cultures today. This work will adopt a phenomenological approach in its study and theoretically framed with Conflict theory. This is because the society is a struggle for dominance among social groups (Men and Women) that compete for scarce resources and the subsequent UN’s struggle to ...
International Social Science Journal, 2008
Drawing on my recent academic work on democratisation, gender rights and social movements, and on my public role in social policy debates, I present some reflections on setting up social policies, particularly those that have come to be known as gender policies. In doing so, I draw attention to social justice as a basic principle of social policies, and to the gap between the legal and formal aspects of gender rights and their realisation. With respect to democratisation, citizenship and human rights, reflect on the language of needs, translated into rights wielded by the different social movements in Argentina, that have put new issues and problems on the public agenda, and have thus contributed to changing the socio-political discourse. The rights-based discourse of social movements has also encompassed poverty and unemployment, which were an issue in the social policy discourses of the 1990s. However, unlike discourses rooted in assistance strategies, current discourses address an increasing politicisation of the realm of production and social reproduction. They include the acknowledgement of differences, the search for dignity, the criticism of existing power relations and the construction of interdependence between actors and organisations. I suggest that there is a new historical moment in women's movements that may contribute to the consolidation of popular feminism in Argentina, together with an alliance among women from different social, urban and rural sectors.
Laguna, 1997
Biblioteca de la Universidad Complutense de Madrid, Base de datos de artículos de revistas, ...
This paper looks into the impact of patriarchy on women and idiosyncrasies that colour gender-based violence. Given the perception that violence against women is a personal matter, women get to fight lone battles in a world of blissful matrimony or relations where violence is supposedly foreign. The notion of a man being the head of the household has become controversial as it entrenches perpetual superiority of men over women. Tired of being perpetual underlings, women have begun to liberate themselves from the yoke of victim-hood resulting in support from male feminists.
Mujeres y Derecho, pasado y presente: I …, 2008
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