A note on operator norm inequalities

1992, Integral Equations and Operator Theory


If P is a positive operator on a Hilbert space H whose range is dense, then a theorem of Foias, Ong, and Rosenthal says that: II[qo(P)]-lT[tp(P)]ll < 12 max{llTII, IIp-1TPII} for any bounded operator T on H, where q~ is a continuous, concave, nonnegative, nondecreasing function on [0, IIPII]. This inequality is extended to the class of normal operators with dense range to obtain the inequality II[tp(N)]-lT[tp(N)]ll < 12c 2 max{llTII, IIN-ITNII} where tp is a complex valued function in a class of functions called vase-like, and c is a constant which is associated with q~ by the definition of vase-like. As a corollary, it is shown that the reflexive lattice of operator ranges generated by the range NH of a normal operator N consists of the ranges of all operators of the form tp(N), where q0 is vase-like. Similar results are obtained for scalar-type spectral operators on a Hilbert space,