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1992, Integral Equations and Operator Theory
If P is a positive operator on a Hilbert space H whose range is dense, then a theorem of Foias, Ong, and Rosenthal says that: II[qo(P)]-lT[tp(P)]ll < 12 max{llTII, IIp-1TPII} for any bounded operator T on H, where q~ is a continuous, concave, nonnegative, nondecreasing function on [0, IIPII]. This inequality is extended to the class of normal operators with dense range to obtain the inequality II[tp(N)]-lT[tp(N)]ll < 12c 2 max{llTII, IIN-ITNII} where tp is a complex valued function in a class of functions called vase-like, and c is a constant which is associated with q~ by the definition of vase-like. As a corollary, it is shown that the reflexive lattice of operator ranges generated by the range NH of a normal operator N consists of the ranges of all operators of the form tp(N), where q0 is vase-like. Similar results are obtained for scalar-type spectral operators on a Hilbert space,
arXiv: Functional Analysis, 2020
In this survey, we shall present characterizations of some distinguished classes of Hilbertian bounded linear operators (namely, normal operators, selfadjoint operators, and unitary operators) in terms of operator inequalities related to the arithmetic-geometric mean inequality. For the class of all normal operators, we shall present new general characterizations.
Journal of Inequalities and Applications, 2012
,B ∈ B(B(H)) denote either the generalized derivation δ A,B = L A -R B or the elementary operator A,B = L A R B -I, where L A and R B are the left and right multiplication operators defined on B(H) by L A = AX and R B = XB respectively. This article concerns some spectral properties of k-quasi- * -class A operators in a Hilbert space, as the property of being hereditarily polaroid. We also establish Weyl-type theorems for T and d A,B , where T is a k-quasi- * -class A operator and A, B * are also k-quasi- * -class A operators. MSC: Primary 47B47; 47A30; 47B20; secondary 47B10
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 1994
Porta, and Recht recently proved that (ISTS-' + S-'TSIj > 21jTI(. A generalization of this inequality to larger classes of operators and norms is obtained as an immediate consequence of the operator form of the arithmetic-geometric-mean inequality. Some related inequalities are also discussed. 1.
Publications of the Research Institute for Mathematical Sciences, 1988
Several inequalities for Hilbert space operators are extended. These include results of Furuta, Halmos, and Kato on the mixed Schwarz inequality, the generalized Reid inequality as proved by Halmos and a classical inequality in the theory of compact non-self-adjoint operators which is essentially due to Weyl. Some related inequalities are also discussed.
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2005
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 1980
The results of Ostrowski on nonsingularity of matrices through diagonal dominance are generalized to the case of monotonic norms. From these results, combined with a basic theorem of Ky Fan, one obtains refinements and generalizations of the classical inequalities of Carleman and Schur. Q Elsevier North Holland, Inc., 1980 oO24-3795/80/030179+ 19igo1.75 180 PEDRO NOWOSAD AND RAUL TOVAR A fundamental difficulty in applying Smithies's method to operators of finite double-norm in Orlicz spaces or even in L+, spaces, pZ2, rests in the fact that (2) provides a bound in terms of the (Hilbert-Schmidt) norm ]]A (1 and not in terms of the double-norm appropriate to these spaces. Zaanen [12, 131 points out this difficulty, which he overcomes by using a different and more elaborate process, and he states that it would be convenient to find the analog of Smithies's method for Orlicz spaces or at least for $ spaces. Our objective is to determine a whole new class of functions of the elements of A, which can replace the right-hand side of (l), and will allow for the replacement of the Euclidean norm ]]A I] by other norms, for instance norms appropriate to the study of operators of finite double-norm in Orlicz spaces other than L,. The present paper is divided in five sections. In the first three we determine new classes of functions of the elements of A that can replace the right-hand side of the inequality (1) (Theorems 2.3 and 3.5). In Sec. 4 we give generalizations for monotonic norms of the inequality of Carleman and of the inequality of Schur, with some improvements. In Sec. 5 we give two results for the infinite-dimensional case: an extension of Schur's inequality for infinite matrices which are completely of finite double-norm with respect to Ir, (Theorem 5.1) and an improvement of that inequality for integral operators with kernel in L, (Theorem 5.2). All these results are new, even when specialized to the Zr or I, case, with the exception of Theorem 2.3, which in the Zr, case is a result of O&row&i [lo]. Most results of this paper appeared previously (with inaccuracies) in the report "On a general class of inequalities for the Euclidean norm of matrices" (MRC Technical Summary Report #1087, University of Wisconsin, June 1971), by the first author. Lemma 2.2 and Theorem 2.3 are corrected versions of Lemma 4.3 and Theorem 4.2 of that report, where a factor (Y, which plays an important role, is lacking. Their consequences are also corrected and so should be the expressions (4.19), (4.19'), and (4.20) in the paper [2]. These observations are reported in the introductory part of the doctoral dissertation of the second author ("A desigualdade de Carleman para espacos de Orlicz," IMPA, 1975). In [8] we develop the Carleman-Smithies theory for integral operators completely of finite double-norm in reflexive Orlicz spaces, using results of the present paper. As usually, M,, denotes the space of n X n complex matrices. We recall that A E iV,, is called irreducible if it cannot be brought by simultaneous permutations of rows and columns into the form
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2013
Let f be a continuous convex function on an interval J, let A, B, C, D be self-adjoint operators acting on a Hilbert space with spectra contained in J such that A + D = B + C and A ≤ m ≤ B, C ≤ M ≤ D for two real numbers m < M , and let Φ be a unital positive linear map on B(H). We prove the inequality f (Φ(B)) + f (Φ(C)) ≤ Φ(f (A)) + Φ(f (D)). and apply it to obtain several inequalities such as the Jensen-Mercer operator inequality and the Petrović operator inequality.
In partial fulfilment of the requirement of Master of Science (mathematics) Degree offered at Kenyatta University, 1987. QA 691 .O4
This article concems the spectral theory of many classes of oper-ators defined by means of some inequalities. Particular emphasis is given to the Fredholm theory and local spectral theory of these classes of operators.
Banach Journal of Mathematical Analysis, 2012
In the present paper, taking some advantages offered by the context of finite dimensional Hilbert spaces, we shall give a complete characterizations of certain distinguished classes of operators (self-adjoint, unitary reflection, normal) in terms of operator inequalities. These results extend previous characterizations obtained by the second author.
Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2011
, Elsner, Hershkowitz and Pinkus characterized functions F : IR n + →
Linear and Multilinear Algebra, 2004
W 0 ðR A, B J j Þ where VðÁÞ is the joint spatial numerical range, W 0 ðÁÞ is the algebraic numerical range and J is a norm ideal of BðEÞ: We shall show that this inclusion becomes an equality when R A, B is taken to be a derivation. Also, we deduce that wðU A, B J j Þ ! 2ð ffiffi ffi 2 p À 1ÞwðAÞwðBÞ, for A, B 2 BðEÞ and J is a norm ideal of BðEÞ, where wðÁÞ is the numerical radius. On the other hand, in the particular case when E is a Hilbert space, we shall prove that the lower estimate bound kU A, B jJk ! 2ð ffiffi ffi 2 p À 1ÞkAkkBk holds, if one of the following two conditions is satisfied: (i) J is a standard operator algebra of BðEÞ and A, B 2 J: (ii) J is a norm ideal of BðEÞ and A, B 2 BðEÞ:
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 1990
Let F be a surjective linear mapping between the algebras L(H) and L(K) of all bounded operators on nontrivial complex Hilbert spaces H and K respectively. For any positive integer k let W,(A) denote the kth numerical range of an operator A on H. If k is strictly less than one-half the dimension of H and W,(F(A)) = Wk. A) for ah A from L(H), then there is a unitary mapping U: H + K such that either F(A) = UAu* or F(A) = (UAU*)' for every A E L(H), where the transposition is taken in any basis of K, fixed in advance. This generalizes the result of S. Pierce and W. Watkins on finite-dimensional spaces. The case of k greater than or equal to one-half of the dimension of H is also treated using our method. Our proofs depend on a characterization of those linear operators preserving projections of rank one, which is of independent interest.
Linear Algebra and its Applications, 2009
We give an extension of Hua's inequality in pre-Hilbert C * -modules without using convexity or the classical Hua's inequality. As a consequence, some known and new generalizations of this inequality are deduced. Providing a Jensen inequality in the content of Hilbert C * -modules, another extension of Hua's inequality is obtained. We also present an operator Hua's inequality, which is equivalent to operator convexity of given continuous real function. G.-S. Yang and B.-K. Han extended this result for a finite sequence of complex numbers. C.E.M. Pearce and J.E. Pečarić [14] generalized Hua's inequality for real convex functions; see also [1]. S.S. Dragomir and G.-S. Yang [2] extended Hua's inequality in the setting of real inner product spaces by applying Hua's inequality for n = 1. Their result was generalized by 2000 Mathematics Subject Classification. Primary 47A63; secondary 46L08, 47B10, 47A30, 47B15, 26D07, 15A60.
Let be a Hilbert space equipped with the inner product , and let be the algebra of bounded linear operators acting on . We recall that the numerical range (also known as the field of values) of is the collection of all complex numbers of the form where is a unit vector in . i.e. See, ([2], [5], [8]) which is useful for studying operators. In particular, the geometrical properties of the numerical range often provide useful information about the algebraic and analytic properties of the operator . For instance, if and only if ; is real if and only if , has no interior points if and only if there are complex numbers, and with such that is self-adjoint. Moreover, the closure of denoted by , always contains the spectrum of denoted by . See, [8] Let denote the set of compact operators on and be the canonical quotient map. The essential numerical range of , denoted by is the set; See, ([1], [2], [3]) where the intersection runs over the compact operators . Chacon and Chacon [3] gave some o...
Georgian Mathematical Journal, 2019
In this paper, we show some refinements of generalized numerical radius inequalities involving the Young and Heinz inequality. In particular, we present w_{p}^{p}(A_{1}^{*}T_{1}B_{1},\dots,A_{n}^{*}T_{n}B_{n})\leq\frac{n^{1-\frac{1% }{r}}}{2^{\frac{1}{r}}}\bigg{\|}\sum_{i=1}^{n}[B_{i}^{*}f^{2}(|T_{i}|)B_{i}]^{% rp}+[A_{i}^{*}g^{2}(|T_{i}^{*}|)A_{i}]^{rp}\bigg{\|}^{\frac{1}{r}}-\inf_{\|x\|% =1}\eta(x), where {T_{i},A_{i},B_{i}\in\mathbb{B}(\mathscr{H})} {(1\leq i\leq n)} , f and g are nonnegative continuous functions on {[0,\infty)} satisfying {f(t)g(t)=t} for all {t\in[0,\infty)} , {p,r\geq 1} , {N\in\mathbb{N}} , and \displaystyle\eta(x)=\frac{1}{2}\sum_{i=1}^{n}\sum_{j=1}^{N}\Bigl{(}\sqrt[2^{j% }]{\big{\langle}(A_{i}^{*}g^{2}(|T_{i}^{*}|)A_{i})^{p}x,x\big{\rangle}^{2^{j-1% }-k_{j}}\big{\langle}(B_{i}^{*}f^{2}(|T_{i}|)B_{i})^{p}x,x\big{\rangle}^{k_{j}}} \displaystyle -\sqrt[2^{j}]{\big{\langle}(B_{i}^{*}f^{2}(|T_{i}|)B_{i}% )^{p}x,x\big{\rangle}^{k_{j}+1}\big{\langle}(A_{i}^{*}g^{2...
Proceedings of the American Mathematical Society, 2005
We prove several spectral radius inequalities for sums, products, and commutators of Hilbert space operators. Pinching inequalities for the spectral radius are also obtained.
Consider a complex Hilbert space (H, 〈·, ·〉). Let B (H) denote the algebra of all bounded linear operators acting on (H, 〈·, ·〉) An operator A is said to be positive (denoted by A ≥ 0) if 〈Ax, x〉 ≥ 0 for all x ∈ H, and also an operator A is said to be strictly positive (denoted by A > 0) if A is positive and invertible. The Gelfand map f (t) 7→ f (A) is an isometrically ∗isomorphism between the C-algebra C (sp (A)) of continuous functions on the spectrum sp (A) of a self-adjoint operator A and the C-algebra generated by 1H and A. If f, g ∈ C (sp (A)), then f (t) ≥ g (t) (t ∈ sp (A)) implies that f (A) ≥ g (A). On the other hand, when A ∈ B(H) is such that RA > 0, then A is said to be accretive. When H is finite dimensional, we identify B(H) with the algebra Mn of all complex n × n matrices. Given a matrix monotone function f : (0,∞) → (0,∞) with f(1) = 1, and two accretive matrices A,B, there is a matrix mean associated with f , denoted by σf or σ, defined by [1]
Journal of the Egyptian Mathematical Society, 2012
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