Theory, Philosophy, and Shakespeare Studies - Graduate Seminar


For many reasons, Shakespearean texts have been used as test cases in continuing philosophical debates over the nature of the humanistic enterprise. This graduate seminar examines the dynamics of early modern criticism, concentrating on particular Shakespeare plays in relation to important theoretical developments, including the bourgeoning field of critical race studies propelled by a renewed awareness of the importance of religion in the period and in our post-9/11 world. A second focus of the course is major philosophers' engagement with Shakespeare, including Hegel, Karl Marx, Freud, Lacan, and Derrida. In addition to theoretical texts, we will work with a group of core play texts. There will be ample opportunity to relate the course to any of your prior or developing interests or to work in original languages if you like. While an emphasis is placed on theoretical implications of various modes of confrontation with "Shakespeare," seminar members are encouraged to contribute to the reading list.