Punk, Law, Resistance

Over the com­ing week there will appear on Crit­ical Legal Think­ing a series of posts on the theme “Punk, Law, Res­ist­ance”. The idea for this series was inspired by some of the highly cre­at­ive forms of protest that have recently taken place in the UK by, for example, the Book Bloc and UK Uncut. But why Punk? Wasn’t Punk just some flash in the pan music scene from the 1970s? What rel­ev­ance could it pos­sibly have to the cri­tique of law and polit­ics today? The writer and artist Deirdre King, in an essay pub­lished in Punk; A Dir­ect­ory of Mod­ern Sub­vers­ive Cul­ture (Lon­don: Hol­low Con­tem­por­ary Art 2007), has this to say on the matter ...